Robs 52 2010. Weeks 10, 11 & 12 - Chemistry, Candid & Produce

Welcome aboard Rob, good luck.
Right then here goes, first attempt! Difficult without a tripod, would be interested in your comments. Couldn't quite get it as sharp as I would have liked but still learning.


Cheers, Rob
Rob - I like it - especially the subtle curves in the background. Composition & framing both work for me. Really good start mate. It looks sharp enough to me but don't be afraid to bump up the ISO to get a sharper shot handheld, especially when you're resizing down to web resolutions because you won't see the noise. I assume you used the newly acquired 50mm 1.8 lens?
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Rob - I like it - especially the subtle curves in the background. Composition & framing both work for me. Really good start mate. It looks sharp enough to me but don't be afraid to bump up the ISO to get a sharper shot handheld, especially when you're resizing down to web resolutions because you won't see the noise. I assume you used the newly acquired 50mm 1.8 lens?

Cheers Dave! You are correct, it was taken with the new 50mm 1.8. & I will bear in mind the ISO tip as well.

And thanks for the positive comment madmadam. I was trying to incorporate another subtle element into the background to try and aid the composition.

Cheers, Rob
(y) I really like this Rob.

It took me a few moments to figure out what it was, but now that I've got there I think it's really well done.
The curve in the background fabric is just the sort of detail that I love in a photo and it echoes the curve of the bronze perfectly.

I like the crop as it is, but I'd also quite like to see a version with the top part of the statue in frame. Not sure whether it would be an improvement or not, but I'd be interested to see how it compared.
(y) I really like this Rob.

It took me a few moments to figure out what it was, but now that I've got there I think it's really well done.
The curve in the background fabric is just the sort of detail that I love in a photo and it echoes the curve of the bronze perfectly.

I like the crop as it is, but I'd also quite like to see a version with the top part of the statue in frame. Not sure whether it would be an improvement or not, but I'd be interested to see how it compared.

Appreciate the comments Sarah, trouble is that there is no top of the statue as it is just a bust!! I carefully lent it against the wall on top of a chair, and the other secret is..............the curves in the background are actually a lamp!! A little bit of playing with the angles, and that is what I came up with.

Cheers, Rob
It took me at least 3 looks before I realised what exactly I was looking at - I guess there is no sense of scale - as Sarah said that curve leading out to the left echos the curve of the statuette beautifully...and the truncation of the figure, for me anyway, just makes the image so much more alluring...almost it! :clap:
^^^ saves me typing :p

Cheers Lee, glad you like it!

It took me at least 3 looks before I realised what exactly I was looking at - I guess there is no sense of scale - as Sarah said that curve leading out to the left echos the curve of the statuette beautifully...and the truncation of the figure, for me anyway, just makes the image so much more alluring...almost it! :clap:

John, interesting point about the sense of scale as I hadn't really thought about it much, other than just filling the one side of the shot with the bust. Cheers.

Nice one Rob, superb, what more can I say (y)

Cheers Mark.
Struggled here, but here's week 2's entry:bang:

New Shoes by Saint Cynosure

What to do,
where to go,
I've put on my new shoes.
Maybe down to make a bet,
there blue and I cant lose.
If I could somehow stop to think,
then maybe I could choose.
But I cant seem to get away
from viewing my new shoes

Comments always welcome. :help:

Cheers, Rob
Like it a lot Rob - especially the light under the shoe on the left. Good one mate.
Like it, but are they blue?:)
Thanks for the positive replies folks!

Jackie.....they are silvery with a tinge of blue;)

Cheers, Rob
I really like the 'Curved' shot! I had to look at it for a while before I realised what it was too, and I really like this composition as it's quite abstract and the curves in the background really add to it. Well done!

Week 2's image is a good one too, I like the arrangement and lighting (y)
Catchup comments :)

Cracking "Curves" shot. I really like the texture and the complimenting OOF curves.

As to the Poetry one...

Great perspective, and I like the floorboard lines leading into/through the image. Minor, minor critique though is the shadow of something above the shoes in the middle of the image. Just me being picky though!

Nicely lit and well composed shot, the floorboards definitely add to it. If I were being picky, I'd possibly pull the left heel into focus slightly more. Don't know why just my eye keeps getting drawn to that heel (y)
Really difficult theme to be original & creative.....but here's my take. Still learning all the controls but using a tripod on this certainly helped, but it can be seen in the reflection and didn't have the PP skills to clone it out! Must learn elements too.......

