Shetland photos heritage almost lost to the dump

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I saw mention of this on Newsnight.

An older man turned up at the dump and spoke to "the right man at the right time" such that 300 of the 5000 he was throwing away show they have a local Shetland heritage worthy of saving.

Of note as the photographer was an RSPB warden, there are also pictures of a Snowy Owl and a Walrus.
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Interesting story.....thanks for posting.
Would make an interesting exhibition...

It is my understanding that the finder (who has been digitising them) has agreed with the owner that they are being donated to the Shetland Isles museum.
Taking all that time and effort in taking the photos, and they nearly ended up being binned. Glad they were saved.
Imaging if they had been digital photos, they could have simply been deleted, without landfill. But if that had been the case, nobody would have been aware of the old photos.

Just thinking about all those digital photos that we delete, because we don't think they are any good.
Asked about all the fuss the find has caused, the owner of the slides Mr Dymond said he "could not give a stuff".

Rather takes the nostalgia away! :LOL: