Removing IE and Chrome Icons from desktop

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I'm trying to remove the IE and Chrome Icons from my desktop without any success. I thought it was as simple as clicking on the icon and hitting the delete button but if I do that, it also deletes the programme. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
It does not delete the program.

It will still be available from the start menu or the taskbar if you have pinned it there.
It does not delete the program.

It will still be available from the start menu or the taskbar if you have pinned it there.

On my system, Windows 10, If I click on the IE Icon on my desktop and then click on delete, it definitely removes the whole programme as well as the icon from the start menu.
That is odd. I work in IT and have never seen this.
How do you get it back?

Also if you have IE (or Chrome) open, then delete the icon - Does IE (or Chrome) close or stay open?
Are the icons on the desktop shortcuts or are they the actual program?

I recently had a problem where my PC hadn't been updating since the Anniversary update. The company who build my PCs had it on remote and eventually got everything up to date. During all the process of getting the updates working, IE, Google and a couple of other programmes went astray, when I mentioned it to them, they put them back on for me. I'm now not really sure if the 'icons' on the desktop are programmes or shortcuts.
That is odd. I work in IT and have never seen this.
How do you get it back?

Also if you have IE (or Chrome) open, then delete the icon - Does IE (or Chrome) close or stay open?

I did a restore from the Recycle Bin.
I recently had a problem where my PC hadn't been updating since the Anniversary update. The company who build my PCs had it on remote and eventually got everything up to date. During all the process of getting the updates working, IE, Google and a couple of other programmes went astray, when I mentioned it to them, they put them back on for me. I'm now not really sure if the 'icons' on the desktop are programmes or shortcuts.
Right click on the icon and choose properties from the sub menu - it is the bottom option. If it is a shortcut it open as per the image below (I've used firefox in this example) ...

If it is the program it will look similar to his (used a downloaded driver file as the example) ...

Thanks Paul, I'll have a look to see which it is.