quite a bit of pp on this one....

Very nice image, I would lighten the eyes a bit though.
A lot better with the eyes lightened. I hope you dont mind but I had a play about with some images from the PP - I shall remove them if you request them to be removed.


I lightened the eyes a bit and added some blur to smooth some of the jpeg compressionals a bit.


Sometihng a bit darker and edgier. And a different crop
Done with setting a gradient map layer to overlay.
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Love that (y) The second version with the lightened eyes is the better of the two imo. For me, it's the piercing eye contact and the ultra shallow DOF that make the shot. Great job :)
i agree, i htink the eyes could do with a little whitening and maybe some cropped from the left to move the "in focus eye" closer to the first third.
Great image though, i would be very proud of this. (y)
I agree with the comments above the eyes need to be brighter, but I like the picture as a whole the only other thing I can't decide is whether the picture would have been better with both eyes in focus? Good attempt though! (y)
I had a quick play aswell:

it must be a good image, its inspired all of these edits! (y)