Range Rover Sport - Lightpainted

Really do like this. Better than some of the images you see in the glossy marketing material!

Very nicely done in ever aspect :)
The lighting is awesome!

Maybe the foreground foliage is a bit much?
I think that's really good, very tastful and well executed.

The only gripe for me is the plant/leaves on the bottom right.
Great image, like the lighting, the post processing, don't even mind the grass etc., only thing for me is I wish it would be a bit sharper, but lovely image in general, well done!
Full view to see it sharper, the forum shrinks it down a little ;)

Thanks for the kind work folks - it's good to hear them :)
Spot on mate as said on flickr.

Well composed, only crit is the field is lit as well as the car

I think given where the light's purporting to come from the light on the field is appropriate. Having a lit element behind a dark element can be quite tricky to pull off.
Here's the finished article:


Thanks again for all the kind words (y)
That is fantastic, I wouldn't mind having that up on my wall ;).

Brilliant shot! I bet you felt really good after taking that shot. Effort well spent.

The starbursts are just wow ! :D
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