seeing to photo?

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Hi is it just me ! ive taken "snaps" for years "all the gear etc" i take out my back pack stuffed full of the latest gear with the best lenses :bang:

But where is the subject ? what can a take that when i turn up at the next camera critique will say "oh wow"

I'm so dam frustrated ,i live in a wonderful area but still no inspiration :thinking:

"Can you help?" please (y)
I think it's all about just taking photos and having fun with them. I'm doing a 365 this year which I've found good for helping me find inspiration daily. With the weather the way it's been, I've had to take a lot of indoor shots, so I've done things like scrabble letters, long exposure on a clock, a typology of ten versions of the number ten, a triptych of my son's jack-in-the-box ... It's about finding inspiration round about you.

Have a look on my flickr for some more shots, or just browse here and on flickr for inspiration.
Don't forget that for every great shot you see from other togs there are hundreds if not thousands of images they have dumped and nobody sees. If it's landscapes you want to take I would say the best advise is to get out early/late in the day as the light then will enhance your images no end.
I have found that looking through other shots on here, thinking about them and then giving honest critique about htem has helped my shots.

If I can decide what I like about others work, when I have the time to, when I get the chance to take shots my thought process is working that bit faster down the viewfinder, my composition is better, my angles are better and my shots are better. Well I think so, others may disagree!!
My deepest thanks to you all for your in put , al very good advice which i will take on board
once again my thanks
I have found that looking through other shots on here, thinking about them and then giving honest critique about htem has helped my shots.

If I can decide what I like about others work, when I have the time to, when I get the chance to take shots my thought process is working that bit faster down the viewfinder, my composition is better, my angles are better and my shots are better. Well I think so, others may disagree!!

Agree, Critique what you see in your own viewfinder and you have the instant ability to correct yourself.
Not trying to be negative and not good at expressing myself, perhaps you're just not "for" photography as a hobby? What made you decide to get into it?

Over the years Ive done fishing, did that for 10 years, couldnt get enough, now I dont buy a licence, and havent been for 4 or 5 years at least.
Then I started walking in the country, loved it and still do, that led to an interest in birds.
Then I started doing more birding trips, buying a scope, bino's etc and travelled the country getting all the uk specials. I still do that but not quite so avid.
Then I started noticing the wonderful scenery when out and thought it'd be nice to have a camera and try and get some landscape shots.
So now I am sort of half birder half landscape photo beginner.

Ive still no idea if I'll ever take a photo with the "WOW" factor but not ready to stop trying yet.

Underlying all my "hobbies" over the years has been one underlying thing Ive realised, and that is being in the great outdoors.

Not quite sure Ive explained that very well, guess what Im saying is perhaps you have an underlying 'thing' you like and you think its photography but perhaps its something underlying that?

Hope that hasnt come across negative. If you're still enjoying photography even though the results arent what you'd like, perseverance is the thing.

Good luck with it all anyway!
Sometimes I wonder. When you emark on a new hobby you are full of enthusiasm. You have the challenge of understanding the camera and mastering your skills. If you have been doing this for 10 years I'm sure you have gained alot of experience. Sometimes when doing something it's no longer so much of a challenge. You need to move the goal post. Perhaps not to 'just' convey a beautiful area in a photo but to perhaps look for a new way. To view it with fresh eyes. Try to capture all 'this' that is a round us in a more unconventional way. May be more abstract. Through the eye of an ant/bird. Altered perspectives. Make it more challenging. May be that will whet your appitite
I'm new to this and would be very happy to capture straight forward lovely images however I know what its like to feel a little jaded with a long time hobby!! Hope you get your zip back soon.
I understand totally what your saying ,i travel a lot and i'm just fed up of snaps ive joined a photography club and i'm on a upward curve .
As for my "hobby" well i also fish and shoot brew beer and wines and have done for a long long time, but they are my main intrests but having said that ive always had a camera started with a Zenith em and enjoyed using it and when the photos came back maybe 1 out of 36 wasnt bad, now i have digital and portraits i see the image have an idea and it sometimes its not a lack of enthusiasm its the landscapes and action shots i have trouble with
"But thank you for your imput thats why i put the thread there !"
Hi is it just me ! ive taken "snaps" for years "all the gear etc" i take out my back pack stuffed full of the latest gear with the best lenses :bang:

But where is the subject ? what can a take that when i turn up at the next camera critique will say "oh wow"

I'm so dam frustrated ,i live in a wonderful area but still no inspiration :thinking:

"Can you help?" please (y)

One camera, one lens. For preference a prime.

Try it for a week or two and see how you get on. Too many lenses, etc. and you wind-up paralysed by the decision of which to use, what focal length to set it at, etc.
Don't forget that for every great shot you see from other togs there are hundreds if not thousands of images they have dumped and nobody sees.

In my case tens of thousands over the years!
