Replacement for 400D kit lens

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Having finally got my employer to pay me the cash they have owed me for months ive decided to upgrade the 18-55mm kit lens on my 400D.
The main ones ive been thinking of are the canon 17-85 IS and the sigma 17-70. Obviously the sigma is a lot less expensive (£188 from onestop-digital). Is the IS really any use on such a wide lens? Is the Canon glass really worth the extra cash? Is there any alternative to the two ive come up with so far?

Thanks in advance
I asked a similer question recently this might help
I haven't "gone" either way yet still toying with the ideas
Strange how few people want to stick up for the Canon....

tbh I think it's just that the Sigma 17-70 is such a damn good lens for a very reasonable price :)
Canon 24-105 f4 IS or the 24-70 f2.8 ? Both L glass if you don't mind losing a bit of width and gaining at the top end.
Get the 17-70 mate. 24mm isn't actually very wide on a 1.6 crop sensor. I reckon you'd get fed up changing lenses all the time and you would have to change often imo
how much were you offered the 24-70 for?

I'm seriously tempted to upgrade my kit lens to a canon 18-55 IS, can get it for £85inc postage from Hong Kong, sell my kit lens for £35is then i've only paid £50 for it, if it's crap then i can easily make my money back (assuming i don't have tp pay the customs tax) and buy the 18-50 F/2.8 sigma. The IQ of the new 18-55IS is apparently very good.
My Sigma 24-70 lives on my 400D all the time as a walkabout lens now. Very sharp and 2.8 through the range is very handy. If the one you've been offered is a good price grab won't be disappointed(y)
May i ask how much mate? I'm after the same sort of thing to replace my kit lens.

The Siggy 24-70mm F2.8 EX DG Macro is a cracking lens "if" you get a good copy that is.

I have one and mainly use it for shooting in low light, thou it does make a decent walk about lens i find it slightly to big & heavy but im only a little chap lol.

Eitherway you won't be dissapointed with this lens.
all the pictures I took around china were taken with the sigma 17-70mm (in the general photo section) which I picked up cheap in HK as I was curious. It does a good job, an almost perfect range. I had the tarmon 28-75mm and would take the sigma over it although not over the canon 17-55mm. The canon lens would be ideal if you want to spend that kind of money.
I asked this exact same question on this forum a couple of months ago. I wanted to upgrade and move on from the old kit lens just like you and the one lens that was recommended over and over again was the Sigma 17-70mm. After hearing all of that praise I went for it (bought it from onestop-digital) and I've never looked back.

It really is a great lens. The build quality is far superior to the 18-55mm (it obvious just by holding it) and the resulting shots are noticeably better. It's pretty adaptable too, what with the increased focal length and all, so it makes a really nice primary lens. I still have the 18-55mm as a backup but I honestly can't seeing myself going back to it for any length of time. If you want to upgrade the Sigma is definitely a leading contender. ;)
Hmmm, i was going to go for the Sigma 18-200 OS lens for my Canon D400. Looking at this thread i'm now unsure what to go for.
Hmm im leaning more and more in a sigma direction
Ive emailled Kerso to see if he can get hold of one (he doesnt seem to have one in stock at present in his ebay shop). If he can get one i'll probably get that.
Strange how few people want to stick up for the Canon....

Don't need to 'stick up' for Canon quality lenes, they are 'quality'

I personally will never buy another Sigma lens as long as I live, they are cheap for a reason.
Odd then that people who have used some of the Sigma EX range say that they are on par with the Canon L's!
VERY pricey even from Kerso, but it's as sharp as hell, really should have been Canon first EF_S L lens

yup, i have one, and love it. :) It would be an 'L' by all accounts, only canon dont make 'pro' glass specifically for the crop sensor bodies :thinking:
I'm slightly puzzled by all this talk of 17-55 and 18-55 EFS lenses.

I have an EFS 18-55 IS f3.5-5.6 lens that I bought at the beginning of november with a 400D body.
Is this likely to be one of the good ones, or is it little better than the non-IS kit lens?
I'm slightly puzzled by all this talk of 17-55 and 18-55 EFS lenses.

I have an EFS 18-55 IS f3.5-5.6 lens that I bought at the beginning of november with a 400D body.
Is this likely to be one of the good ones, or is it little better than the non-IS kit lens?

The new 18-55 F/3.5-5.6 IS is getting rave reviews and is tipped to be the next nifty fifty (cheap and cheerful yet great quality). I ordered mine last night for £85inc.
I think dan is getting a little mixed up with his lenes here. The lens he has just bought from me is the Sigma Ex 24-70mm macro. Which is 2.8
Oh and by the way, George has other lenses for sale
Sigma EX 50-500mm 1:4-6.3APO DG HSM. £475
Sigma EX 150mm 1:2.8 APO macro DG HSM £275
Canon EF 75-300mm 1:4-5.6 MK III NON USM. £35.

I saw all 3 when i picked up my 24-70, they are all in mint condition
I can certainly reccomend George as a seller :)
If anyone is interested PM Gerods ... :)
I think dan is getting a little mixed up with his lenes here. The lens he has just bought from me is the Sigma Ex 24-70mm macro. Which is 2.8
Aye, thats the one.

130 miles of M6 and M56 and a tiny bit of getting lost can do that to a brain..... :p