Show us yer film shots then!

I wanna come back as one of your cameras..

That comment gave me a serious bout of LOL !! :D

Just to add that i don't have any problem sharing some of this med sun especially with fellow TPers who's up for a film meet in Nice?

If I had a villa, I'd gladly invite you all. As it is only an appartment but there's a sofa bed and floor space for more than one ....the door is always open but don't just suddenly let me find you sat aside it grovelling for digs without a bit o' notice! :D
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Asha, I like all of those, the first one taken with the brownie is my favouriote thougth, great location, wonderful aerial perspective and agin that timeless feel. I must get a working Brownie!
Asha, I like all of those, the first one taken with the brownie is my favouriote thougth, great location, wonderful aerial perspective and agin that timeless feel. I must get a working Brownie!

I don't know how many Brownies I have knocking about tbh....get yourself down here for a day or two and one might find it's way into your luggage!
Asha, a very kind offer, I have just come back from a 10 day visit to Berlin, I might just have to head for France at some point!
I got a roll of Provia 100 back today that I shot with my Yashica Mat. Apart from my experimental flocking showing at the edges of a few shots as I thought it might, I'm seriously
Impressed with the lens quality!

I'll get them scanned tomorrow and uploaded here.

Sorry, forgot to say that I really like the contrast on that first shot Norters. Are you not doing any more Caffenol now?

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Oh my, I do hope he wasn't a living, walking, munching croc/aligator

Nice shot though!

A very rare croc specimen with human hands and feets, and very photogenic too, he/she smiled for the camera. :)
I got a roll of Provia 100 back today that I shot with my Yashica Mat. Apart from my experimental flocking showing at the edges of a few shots as I thought it might, I'm seriously
Impressed with the lens quality!

I'll get them scanned tomorrow and uploaded here.

Sorry, forgot to say that I really like the contrast on that first shot Norters. Are you not doing any more Caffenol now?


I was going to but I was feeling lazy and the dev time for hc110 is only seven minutes :)
Asha, how you even get shot out of some of your old stock :) is beyond me and also it is very good to see that your better half is still creating some of your focal points. I love the first shot as it reminds me of Switzerland in the summer circa 1950,s.

Great work Asha, I cannot wait until you get a modern camera from the 1990,s :)
WALSH(Scott). Yes I am shouting sorry, but, one of the technically best brilliant photographs I have seen, that is gallery quality work.
Eric: The "simpleness" of the shot appeals to me very much.

Have you tried shooting from a much lower angle, sort of through the furrows?....could make for an interesting result...there again I'm probably talking ****** :D

This has a beautiful simplicity to it , a really classic composition, I'd be happy to have that hanging on my wall, very nice work. There is something oh so very satifying about a well composed 6X6 image.

Eric, I also like this, simple but it works. It puts me in mind of the simplicity of a Gursky shot but in b&w.


Hey guys sorry for the late replies. Thanks for the kind words I really appreciate it.

Also Jao; really enjoying some of your shots also.
A very rare croc specimen with human hands and feets, and very photogenic too, he/she smiled for the camera. :)

Aha, only just noticed the human extremities.....nice smile with all those teeth too! :D

Asha, how you even get shot out of some of your old stock :) is beyond me and also it is very good to see that your better half is still creating some of your focal points. I love the first shot as it reminds me of Switzerland in the summer circa 1950,s.

Great work Asha, I cannot wait until you get a modern camera from the 1990,s :)

Modern camera? Me ?? ....doubt it I like a challenge :D

Yes Mme Asha has her uses ....occasionally! :D :D

The only challenge I get from modern kit ( especially digital) is trying to understand and remember all the menus inside more menus. Even some of the p&s canon sureshot type 35mm cameras have irritating least with a brownie, the challenge comes from trying to compose an inverted scene in a hazy, often tiny WLF then obtain a sharp (ish) result with a 1/30 or 1/50 shutter speed! ....I've become quite adapt at holding my breath!:D
The only challenge I get from modern kit ( especially digital) is trying to understand and remember all the menus inside more menus. Even some of the p&s canon sureshot type 35mm cameras have irritating least with a brownie, the challenge comes from trying to compose an inverted scene in a hazy, often tiny WLF then obtain a sharp (ish) result with a 1/30 or 1/50 shutter speed! ....I've become quite adapt at holding my breath!

