Question regarding Adobe software and serial numbers


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I just wondered if there is a limit as to how many PC,s/laptops you can put your Adobe software ie CS3/4 Elements onto using the same serial number, in the same sense as there is a limit with antivirus software, this is a legitimate question i'm not talking about copied or pirate software here :)
I thought most software unless specified different was only valid for one pc, could be wrong though.
I thought most software unless specified different was only valid for one pc, could be wrong though.

I have Elements 7 on my PC and laptop, i think you can put antivirus on up to 3 PCs, i just wondered in the case if you where to change your PC or laptop :shrug:
The anti-virus is normally specified saying up to 3 pc's. You can install on as many as you like but legally you can only put it on 3 pc's at any one time. It used to be only valid for one pc but Norton etc have been getting generous in their old age!!
For CS3-4 and Lightroom the Adobe EUL allows for a copy to be on one Desktop machine and one laptop, provided they are not used at the same time ( don't know how you enforce that bit). Can't help you with Elements. You need to plough through the license agreement to find out
PSP can be installed on numuros machines but only used on one at a time per license. dont know bout adobe, read the terms and conditions and it should tell you
It varies depending on the software and the licence purchased.

A quick Google finds the Adobe Photoshop license Agreement (the bit that you just agree to on the install) and on the first page you find:

Adobe EULA said:
2.4 Portable or Home Computer Use. Subject to the important restrictions set forth in Section 2.5 below, the primary user of the Computer on which the Software is installed (“Primary User”) may install a second copy of the Software for his or her exclusive use on either a portable Computer or a Computer located at his or her home, provided that the Software on the portable or home Computer is not used at the same time as the Software on the primary Computer. You may be required to contact Adobe in order to make a second copy.

The whole thing can be found here, Google is great ;)