Feedback always welcomed.

Cheers, Rob

Week 1 Background and subject work well together.

Week 2 Nice simple shot with a great poem to match

Week 3 Love it, great take on the theme. Watch your reflections ;)

I love you're week 2 image, it's simply and full of story, I wouldn't change anything about it. This weeks has a nice comedy aspect to it, best of luck shooting that without getting your own reflection in it though. Impossible me thinks.
Week 1 Background and subject work well together.

Week 2 Nice simple shot with a great poem to match

Week 3 Love it, great take on the theme. Watch your reflections ;)


Thanks for the positive comments Scott.

I love you're week 2 image, it's simply and full of story, I wouldn't change anything about it. This weeks has a nice comedy aspect to it, best of luck shooting that without getting your own reflection in it though. Impossible me thinks.

Never really thought about the comedy aspect of the shot, I was more determined to get some colour into this weeks. The only way round the reflection thing is cloning i guess..........but don't know how to:bonk:

Must find a recipe for butternut squash now.....................

Cheers, Rob
Rob - good one mate, I must admit I didn't look for the reflection but as you've mentioned it...thought I recognised that Tripod :D

Like the contrast of orange and black, and the vibrant colour is great - really different.
Catch up time for me Rob.

I love your poetry shot. Great lighting and lovely DOF.

Chopped : (y) Very original take on the theme and set up perfectly.
I don't know that I would have particularly notice the reflection if you hadn't pointed it out. My eye's drawn more to the orange of the Squash.

The best way to learn these things in PP is practice and there are plenty of tutorials online. Give it a go. Your first few attempts might not be great, but you'll get there and with a bit more confidence it would be great to add some motion blur to the sword too.
Have to say I hadn't noticed the reflection until someone mentioned it. Fantastic colour to contrast against the black of the figure. Not sure why the head looks a little soft to me. Very nice idea.
Thanks very much for the comments. I maybe should have not mentioned the reflection:LOL:

Cheers, Rob
Another excellent shot Rob, well done, like the interesting take on it. As for the reflection, I'm afraid I have to disagree that PP is the way forward. You just need to spend hour after hour of faffing about with bits of cardboard, and you soon loose the reflection :)
Chopped works very well, and has an excellent chuckle factor to it. Great idea, and well implemented.
I'm another who hadn't noticed the reflection. And yep, as another who has recently acquired the splendid D90, I agree with you regarding learning all the controls.
The colour of the squash is great and your image is sharp and best of all for me, it's imaginative.
It's one of those shots that would stand out and catch my eye if it were sat within a group of other images:clap:

I think the folds in the fabric on your curved image complement the statue perfectly.

I like the set up for the trainers and the floorboard lines running perpedicular to them.
This is my first attempt at night time photography (in the 'golden hour'), very cold but enjoyed getting out there!

Pleased with the way the sky came out but still not perfect overall. Decided to leave it at that, as wanted to make sure i had my D90 at the end of the evening! Out of interest can anyone recognise the place?

Look forward to your comments.

Cheers, Rob

I like the photo especially the lighting at the end of the street but the buildings on the right look like they are leaning in
Rob - this is a great first night shot. You did well to get one with no people in it, and I absolutely love the rich graduated blue of the sky. How long was the exposure?

I think the only thing I would change would be to try and straighten it up in PP - there's a bit of distortion in there due to the wide angle of view, which you can correct in many RAW converters.

Well done mate - superb stuff, given that you're still fairly new to this game.
I really like your Street shot, I love the golden buildings on the left and the colour of the sky.

I am slightly wary of carrying even my cheaper kit around but carrying a monopod or tripod with me gives a bit more confidence as I could always clobber someone with it :bat:
The thing I like about this is that you have the older looking buildings on the left juxtaposed against the modern shop signs on the right. The buildings on the right may well look the same, and the shop signs on the left may well be as modern, but you've framed it so that we can't see, and by doing so have kept the separation. Nicely done.

Some of the lights do seem a bit too bright for me, and I think there is a tilt somewhere (thought the right-hand side buildings are level), but nevertheless it's a good image.