Reverse nd filters? Where to buy?

im entrigued now
Reverse ND Grad filters are ones that are start light at the top, then go darker towards the middle, normally used for shots with a very bright horizon (I think)

As far as I know, the only ones available are from Singh Ray and sodding expensive.
I didn't know either. Found out here half way down the page.

Looks like a specialised sunset filter?
I have considered the singh ray one but it is £100 which is a bit steep.

I turned my normal nd filter upside down for this shot ( excuse the wonky horizon) and did very little to it other than sharpen resize etc but it is a bu**er to hold in the right place as it tends to fall out of the filter holder.

never heard of them before but a interesting idea but i wouldnt be able to afford that just to try it.
Not having a filter set, and probably being really stupid. But couldn't you use a normal square ND grad upside down, or is there some mechanism that stops them being inserted upside down.