OH how true that is,(y)

I will be in the nicey, nicey, Nice place next year, I will let you know when.
Just scanned in the roll of Provia 100 I shot on my refurbished Yashica Mat last week. I really need to get a better negative holder as the scans aren't perfect but I'm certainly happy with the results from the Yash.


2) Wide open @F3.5

3) Summer Sunflower


I've cropped these slightly as the flocking I added was showing at the edges so I've now cut that back slightly in the film chamber so the next roll should be fine :)

I will be in the nicey, nicey, Nice place next year, I will let you know when.

Excellent, already looking forward to seeing you!.....Lots of different cameras / equipment for you to have a play with if you wish Richard.
Excellent, already looking forward to seeing you!.....Lots of different cameras / equipment for you to have a play with if you wish Richard.

Bah, fancy electronic cameras always there to let you down! Lost about 16 frames after the OM30 had been sitting in my bag for a few months unused. The shutter seems stuck at 1/60 (ish) but I was metering for 1/1000th!! Managed to salvage this and my challenge shot out of it. My toddler ran off the negatives, I didn't bother to stop him...

A lunch time stroll up to the high-street to catch one of my cycling buddies doing his show, he travels round Europe with his show, trailer and 'bent.

Working Hard by steveo_mcg, on Flickr

Shot on my OM30 (with flat batteries) with Kentmere 100 in rodinal 1+50 for 16 minutes
Can't beat capturing a bit of street entertainment.......we get plenty here Steveo, can't say i've seen your cycling buddy though...Yet!

Shame about the the shutter jam simply a battery issue or is the body heading for Oly heaven?!
We get all folks up here this time of year.

I've put fresh cells in and it seems okay but it's hard to tell. Just checked the old ones and they were under 1.3v so I think that is the problem. I hope, I quite like this camera...
Well this Lloyds Pharmacy film expired 2008 is very good stuff and like the colours.....I got a shock when I got the film back from Asda, it had a yellow colour shift and the vibrance was overwhelming and had to adjust it down.....the previous Vivitar 24mm shot posted was on this film also the shadow comp.

Shots on Ferrania FG 200 plus

I like them Brian.....derelict/uninhabited buildings appeal to me.

Is it possible to get inside?
I like them Brian.....derelict/uninhabited buildings appeal to me.

Is it possible to get inside?

Derelict buildings fascinate me as well, some of the deserted farms where I live (only 18 miles from London) are a paradise for skilled photographers who know how to show them differently...I'm thinking of things like close ups of a rotting timber frames and so on that I don't bother with.
Well Asha some you can go inside and some you can't, but I always think it would be just my luck to meet a violent down and out sleeping there and without a Russian camera would be defenseless. :)
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without a Russian camera would be defenseless. :) Zenits do have a use then! :D

Saying that I've got a Mamiya MSX 1000 body that weighs more than a house brick and of course what with such as the RB67 etc, seems the Japs didn't do ightweight stuff either! :D
Well this Lloyds Pharmacy film expired 2008 is very good stuff and like the colours.....I got a shock when I got the film back from Asda, it had a yellow colour shift and the vibrance was overwhelming and had to adjust it down.....the previous Vivitar 24mm shot posted was on this film also the shadow comp.

Shots on Ferrania FG 200 plus

Brian, love the colours and the image content. There is something strangely apealing about dereliction.

The Ferrania film stock looks to have a great colour range even with the caveat about correction. On the basis of these images I am going to seek out a Lloyds chemist and source some of this emulsion.
Brian, love the colours and the image content. There is something strangely apealing about dereliction.

The Ferrania film stock looks to have a great colour range even with the caveat about correction. On the basis of these images I am going to seek out a Lloyds chemist and source some of this emulsion.

Hello Adrian, I'd be surprised if they sell it now, in fact I did try to phone them Sat afternoon but they had closed (thinking any old stock and it would be going cheap :) ).
In Poundland they were selling Ferrania film for a while, but this was FG 200, this film is FG plus200 and a different coding on the neg.

Anyone interested:- If you take the number under the barcode of the film cassette and insert it into this program, it tells you what film it is, great for shop's own brand.
Brian, thanks for the heads up on the link, very useful.

Also My wife just reminded me that the Llyods Chemist in our local town was turned into a Boots 2 years ago!! Shows how much attention I pay to the high street:LOL:
Andy, lovely images from Canada, I particularly like the two mono shots, nice contrast between the extreme wilderness and the urban tower blocks
Andy. Wow, the Mono mountain shot is terrific. Very Ansel...
Thanks Tom, I was secretly quite pleased with it myself. ;)