Saving as a specific file size.

Edit My Images
If Im trying to make an image a certain size (eg for the competition 165kb max)
and I use save for web. I then go to "optimize for file size" and set 165kb and save and there we have it.

However if I then open that document in photoshop...along the bottom bar it says the document is 1.20mb.

Even if you look at the document properties in windows explorer it says 173kb.
Am I doing something wrong?
I use "save for web", select JPG format, then adjust the quality until the filesize gets to where I need it to be.

Ignore Photoshop telling you the file is 1.20mb. In simple terms,all files are converted to Photoshop's PSD format upon loading so you can use layers etc. 1.20mb is really just an indication of how much system resources the image is using rather than the size of the file itself.

[edit] one more thing - when you click on 'properties' for an image in Windows, always go by the "Size" property. I.e. ignore the "Size on disk" one. Cluster size on a hard drive is often 4,096 bytes. A cluster can only contain one file. So if you have a file of, say, 3 bytes long, you've effectively wasted the other 4,093 bytes in that cluster because they're still allocated to your tiny file. "Size on disk" will always be a multiple of your hard drive cluster size and therefore not particularly accurate. You probably didn't want/need to know this, but, meh! :D
Thank you seems I am doing it right then.

I used to alter the quality slider till it reached to correct size I needed, then I found the little arrow at the top with the fly-out menu and it has optimize for file size and yoiu can just type in 160kb and bingo!!
I expect both methods are much of a muchness....I just dont want Marcel throwing a wobbler if I send in a comp entry thats the wrong size!! :LOL: :D
You know what he's like! :nuts:
:eek: You cheeky little missus, I'm gonna stop sending you nice words on MSN now :razz: :p ;) I've never had a wobbler, hehe (I always resize em for everyone who sends in oversized entries anyway.....don't go for all that uber strict 'disqualification' approach).

Yeah you're doing it right, and so is PS. GFK Has got it pretty much right..

160k is the compressed size. (As JPEG is a compressed file format). When you open in Photoshop, it uncompresses it so you can edit it....It's 1.20 meg in its uncompressed state.
God! What Filth... Skip-Rats the lot of 'em...:razz: