RAF files losing colour when opened in photoshop

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Hey, i've had a search around the net but can't seem to find the answer.

could any one help me with this, im borrowing an X100 for a little bit, it's set to standard 'film' mode. When i open the image with preview it looks fine & the same as in camera but hten when i actually open the file into photoshop the colours just seem to change, i can't notice any obvious automatic adjustments the RAW convertor thing on photoshop has made so i'm a bit stumped.

thanks in advance, could just be me being a bit silly. here's some example photos....

Are you shooting in RAW?

If so the camera is applying some jpg settings (normal film, which will alter the colours) and probably Viewer is showing the jpg and then when you open the raw in photoshop it is applying its own conversion which will probably be totally different to the fuji one (I don't know how it is now but Adobe used to be rubbish at decoding x-trans raw files).
It's Adobe changing the camera calibration profile (bottom of the right land side pane in develop mode) to Adobe Standard.

Just change it to the one to match the film simulation used (from the drop down) and you'll be back to something close to the in camera rendition.

Alternatively use the jpeg rather than the raw to get the exact copy.
Exactly the above as far as I understand it.

You can access the Fuji film simulations through the Camera Calibration tab in Lightroom if you have it. Not sure about PS.

The Preview app is very capable to translate correctly
your file cause Apple made it so. PS, OTH, obeys preset
preferences relative to colour spaces, for example, upon
opening. If you use more than PS from that maker, you
can set your preferences in one operation through Br.
If you are using PS only, go to Edit in the menu and at
the bottom you will find the 3 specific to colour space and
profiles options windows.
Hey, i've had a search around the net but can't seem to find the answer.

could any one help me with this, im borrowing an X100 for a little bit, it's set to standard 'film' mode. When i open the image with preview it looks fine & the same as in camera but hten when i actually open the file into photoshop the colours just seem to change, i can't notice any obvious automatic adjustments the RAW convertor thing on photoshop has made so i'm a bit stumped.

thanks in advance, could just be me being a bit silly. here's some example photos....

As mentioned before you'll need to change the camera profile to Standard/Provia - but it also appears you have shadow tone set to -2 and highlights set to +2 in camera, which can't be automatically replicated by Adobe on import.
As mentioned before you'll need to change the camera profile to Standard/Provia - but it also appears you have shadow tone set to -2 and highlights set to +2 in camera, which can't be automatically replicated by Adobe on import.
Alan - quick question if I may without taking the thread off-topic but how are you reading the in camera settings from the image? I've been looking for something that decodes the Fuji specific settings in lightroom, but to no avail.