Shooting roar

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nice lion from yesterday, I'm trying to do some shots to be made into canvases for the house and I think this is going to be one of them

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That is simply beautiful. Did you have to shoot through glass cos that looks clean and sharp as though you were standing right next to him (y)
Thanks, it was shot through very scratched glass, I'm amazed myself that non of the scratches showed up
A very brooding look :). The crop makes his face look more 'human' too, IMO.

Should look good on your wall - well done :clap:!
Looks good Kev. Before printing, I think I'd be tempted to tone down the white fur on the snout a little and try and bring up the eyes a touch for more drama.
What a great portrait. Very noble but really very sad looking too.

Just having a little play around and for me it sits a tad better with a little strip taken off the top. I'm a great fan of dark space in a print and maybe that's why my eye keeps getting pulled up to the top of the frame.
I'm trying to do some shots to be made into canvases for the house and I think this is going to be one of them

Indeed - most worthy of wall hanging -

Just - how close were you and what lens/equipment was used?

Very moody nice one (y)

I wonder what would happen if you "saturate" the eyes a little though? just curious.
Hey man!!!
I don't have words to say. I that a pics really snatch by you???
Keep sharing more. I really love to watch your pics.
Thanks all!

Just having a little play around and for me it sits a tad better with a little strip taken off the top. I'm a great fan of dark space in a print and maybe that's why my eye keeps getting pulled up to the top of the frame.

I've had a play around with a few different crops since posting this one up, I think you're right though, a bit off th top and possible the left hand side too would help with the drama a bit more (y)

seems like indoor shot, great shot

The lion is under a covered area outside, shot was taken as the sun was going down

Looks good Kev. Before printing, I think I'd be tempted to tone down the white fur on the snout a little and try and bring up the eyes a touch for more drama.

Cheers Paul, aleady done the eyes a bit more on my version here, I'm going to get a friend to run of some test prints for me on his huge printer to see what else needs tweaking

Just - how close were you and what lens/equipment was used?

The lion was about 3m away, shot was taken on a Nikon D3 with 200-400mm f4. I can't see the exif data on this laptop but I'll add it later
Excellent - and loving the thread title...

Absolutely stunning image Kevin. I like the edit. Would be interested to see your final. As you have already suggested maybe a little strip off the top. Love the light on the left. May I suggest a slight vignette may pull focus to the right a little, and leave that beautiful golden light on the left?
Cheers Mark, here's the latest one, I'm still not 100% with it but it's getting there


Absolutely stunning image Kevin. I like the edit. Would be interested to see your final. As you have already suggested maybe a little strip off the top. Love the light on the left. May I suggest a slight vignette may pull focus to the right a little, and leave that beautiful golden light on the left?
Cheers for sending this over Kevin.
It's excellent. The detail level, light and tone are spot on.
Amazing pic, cant wait to be upto the standard of some of you guys.