Robs 52 2010. Weeks 10, 11 & 12 - Chemistry, Candid & Produce

I love the sky on this, nice mix of old and new in the architecture.. no idea where it is, looks nice though! ;)
Rob - this is a great first night shot. You did well to get one with no people in it, and I absolutely love the rich graduated blue of the sky. How long was the exposure?

I think the only thing I would change would be to try and straighten it up in PP - there's a bit of distortion in there due to the wide angle of view, which you can correct in many RAW converters.

Well done mate - superb stuff, given that you're still fairly new to this game.

Thanks Dave. I can't remember how long the exposure was on that one (I'll have a look in the details at some point), as I was blumin frozen by that point and was wary of all my gear.

I would agree with you on the straightening issue, just not sure how to do it yet:bonk: PP skills pretty limited still!

I really like your Street shot, I love the golden buildings on the left and the colour of the sky.

I am slightly wary of carrying even my cheaper kit around but carrying a monopod or tripod with me gives a bit more confidence as I could always clobber someone with it :bat:

Cheers Rudders, I was quite pleased with the colour of the sky. Even though my wife was with me as well, still felt a bit concerned about some idiots coming over and giving us jip! Thankfully though, we had no bother.

The thing I like about this is that you have the older looking buildings on the left juxtaposed against the modern shop signs on the right. The buildings on the right may well look the same, and the shop signs on the left may well be as modern, but you've framed it so that we can't see, and by doing so have kept the separation. Nicely done.

Some of the lights do seem a bit too bright for me, and I think there is a tilt somewhere (thought the right-hand side buildings are level), but nevertheless it's a good image.

Appreciate the comments Ben.

I love the sky on this, nice mix of old and new in the architecture.. no idea where it is, looks nice though! ;)

Thanks very much Michelle! Only midlanders "may" know the place. I have been there hundreds of times, but it does look different with no people.
These are four very strong openers Rob. Love the samurai, a great composition. The street shot is great I,ve not done night shots yet but after seeing this I must have a go. Great work......Mick
Brilliant shot for chopped Rob, love it. :)

Looks like a lovely street there as well. No idea where it is though. Only thing to mention is that the buildings on the left look like they are leaning in. Might have been good for poetry with the Radiohead lyrics for Street Spirit, "Rows of houses, all bearing down in me". :LOL:
Further to your comments i've had a play in Elements 6 and learnt a bit about adjusting camera distortion n stuff! I was quite amazed :banana: and it has hopefully straightened the leaning buildings from the original shot.
Let me know what you think.

Cheers, Rob

Beautiful quality of light in this Rob :clap: :clap: :clap:
I can't believe that this was your first ever night shot.

Nice composition and I'm glad that you corrected that distortion. Having said, that the buildings looming in could have given a completely different feel to the image if you'd gone for some more gloomy PP.
Thanks Sarah. It does look better with the correction and was quite pleased overall with my first attempt. Lots of playing with the settings and this 6 second exposure worked the best.

Cheers, Rob
That looks much better with the correction Rob. It's got a lovely feel to it, and the colour of the sky is excellent. As for location, sorry no clue. ;)
Another +1 for the corrected version. Love the colours and lighting.

If this was really your first attempt, I think you've done a cracking job. Fits the theme well, and really works due to the lack of people in it.

That looks much better with the correction Rob. It's got a lovely feel to it, and the colour of the sky is excellent. As for location, sorry no clue. ;)

Thanks John.

Another +1 for the corrected version. Love the colours and lighting.

If this was really your first attempt, I think you've done a cracking job. Fits the theme well, and really works due to the lack of people in it.


Cheers Ian. I promise this was my first attempt at low light / night photography. There were a few duffers prior to this one as I didn't realise that it almost has to be fully dark before you take the shot, as only then do you get the colours and street lights.

I must thank this forum in general as you learn sooooooo much(y)

Cheers, Rob
After being off ill all week, struggled to get out and about but always had this idea as a backup.

Your comments are always welcome.

Cheers, Rob

Clear as crystal, pin sharp and spot on theme-wise. I really like this , the colours POP !
Hope you are feeling better.

This works for me and I have to agree with RobC it is pin-sharp
and the colours are fantastic. Spot on with this weeks theme. (y)
Nice shot, colours work well, clear and sharp and bright and really pops out from the screen
I love the simple clarity of the speed shot - well done.

Great street shot, the colour in the sky is perfect. I alway think a quiet street shot needs a lone figure though.

Hmmmmm that looks familiar :D I may be biased about this shot so (y)
Clear as crystal, pin sharp and spot on theme-wise. I really like this , the colours POP !

