Retina Macbook Pro or any Macbook with Applecare (read if you have one)


TPer Emeritus
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If anybody has a retina Macbook Pro with Apple's Applecare insurance this is a top tip :)

Check your current battery health because if it is below 80% Apple will replace the battery free of charge and not only that but Apple only supply their shops with the battery already installed inside a top case complete with keyboard and trackpad!

So how do you check?

Well you can install iStat which is free and gives you a "battery health percentage" reading OR you can calculate it. You need to find the specified full charge capacity of your battery which on the MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) is 8400mAh now go to the Apple icon and "About this Mac" then "System report" then click on the left hand pane and locate "Power". Now read down the right hand side to find "Full Charge Capacity (mAh)" which with my new battery is 8360.... Do the calculation and round down 8360/8400X100 = 99%

Like I said if this figure is below 80% then contact support via the internet and they will go through several checks to recalibrate the battery etc. Once these are done and the figure stays below 80% they will replace the battery in store without further question. If the figure creeps back over 80% then wait a week and it may well go below again. Also if you drop it off early in the day they can do it whilst you do a bit of shopping and then you can collect it the same day.

Why do this?

Well getting a new battery, keyboard and trackpad when your laptop is 2.5 years old is always good but this repair costs £306 if you have to pay for it. I've now got a laptop that has a new battery and feels like a new laptop again plus the battery should be good for another 3 years.

The battery price quoted above is for the battery, top case, keyboard, trackpad and probably speakers plus labour. You can get the batteries and do it yourself but the Apple batteries tend to be of a high quality.....