Recovered Gems...


Edit My Images
One of the best parts of having a Film scanner is the chance to dip into the big box of family photo's and recover some of the old images that were ruined by my parents insistence in using some cheap mail-order photo processing company to handle their holiday snaps.

I'm sure everyone else has a few as well - here are a couple of mine - please feel free to add yours :)

Scan10002.jpg by The Big Yin, on Flickr

Tough Lie.jpg by The Big Yin, on Flickr
Gee, I'll have to see if I can find any of mine! Love the golf shot - how on earth did the ball end up there! Looks like a crazy golf game, certainly crazy. LOL
I'm not sure how it ended there, It may just have been my Dad mugging for the camera whilst on holiday playing "pitch and putt" :LOL:

Compared to what my Mother did to improve her lie, climbing a tree was childs-play:LOL:

Strongwoman.jpg by The Big Yin, on Flickr
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found this one of my Mother - need to clean - maybe print ..?
somewhere in Wales after Father retired
see you dont need fancy ND Grads for waterfalls - just an old Agfa [at 1/30sec.?]
What super memories. Love the kids on the scooter. Might just be 'snapshots' but they are precious none the less.
Ok I'll play, here's one of my Dad and Step Mum when they got married, sometime in 1970 IIRC.


Photo courtesy of FLickr

I think Lea Manor which is near Albrighton Shropshire is closed at the moment but I think a lot of the local people have enjoyed some happy days at this great old place.

I'm the teeny tiny tot sucking his finger.
Ok I'll play, here's one of my Dad and Step Mum when they got married, sometime in 1970 IIRC.

I'm the teeny tiny tot sucking his finger.

Ahhhh, ain't he sweet! :)

Those hats! Skirt lengths! Fashions! Wonderful, evocative picture.

Joxby: That scooter brings back some memories and as for the Renault, I had a 6 and it carried some gear and did some miles - great fun.

Photographs = capturing time and unlocking memories = Priceless

Thank you
Wrong thread, sorry! :eek:(
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Ahhhh, ain't he sweet! :)

Those hats! Skirt lengths! Fashions! Wonderful, evocative picture.
and as for the Renault, I had a 6 and it carried some gear and did some miles - great fun.

Photographs = capturing time and unlocking memories = Priceless

Thank you

Funnily enough it's probably why I own a Renault 4 today! My Dad had 4's a 6 a 12 and a 16.

For my Renaults I've owned, two 14's, a 9, an 11, a 21, a 5 Gordini and of course the 4 I have now, which is Ex French Police.
One of the best parts of having a Film scanner is the chance to dip into the big box of family photo's and recover some of the old images that were ruined by my parents insistence in using some cheap mail-order photo processing company to handle their holiday snaps.

I'm sure everyone else has a few as well - here are a couple of mine - please feel free to add yours :)

Tough Lie.jpg by The Big Yin, on Flickr


its tiger bigyin...thats the best good humour shot i have seen for a while

and it looks like sunny spain?

its tiger bigyin...thats the best good humour shot i have seen for a while

and it looks like sunny spain?

Glad you liked it Geof - it makes me smile every time I see it... Typical of my dad, whenever he concentrates on something, his tongue sticks out and he looks gormless :LOL: It's also the best photo my mother ever took - one of maybe 15 that didn't have the subjects head cut off, and maybe one of 5 without her finger partly over the lens. She was far better at bending trees :LOL:

As far as the location, I think it was taken on holiday in Poreč - at the time, Yugoslavia, now Croatia.
Ok I'll play, here's one of my Dad and Step Mum when they got married, sometime in 1970 IIRC.


Photo courtesy of FLickr

I think Lea Manor which is near Albrighton Shropshire is closed at the moment but I think a lot of the local people have enjoyed some happy days at this great old place.

I'm the teeny tiny tot sucking his finger.

Think I was on holiday there once when I was a kid.
Does it have a golf course infront of it?
Ok another recovered photo from me.

This was taken by our next door neighbour, he was IIRC called Bill Bishton and was a photographer for the Shropshire Star, so we ended up getting in the paper quite a bit when we were kids.

I found this potato when digging them up for dinner and we decorated it and we ended up in the paper again.

Some scans of old prints:-

My father about 4 years old with long blond hair, eventually went black:-

My grand father in the guards in WW1...first row up, 2nd from right seated:-
what scanners are people using for these and can anyone recommend me one please ?

great pics folks
what scanners are people using for these and can anyone recommend me one please ?

great pics folks

For scanning photo's pretty much anything will do the trick, but for scanning negatives/slides it gets a bit more tricky and expensive. Usual recommendations around £150 are the Epson V500 and the Canoscan 8800F.
Time for another recovery job... this was one I did last year, a old studio shot of my Grandad (on the left) and one of his army mates...

Original was pretty tatty - it'd been crammed into goodness knows how many shoe-boxes over the last 80+ years.
Here's a few from the family album.

This is my Mum's grandparents outside their shop in Hanley about 1885. It was pretty tatty but photoshop has worked its magic and it even printed out quite well.

Great Grandparents Frederick and Maud and on the left my grandad George. Frederick died about 12 months after this was taken. This was taken about 1910.

And finally Grandad Ernie. Born 1897 died 1979 and this was taken about 1920. Ernie was a true gent and a fine photographer, engineer and teacher. Always polite, never lost his temper and even though he nearly lost a leg in the first war never held a grudge against the Germans. He played violin for the silent movies while recovering from his wounds and taught himself to be an engineer in his spare time.


***This is my Mum's grandparents outside their shop in Hanley about 1885.***

WoW That date is old.
For scanning photo's pretty much anything will do the trick, but for scanning negatives/slides it gets a bit more tricky and expensive. Usual recommendations around £150 are the Epson V500 and the Canoscan 8800F.

Hey stop scaring would be filmies away :razz:, an Epson 2480 for under £20 would do, for 35mm.
I know you always recommend the second hand stuff Brian, so left that field of expertise open for you... when it comes to computer kit, it's a legitimate business expense for me, so I never think of buying second hand :shrug:
I know you always recommend the second hand stuff Brian, so left that field of expertise open for you... when it comes to computer kit, it's a legitimate business expense for me, so I never think of buying second hand :shrug:

Well Mark you have to think of the poor and needy as well :crying:



#4 1970,s wedding attire.:love:
I have this one from 1968 my Mum, Dad, me and my little bro. Love the wallpaper!
Here's a few more from the dim and distant past ;

My Mum's grandparents and on the left my Mum's mum. This is from around 1907 we think.

Mum's Mum again, this one around 1920

And finally, my Dad's parents, George and Doris, promenading about 1933 (ish)


some of these are brilliant :) ill have to get a few up when my scanner stops being temperamental :shrug:
just purchased a scanner and impressed at the quality so once I upload to PB will share, good thread more interesting and fun
Here's my grandfather in 1911 and my nephew in 2011.
Well you can see the family resemblance there. Excellent idea and very well executed.


hubby and son some time ago play time McGrath style..

(thank you for making me look )
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My older brother and I, 1965. He's just been smacked for trying to push me off the chair! Made a few other attempts on my life in the next few years lol.