Hope you are feeling better.

This works for me and I have to agree with RobC it is pin-sharp
and the colours are fantastic. Spot on with this weeks theme. (y)

hi rob, I like the lighting in your street scene and the lovely sky. Your image for week 5 is superb, very sharp and vibrant.

Nice shot, colours work well, clear and sharp and bright and really pops out from the screen

I love the simple clarity of the speed shot - well done.


Great street shot, the colour in the sky is perfect. I alway think a quiet street shot needs a lone figure though.

Hmmmmm that looks familiar :D I may be biased about this shot so (y)

Thanks for all the positive feedback folks! Still feeling a bit yacky, but hey-ho chin up n all that! Only Honda Civic owners would recognise that dash, ah Scott:LOL:

Cheers, Rob
hi mate so if you are from my neck of the woods where abouts are you based love the street image i'll hazard a guess at lichfield ,i think the angle of your speed image gives it an interesting perspective well done (y)
Hope you're feeling better Rob.

This one is very effective. It's a simple shot, but it really doesn't need anything else to add to it.
The angle and colours are spot on. My only criticism is that it would have been good if you could have made the motion in the needle just a little bit clearer . . . probably far easier said than done though.
Hope you're feeling better Rob.

This one is very effective. It's a simple shot, but it really doesn't need anything else to add to it.
The angle and colours are spot on. My only criticism is that it would have been good if you could have made the motion in the needle just a little bit clearer . . . probably far easier said than done though.

Thanks Sarah. Back in the world of the living now:clap:

I would fully agree with you regarding the motion of the needle. It was a real pain to try and get it clear enough:bonk:

My wife was trying to blip the throttle whilst straddling over the centre console, trying not to move too much and I had the camera set upon the tripod on the drivers seat, me in the back of the car with the head rest off shouting "GO" every now and again trying to get the timing right! The neighbours must have thought we were bonkers!!

Good fun though.

Cheers, Rob
Hi Rob,

I have to say that I think this is your best shot to date. It's beautifully clear, and turning the composition to crop it the way you did works really well. Your first posts suggest this is a new outing with your Nikon, but to me it looks like you've been behind a lens for a while.

Glad I've got this bookmarked. Looking forward to more entries.

Rob - really like this one. The colours are amazingly vivid, without being over the top, the angle works well and I think there's just enough motion showing on the needle. Brilliant stuff - must have been quite tricky to get right. Shame on you for not redlining it though :D
Thats ace rob, jumps right out at you.Great colours and no clutter.Nice one....Mick
That speed shot's really nice... stunning blue against the black. Works well for me, even if I did completely miss the movement in the needle.
Lovely, clear, precise shot, with excellent colours for speed... Is it a quick diesel ?
Hi Rob.

I love the richness of colour you acheived with your street scene - it's so vibrant. and as for speed, well, it's so sharp. Just right for the theme and those colours are so vivid.:clap:
This week has been a real nightmare :bang: Zippo inspiration, almost considered playing a joker this week but stuck with it. Crowbar alert!! The figure was a 'present' from my wife on our wedding day and he watches over me at the 'present' time.

C+C welcome.

Cheers, Rob

i really like this , love the blue light from the clock, it casts great shadows on the little figure, especially on the chest where it was carved

top stuff :D
Nicely crowbarred in:D, the blue works really well I just wish I could see more of the figure because I'm nosey.
not really crowbared Rob... I get the present... I hope that clock isn't that blue all the time... how do you ever sleep :D... I think it works well, and the figure fits in nicely.
I like how the symmetry of the clock and the light contrasts with the figure. I also like that little bit of red in the figure - adds a nice bit of interest.
The only thing I would pick up on - and it's a very minor point - is how dark the shadow part of the figure is.
Well I can’t see much of a crowbar in evidence there!
You’ve got present time and a present in the shot.(y)

The blue glow from the clock is very effective and I love that little figure. There’s something very lifelike about the pose. At a quick glance I thought you’d merged in a shot of a real person next to the clock.
Not sure where the red reflection on his hand is coming from, but I think it definitely adds something to the shot.

:clap: Not a thing I’d change about this. I love it just the way it is, even down to the little flares in the lighting from the clock.
another cracking shot, lighting from the clock is excellent really works well for me (y)
Liking the strong blue here Rob. Makes the figure intriguing.
Another one that puts me to shame:)You also have come up with a good take on the theme and carried out a good idea very well.Reminds me of a kids character called Morph I think:thinking:...Mick