Rusty Barb


Brian Cox
Edit My Images
My turn to try some barb wire. I shot this using the 55-250 and Raynox handheld. It was really tricky with the sun low behind me to get enough light to enable me to capture this at a sensible shutter speed. This is the only one that worked... I'm not sure the 55-250 IS works properly when the Raynox is on the nose so I turned it off.


Thanks for looking C&C please.
thanks. Oh no... what have I missed now Yv?

edit. Oh Man... Just found the post from Ed.... Phooeey :D have to find another one now :D
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Excellent image and well done for a sharp hand held shot.
Thanks very much (y)
Thanks very much Maureen (y)
Thought this was going to be a portrait of a red-headed lady called Barbara!!

Lovely rust shot, I love it.
Thought this was going to be a portrait of a red-headed lady called Barbara!!

:LOL::LOL: Fraid not ;) I'm not brave enough to take pictures of people as yet.. give it time and I'm sure that'll happen.

Thanks very much Janice.
Thanks very much Ant.
Great texture and colours on that wire John. You certainly seem to be giving that Raynox a good workout!! I have yet to use mine - Must try it on the nifty some time soon.

It's certainly good to see what you are doing with yours :naughty:
Thanks Sara and BeHappy.

It's certainly good to see what you are doing with yours :naughty:

It works real well with the extra length beyond 50.. ;) get's in silly close :naughty::naughty::D
Sara, yep. Huge. at 55mm, there is some, although not a heap load. At 250mm it's virtually all gone even stopping the lens down to F32. I have an image I shot yesterday, it's not good (I was trying a few things out) but it clearly shows the DOF at 250mm... I'll dig it up and post it so you can see.
Cheers Dave, yes I should, and I'm miffed with myself. Didn't even see the texture challenge post till Yv mentioned it :bang: