Show us yer film shots then!

@ Solo man Well you learn something new everyday ...I didn't know owls puffed up like that.

Tbh Lee, I prefer the original ...the crop is too tight imo ...either way, a nice bird, beautifully captured on film(y)
Thanks Asha....
Oh yes, owls, especially the larger Eagle Owls will puff up, open their wings in a defensive posture and hiss..... he was just getting ready to do that, but as I was already so close to him, and I wouldn't have managed to get him all in, and using a film camera I don't have the option of rattling off a few frames, not with the Mamiya day I'll try and get him to do that....owls can at times be somewhat aggressive lol....they are also quite dim :LOL:

And, yes I think I prefer the original too....
A foot length of Agfa Vista ( quid film) spooled with purposely cut backing paper allows me to get 6 frames out of this 1930's Ensign Midget Model 55:

View attachment 1567

Offering results like these taken on a very windy day, hence the youngsters had been out sailing etc ...... the palm trees in the background of shot 3 show how strong the wind was!

Just realised I haven't removed the dust etc out of that last shot ... oh well appologies, but as is.

1. View attachment 1568

2. View attachment 1569

3. View attachment 1570
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That owl is amazing Lee.

I agree with Asha - I prefer the original.
Thanks Simon.... maybe I'll set up the Mamiya again and take a better 'composed' image.... I was right back against a wall, and the tripod was as low as I could get it.... and I was never entirely happy with the framing....
A foot length of Agfa Vista ( quid film) spooled with purposely cut backing paper allows me to get 6 frames out of this 1930's Ensign Midget Model 55:

View attachment 1567

Offering results like these taken on a very windy day, hence the youngsters had been out sailing etc ...... the palm trees in the background of shot 3 show how strong the wind was!

1. View attachment 1568

2. View attachment 1569

3. View attachment 1570
I like the first one Asha.... but those boats aren't in the right order....that would bug me :LOL:
I like the first one Asha.... but those boats aren't in the right order....that would bug me :LOL:

Mmmm I'll have words with the sailing club management ..... I'm sure they'll re-arrange them when they realise the effect they're having on a TP member ...NOT! :D
Mmmm I'll have words with the sailing club management ..... I'm sure they'll re-arrange them when they realise the effect they're having on a TP member ...NOT! :D
Oh bummer!..... and how sad is it that that was the first thing I checked....whether they were in numerical order :LOL:
Rather pleased with this one:
I had some Legacy Pro 100 in the bulk loader from a couple of years ago and needed to give the Zorki 4K a bit of exercise anyway :)
(I've never really been keen on Legacy Pro, probably why there was/is still some left in the bulk loader!)

FD10 and scanned on an Epson 4490 at 2400.
Fantastic pictures guys. RJ's Great Wall shots are stunning and loving Lee's owl shot, just brilliant.
Here are a few photos from Macau with my Bronica.

Probably nowhere near as exciting as the Great Wall in a photographic sense, Macau still had a unique, colourful charm of its own, heavily influenced by both Portuguese and Chinese culture. The contrast between the older, poorer sections of town and the newer developments—driven primarily by the region's rich casinos—was particularly striking.

Very evocative collection of images there RJ
This was taken with the Mamiya RB67, using Kodak Ektar 100.....

That's is a stunner! The eyes just draw you in, also it really shows the value of 6x7

That's is a stunner! The eyes just draw you in, also it really shows the value of 6x7
Thanks Adrian.... the sharpness when viewing the original is impressive...
I really am liking this camera...not easy taking bird photos with it though
Another image taken with the Mamiya..... and again using Ektar 100
There's a few things about it I'm not entirely happy with, so I may just pay a return visit.

I like this. A good use of the road to lead the eye through the image and some nice autumn colours too.
I really like this! why are you not happy?


I'm not entirely happy with the out of focus bit of road at the bottom of the frame.... the more I look at it, the more annoying I'm finding it :LOL:
To be fair I'm not that good with DoF stuff, and am thinking I should have used more than the f16 that I did use, so that's why I might re-shoot it.
Maybe I'm just being over critical lol

I'm not entirely happy with the out of focus bit of road at the bottom of the frame.... the more I look at it, the more annoying I'm finding it :LOL:
To be fair I'm not that good with DoF stuff, and am thinking I should have used more than the f16 that I did use, so that's why I might re-shoot it.
Maybe I'm just being over critical lol

Mmm I'd comment on it myself if i could see it..........for some reason your shot isn't showing for me :(

Interesting style Nick
Tbh not really my cup o' tea athough i do quite like the 3rd one. I suspect the others will "grow" on me.
How did you accomplish the high contrast look .....pushing film, PP, developing stage ????
Mmm I'd comment on it myself if i could see it..........for some reason your shot isn't showing for me :(

You are the 3rd person i've read that's having trouble viewing photos...:thinking:

The pass of Glencoe. Taken with Velvia 100 on a Bronica ETRS and 75mm lens. The slide has a bit more detail in the shadows than I can get out of the scanner. So this will have to do..
I can see it fine, not showing as a flickr link though.. and i can see it in marks quoted post too......

Yes I don't use the Flickr link.... I copy and paste the image as it can then be clicked for bigger....
And yes, I can see it in quoted posts too.
Here was me thinking I'd lost the plot! :LOL:
Love these.. really great set you have there


Interesting style Nick
Tbh not really my cup o' tea athough i do quite like the 3rd one. I suspect the others will "grow" on me.
How did you accomplish the high contrast look .....pushing film, PP, developing stage ????

Yeah I'm trying something a bit different. Way overdeveloped the Kentmere 400 and then added a bit more. Gonna print them soon hopefully.