Samuelslade007 - Photo24 Oct 12

The mirror is inspired, but Inspired is also pretty darn fun too! (y)

Keep smiling kev, only a few more hours to go, hang in there :clap:

Bloody hell, I thought you had hours and hours to go...:nuts:, just reviewed and you have 4 more posts. Wow, this has been easy :exit:
Bloody hell, I thought you had hours and hours to go...:nuts:, just reviewed and you have 4 more posts. Wow, this has been easy :exit:

YEAH ANDY!!!..RUN!!>.... easy..??? :bonk: ... its been hellish... no plan on what i was shooting ... totally random... last minute ideas...:bonk:
The mirror is inspired, but Inspired is also pretty darn fun too! (y)

Keep smiling kev, only a few more hours to go, hang in there :clap:

time is flying....Yv..thanks for these words when i'm on the edge of finishing both challenges within a day... :clap:
Amazing work Kev, your creativity knows no limits (y) I love it and you clearly are a nutter but I have to commend you as your my kind of nutter :woot:

cheers Matt... 1 day left.. all challenges end... :bonk:

Superb stuff Kev (y) What a challenge for you to take on. :clap:

thank andy for this insanity Michael, he came up with the idea... but i don't have a safety valve of a wife to hold me back from doing crazy things like this...!!

What he said, :nuts:

Boxed it :D

boxed in was a total spur of the moment idea... TOTALLY... random
Yv said:
That's it Kev, 24 photos in 24 hours [ok, 23 for the real pedants], you did it!! :woot: .... Sleep the sleep of the angels, but make sure you are back here tomorrow to join us fairys :D

Except I didn't make it anywhere and fell asleep where I uploaded my last.....
Thanks to everyone who has looked and all those taken their time to comment and support. I wonder if any one else will try this mentally and physically challenging creativity exercise....?
jennyb said:
Well done, Kev, What a fantastic achievement :clap::clap::clap:

There were some great shots. As Matt said, you are so creative.

Put your feet up today.


Thanks Jenny. I'm very pleased that I aimed to cover different technical aspect than just light painting and dof ... The sun through the trees was a spur of the moment of losing light outside. The lens flares in it were genuine through....

And if it wasn't for my last photo for my 366 and quiz be having a glass and half in the garden.. ;)
some fab shots in there, very creative, and quite a challenge to boot! Well done sir ;)

hi Brian, thanks for stopping by (y) ... as for info, meta says it was f/22 and 1/60... i used my 100-400mm with a x2 extender.. all mounted on a tripod that was probably made by the first little pig as it moves so much ... but that might be due to the weight of all the gear on it... PLUS the moon is a fast mover... manual focus is a sod! as for PP, i mainly tweak contrast in these situations. :shrug: ... i was lucky for that HOUR, as 10 mins after there was utter cloud..

Hope this helps.

Kev (y)

Thanks Kev, I went out into the countryside and re-photographed the moon on Sat eve. I did a much better job this time, using faster shutter speeds and Bracketing like crazy! With your image for inspiration I spent AGES (I'm new to this) tweaking the brightness & contrast of my best image in Lightroom, I also went B&W. As I only have a bridge camera so I didn't expect too much but I am very pleased with the end result. It's now my desktop/screensaver... Thanks for the inspiration and help.(y)

Oh, and well done!
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