RAW v Jpeg

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This week's AP should cause some people to froth at the mouth!! :D

I look forward to the ensuing bun fight:D:plus1:!
This week's AP should cause some people to froth at the mouth!! :D
No, they get raw and JPEG capitalised correctly - it's the "RAW" error that gets us foaming at the mouth..

..speaking of which.. :D
Back to the playground ,fight,fight ,fight :exit::exit::exit:
No, they get raw and JPEG capitalised correctly - it's the "RAW" error that gets us foaming at the mouth..

..speaking of which.. :D

I always use RAW to distinguish it from well...raw (as in carrots).
I have shot jpeg in either controlled condition or when I know that the outside conditions will not change. Other than that I shoot raw. Well I shoot raw I want to be in control. It's a digital negative I can process it my way. As I did in a dark room
I doubt the article is about correct spelling, that would be covered in Amateur Pedantographer

Just downloaded my free copy of AP via Zinio and the excellent Cambridgeshire Online Library service so will have a read with breakfast.
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RAW is for professionals isn't it?

Think you are confusing it with the P setting that many cameras have

Spotting a trend here and words beginning with a P
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RAW is for professionals isn't it?
Did you not see the picture, "Pros who shoot JPEG - Top Photographers reveal why they've rejected raw". ;)

Looks like they may have gone through all their RAW :D justification and processing tutorials, and are turning back to cover what can be done with JPEGs, in camera and post processing. ;) And so the merry go round turns, they've got to fill their pages. :rolleyes:
Being totally serious for once....
Why do people choose to reject an image that can be processed to suit the camera owner in favour of an image that is produced to suit the camera manufacturers choice?
I am seeing this quite a lot in the X-T2 thread. A lot of images are being shot in JPEG using camera presets for film simulation. Doesn't that remove the ability of the user to put their own stamp on things? There is quite often a debate about which film preset is best for which situation. If you shoot RAW or raw you can then modify to suit, can't you?

Maybe I'm a dinosaur shooting RAW or raw so what are the benefits apart from not having to do the processing work?
Not having to do the processing work!
Is that all it is?
I always think the JPEG images lack a little punch. Certainly the black and white simulation ot the Fuji - Acros - always comes out flat and lacking contrast, so I finish up processing it anyway. If I have to do that I might as well shoot in RAW and use Silver Effex to get my preferred result.
Being totally serious for once....
Why do people choose to reject an image that can be processed to suit the camera owner in favour of an image that is produced to suit the camera manufacturers choice?

Manufacturer's JPEG settings can be tweaked to suit your own preferences. Maybe that's what the pros are doing?:)
I use RAW and Lightroom along with loads of presets, also use JPEG too, whatever takes my fancy really, it's nice to have a choice
Surely digital photography is all about instant gratification? If you shoot raw, you have to process it yourself, and this not only takes time, but is really hard work; you not only have to know what you're doing but have some inkling of what you want to achieve. This is completely at odds with the modern ethos of cameras that autofocus and autoexpose so that "you press the button, the camera does the rest". Using jpg means that you can just download and show instantly.... :D
It's actually a plot to get Nikon D500 users to shoot in jpeg so that their useless Snapbridge App will allow transfer of images off the camera!
Hmmmm! the manufacturers all have different 'process engines' so all makes will output "their way" but and all the above posts not withstanding>>>>> is this AP's way of trying to get more sales of Mirrorless & dSLR away from cameraphones ~ conspiracy theorists please step forward ;)
Was there something on the front cover about RAW vs jpeg..........i cant say i saw it :naughty:
If it's that good why do you need 50+ tips to use it?
Had a quick glance at lunch and Jpeg would work to an extent.

1. Use JPEG Fine
2. Optimum JPEG quality
3. D-Lighting set to high
4. Use aRGB instead of sRGB
5. Use Lightroom as non-destructing platform
But surely they're just trying to sell magazines? Even if the content is carp the headline is a good one.

Well, it always gets a debate going on here. Maybe they'll look at some other (tasty) threads and add it to the editorial?