Q: prints for charities


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As a full-time wildlife photographer, I'm in a privileged position to be able to spend time with many endangered species, such as these primates. I want to make a conscientious effort to support some of the frontline organisations that help save these animals, with images taken in their natural habitats.

So, later this year I'm hoping to release the following three prints where proceeds will be donated to the charities, at a few events. They will be printed at 16x12 so when mounted and framed, the finished size would be closer to A2. They will be printed on fine art/archival paper and professionally framed. I would appreciate your thoughts on the following:-

1) are the images below strong/appealing enough - i.e. would you consider buying one - hypothetically speaking.
2) do they work together?
3) if so, should they be framed as a set of three, or offered singularly?
4) if offered as a limited edition of 25 (each), what would be a good price point?

If anyone has done this before successfully, I would be grateful for any tips that you may have - PM me if you prefer.

TIA for your time...

Des,first up wonderful what you are trying to do all credit mate !! Des I can offer little,on price . I some how don't feel the black crested Macaque (is it Des I might be wrong?? ) fits in the set. Out of the three images I half expect folks won't go for the middle image because it simply isn't as iconic a species and not so well known as the other two. I do feel all images work well together and have the sterngth you are looking for ,but we both have reservations about the macaque. I'd sell separately Des,but with a slight reduction(incentive) for someone that buys the "set" of three

Des next up mono tone,while it completely works,for your images,again I have an insecurity that this facet might also limit sales?? i'm not a great fan of mono Des,personally,I'll declare that here,becuase obviouslly it is relevent to my concern,I feel there are many like me whom might prefer a colour version..... conversly there are many whom love mono so maybe I'm completely wrong here,but I felt it worth throwing into the pot. I'm struggling a bit Des because simply i'm no far enough on in my own journey to offer thoughts based on experience.

I hope this helps in some small way,I really wish it was more mate,because what you are trying to do is a wonderful thing,I simply do not have the expertise to go further. I do want to wish you every success with this though:)
