Recommend me an SLR

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I've been through so many DSLRs over the years I've lost count, recently having had a Canon R6 and then a Nikon Z7II. Got a bit fed up with all the bells and whistles and looking to take a step back to a more restful experience.

Aside from e bay, are there any go to places that sell 35mm cameras? I know it's had a bit of a resurgence in the last few years, so guessing there may be some places around that specialise in kit and film etc.

Thinking about a Canon New F1, or a Nikon F3, but this is a completely new field to me and so I appreciate that there will be lots of options here, which is why I'd like to ask for the benefit of your experience in recommending some kit for me to look at pls.

It's unlikely these days I suppose, but if anyone knows of any treasure troves in or around Bristol, Bath, or the SW in general where things can be handled etc I'd be interested to know.

Thinking about a Canon New F1, or a Nikon F3...
I've owned and used both of those and I'd choose the F3 over the New F1

On the other hand, my all time favourite is the original F1, much nicer than its successor and "prettier" than the F3. On the whole, Canon FD lenses seem to for quite a lot less than the equivalent Nikkors at the moment.

Canon F1 old and lenses.jpg
I always enjoyed using a Pentax ME Super. Excellent viewfinder, which looks huge compared to current DSLR bodies and, the film transport and shutter release felt so ‘sweet’. First one I had was stolen in New York in ‘81. I got another with insurance money. Unfortunately it jammed years ago, though I was given a Pentax P30n which was OK but it’s a bit clunky so not as nice to use as the ME Super.

Then I went over to digital and I’ve not shot film since.

The (still jammed) ME Super sits on a shelf in my study next to my Dad’s old TLR. Both need to be sorted out and that may happen one day. Good luck in your search.
It's unlikely these days I suppose, but if anyone knows of any treasure troves in or around Bristol, Bath, or the SW in general where things can be handled etc I'd be interested to know.
You could maybe try Mifsuds in Brixham, or SoPerfectImages in Plymouth? Both seem to have quite a bit of stock...
Good call, I'd forgotten about mifsuds - traded some kit with them years ago, amazed they're still going!
I'd favour the F3 for sure. I have one and it's a great little camera that can be picked up easily for two to three hundred quid - a bargain for what they are. I have about a dozen SLRs and that would be my 'go to' if I wanted to shoot 35mm (although I do like the F5).

If you just want to get started in film for the first time without spending too much money, then you're spoilt for choice. Prices have gone up quite a bit lately, but compared with DSLRs the prices are 'peanuts'.

If you post a wanted advert on here, I bet there's a fair few you could choose from. I have a few I'd sell at the right price, but I'm in no rush to sell them ATM and they're probably more than you're looking for just now.

Another consideration is the cost of D&P - look at doing it yourself or it's quite expensive. Colour is just as easy as B&W, but you'll want to start with B&W first because you won't need to worry about temperature control as much. This will reduce your costs by around eighty percent.
I would try and buy something that was compatible with my existing digital kit.
In my case that would be Nikon, had loads of Nikon film cameras over the years but I'm settled with an F100.
If non exists (compatible kit), I'd still go for something with AF and metering because it can always be turned off...:)
Look up Decade Cameras in Bristol.
Also try Ffordes and West Yorkshire Cameras (WYC)

I have a new style F-1 (F-1n) with the AE finder that I was thinking of selling. The only issue is that when it's on aperture priority, the needle in the viewfinder doesn't show the shutter speed it's going to pick. The shutter speed is right, it's just that the needle doesn't show it. It's in pretty good nick, and comes with a 28mm f/2.8. Obviously the price would be reduced due to the needle issue. If it's of interest, I'll look up prices and put some photos up in the classifieds.
Also try Ffordes and West Yorkshire Cameras (WYC)

I have a new style F-1 (F-1n) with the AE finder that I was thinking of selling. The only issue is that when it's on aperture priority, the needle in the viewfinder doesn't show the shutter speed it's going to pick. The shutter speed is right, it's just that the needle doesn't show it. It's in pretty good nick, and comes with a 28mm f/2.8. Obviously the price would be reduced due to the needle issue. If it's of interest, I'll look up prices and put some photos up in the classifieds.
Yes please on the F-1n
I've been through so many DSLRs over the years I've lost count, recently having had a Canon R6 and then a Nikon Z7II. Got a bit fed up with all the bells and whistles and looking to take a step back to a more restful experience.

