Daily ~Sam~'s 365 - one day at a time

Excellent and as everyone has said, the petals to the front really help to make it
:crying: HOW COULD HE!!!! .....the cad!!

I love the word cad, it's so old fashioned! :)

beautiful Sam :D Great DOF as well .... like the petals trailing to the front :)

Thanks, Carol :)

I agree. The petals trailing to the front are a nice touch. Gives a good depth to the shot.

Cheers, Connor

I really like both of yesterday and today's but today leaves me a little sad, everyone needs some love in there life :(

Don't be sad, Matt, there's always hope for her! :LOL:

Great work Sam !!

Thanks, Vince :)

Excellent and as everyone has said, the petals to the front really help to make it

Thank you, Sarah :)
Not a great day in terms of really getting out, so I thought I'd try a bit of that street togging I hear so much about. Took a photo of the front of a bar near where I work and the owner (?) came running out, so I went in search of a more passive subject................

365/18 by ~sammi~, on Flickr

I wasn't impressed, and it is Friday after all, so I then left and got stoned instead...

Stones by ~sammi~, on Flickr

After which, I decided to go home and relax with a drink having almost crashed my car on the way :puke:
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I love the stones... really nice!..

Street work is ace but you do have to get past those 'looks' lol!
Bless him - take it he had been sat there a while waiting for you then? :LOL: Great shot - both of them :)
I love the stones... really nice!..

Street work is ace but you do have to get past those 'looks' lol!

The stones are just round the corner from where I work and NOT on the ground, so I was happy with that! I don't do street work in general, it's just not my 'thing' although I absolutely love some of what I have seen by others! :)

Bless him - take it he had been sat there a while waiting for you then? :LOL: Great shot - both of them :)

I think he's been waiting for about 17 years now, Carol! :LOL: Thanks for your comments :)
I prefer the stones too. :)

I'm not comfortable doing street photography either - well not of people. Though I love some of the stuff I see on here taken by others.
I like the stones too ...you have brought something of yourself to the image, which is harder to do when you are shooting someone elses art :)
Hang on, let me get this right... you took a photo of some guys pub and he came running out after you? What a numpty that guy is! I'd have proceeded to take about 40 shots of him to be honest!

Street photography can be daunting, have to admit. I've had my fair share of those looks too, and been questioned by random idiots too. But I've never had somebody run out of a pub thinking they own the bloody street! That's a new one to me :LOL:
Men - Pah - What do they know ;)

No comment! ;)

Now, thats a bit harsh Sarah, where would you be without us???
Nice shot yesterday and today Sam, particularly like your flowers from yesterday.

Thanks, Phil :)

The simplicity and the DOF of the stones really works for me!

Thank you, Jake! :)

I prefer the stones too. :)

I'm not comfortable doing street photography either - well not of people. Though I love some of the stuff I see on here taken by others.

Thanks, Lynn! :) I know exactly what you mean - love some of the stuff I see, but really not keen on doing it myself!

I like the stones too ...you have brought something of yourself to the image, which is harder to do when you are shooting someone elses art :)

Thanks, Tezz! :)
Hang on, let me get this right... you took a photo of some guys pub and he came running out after you? What a numpty that guy is! I'd have proceeded to take about 40 shots of him to be honest!

Street photography can be daunting, have to admit. I've had my fair share of those looks too, and been questioned by random idiots too. But I've never had somebody run out of a pub thinking they own the bloody street! That's a new one to me :LOL:

In fairness, he didn't chase me down the street or say anything, but he did come out of the door pretty damn fast and stare at me at which point I wimped out and slunk away :confused:

Loved the stones.........and agree with karma about the numpty :)

Thanks, Colin! :)
Thanks for the replies, everyone - I think I'll swap my 'official' unofficial photos and relegate statue man! :LOL:
~Sam~ said:
Thanks for the replies, everyone - I think I'll swap my 'official' unofficial photos and relegate statue man! :LOL:

Haha!! YES do it!.... Lol
I love my wellies - we were in Virginia when Hurricane (Tropical Storm/Superstorm/whatever) Sandy, which necessitated some wardrobe changes.....found these on sale for $12 and really like the bright colours!

The photo might change - I went out to play earlier but had to stop when I got called in for lunch! :baby::baby::LOL:

365/19 by ~sammi~, on Flickr
nice shot Sam :) Could do with a pair of them for when I go tramping round the lake in the mud and snow (if we get some more)
nice shot Sam :) Could do with a pair of them for when I go tramping round the lake in the mud and snow (if we get some more)

Nice wellies indeed Sam, too clean though;)

Thanks to both of you! :)

Realistically, it's a fairly crap shot, but I needed to make sure I keep going (if I miss one, I'll miss all) - I looked at them and they were actually cleaner than I wanted...mud and muck would have worked well, but I just had a couple of slight smears so I cleaned them off! :)

I wanted MUD :bang:
Great set of recent posts. i really like your idea for the flowers, and I'm also a fan of the simplicity of those stones.
I think that the stones worked really well (y) and as to the bar owner, I know I have size on my side on this but I'd have told him where to go ;) I think the wellies work well (y) though I think that I'll stick to my green hunters :LOL:
Great set of recent posts. i really like your idea for the flowers, and I'm also a fan of the simplicity of those stones.

Thank you! :)

I think that the stones worked really well (y) and as to the bar owner, I know I have size on my side on this but I'd have told him where to go ;) I think the wellies work well (y) though I think that I'll stick to my green hunters :LOL:

Your green hunters may suite you better, Matt (y)

Now they are excellent wellies. I don't own any at all, but they'd be easier to clean than walking boots.

I've never been a welly person, but these are great! :D
Hi Samantha, a great start to your 365. Full of great pics, and looks like you are enjoying it. Love todays pic of the teddies.

Hi, Michael, thank you very much for your comments! Those teddies are the annual Harrods bears that are released at Christmas (although I haven't had one the last couple of years because the quality hasn't been as good)...it's the first time the poor blighters have had a taste of the 'great outdoors'!.

I love your avatar, BTW! :)