Aside from e bay, are there any go to places that sell 35mm cameras? I know it's had a bit of a resurgence in the last few years, so guessing there may be some places around that specialise in kit and film etc.

Thinking about a Canon New F1, or a Nikon F3, but this is a completely new field to me and so I appreciate that there will be lots of options here, which is why I'd like to ask for the benefit of your experience in recommending some kit for me to look at pls.

It's unlikely these days I suppose, but if anyone knows of any treasure troves in or around Bristol, Bath, or the SW in general where things can be handled etc I'd be interested to know.

Ha! I've been thinking about that. Seem's that in the film days you needed to be a photographer and now in the digital days you also need to be a technition!
Online mostly, I should think. I think the days of getting it at your local chemist have long gone. Although some people are lucky.
From the person selling it the cheapest of course.

The best prices I've found most recently is Amazon, Analogue Wonderland and Nik&Trik. Even the Evil Bay occasionally.

It's normally cheaper to buy a minimum of ten or twenty rolls at a time - be sure to avoid paying extra in P&P charges.
Where does everybody buy film?
Morco Photographic are competitive on price. Delivery costs are reasonable from them but as others have said I do a min 10 roll order to bring cost per film p&p down.

No 35mm or 120 film will go in a large letter so the minimum anybody can send it is via small packet 2nd class at £3.35(?). That's a large premium on a single £5 roll of Kentmere.

Larger Boots (chemists) have some Ilford 35mm and occasionally a couple of c41 rolls. If you want a single roll that can be cheaper than mail order plus you can use it straight away.
I liked the Pentak MX (still have a pair) and the Nikon F3. The one I always wanted but never had was the Canon T 90.
Pentax MX or Spotmatic (avoid the F)

Both quite similar, but I prefer the Spotmatic. I don't find the screw fitting lens a problem, and it doesn't take that much longer to change, and I prefer my M42 lenses.

The shutter speeds will not be accurate, typically OKish up to 1/125, then around 1/350 at 1/500 and 1/500 at 1/1000.
This is quite normal to find on old cameras, and doesn't really make that much difference, most people don't even know about it or know what their cameras true speeds are :)

I also like my Zenits, the choice one being the 12XP, my daughter has one too, her favourite 35mm.

Avoid the Pentax P30 of any flavour, if you want something a bit more automated and lighter, the MZ50 is nice, reliable and can be had for under £20 with a lens. K mount lenses.
I recently found a Spotmatic F in a junk shop. It's a lovely camera. Providing you keep the lens capped. :D
Being a Pentax fan (with a whole load of different K and M42 lenses), I absolutely endorse the recommendation. For the real sense of the 60's/70's, Spotties are hard to beat, but the later MX and KX are a joy. For a 90's capability with autofocus but lots of control, the MZ5 (rather than the MZ50) I would also recommend. KAF kit lenses are cheap as chips, usually they come with the body in ebay sales.
I've got an F5 Nikon but my favorite was a Nukon FG. Smaller and lighter and I knew how to use most of it. Never did figure out that F5! Today I would not consider a film camera unless I was putting in a darkroom also. Few thing's bad about film, where do you find the film? I look now and then and seem's it is simply all gone. So having to look so hard for film, I'd definately go med format. Film won't be easier to find and camera bulker but photo's supposed to be better. Don't know about fixing them when printing and would guess computer work's best for me and digital. So another plus for digital. Next is if you don't have a darkroom, where do you find someone that can develope and print for you? I tried some year's back doing some film and just to much hassel getting developing and printing done any more. Boy my film cameras were a lot easier to use though!
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Being a Pentax fan (with a whole load of different K and M42 lenses), I absolutely endorse the recommendation. For the real sense of the 60's/70's, Spotties are hard to beat, but the later MX and KX are a joy. For a 90's capability with autofocus but lots of control, the MZ5 (rather than the MZ50) I would also recommend. KAF kit lenses are cheap as chips, usually they come with the body in ebay sales.
I'm going to buy an M5 (or two :) ) to try.
Have avoided them in the past because of mirror gear problems, but they do look interesting :)
H'mm as the lens quality is very important it's also worth considering do you want a camera that is complicated and expensive, and just my opinion if you want a good camera that's a lot cheaper then I'm happy with my two Canon T70's, some say it's ugly but check out what it can do and would it be worries about light leaks and can even do about 2 frames/sec. and has shutter safety shift i.e. if you forget to alter the shutter speed for darker times of the day. I also have a Canon T90 and Nikon F4 but it's horses for courses when to use.