Show us yer film shots then!

One of the ones that was ok out of a pretty messed up roll

Agfa Vista by Cg_Girl on Talk Photography

Agree with the comments already said about this shot is a very nice classic english country scene of lush green rolling meadows against a beautiful winter sky only crit is that you appear to have made no attempt to get the sheep to smile. :D
Thanks guys and girls.. this is at the back of my house down the lane, i think i shall be making afew trips down there especially come summer time....

@Asha :LOL::LOL: big fat raspberry at ya!.... i should have but that one at the front kept looking at me as if to say 'yeah what the f do you want'
ok 2nd shot from the film this one didn't work in colour as the hues in the leaf were very faded so had a look at convert to b+w what do you think?

fuji colour convert to b+w
by Mike Rockey, on Flickr

I rather like close up shots like this of tree branches, trunks, moss and leaves. Often they work extremely well in b&w showing off the different textures and tones, concentrated on by using a shallow DoF.

Your shot is no exception although I'm actually more drawn to the textures of the woodwork than the leaf itself.

The leaf becomes much more the center of attention if the frame is cropped top and bottom.
A few of my shots showing the last of the autumn colour..... taken with the Mamiya, using Velvia 100......


well i was told i was "making it hard for myself" and you were not wrong 10 yr out of date ilford delta 400 :shrug: the grain was awful on a lot of these and i also used it to test the czj lens (its fooked) absolutely no light transmission past the fungus in the lens so "bin it" or pay £70 quid for a clean. so heres one from the b+w film with the 24-70 macro.

by Mike Rockey, on Flickr
well i was told i was "making it hard for myself" and you were not wrong 10 yr out of date ilford delta 400 :shrug: the grain was awful on a lot of these and i also used it to test the czj lens (its fooked) absolutely no light transmission past the fungus in the lens so "bin it" or pay £70 quid for a clean. so heres one from the b+w film with the 24-70 macro.

by Mike Rockey, on Flickr

Cropping the cars off the bottom gives it a Jetsons feel...
Here's a few from the Kershaw Penguin Eight 20 that a guy in work brought in for me to try out. It's very difficult to expose correctly when you only have a shutter speed of about 1/50th and bulb and f11 and f16 but I did get a couple reasonably correctly exposed. On Fomapan 100.

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Not a particularly sharp lens and it definitely needs a bit of contrast boost. It was his f-in-l's 18th birthday present and its his 81st this year and they wanted to take some shots of him to go with those from his 18th so I gave it a good clean and coated the bellows with fabric paint and it works ok.
Oops, added the same one twice there, now I can't seem to delete it.
And a few more, this time from my Nikon FG on 13 year old out of date HP5 (thanks Suz). They have come out a bit grainy (as expected) but I quite like them.

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

I really don't know what flickr is doing to shots at the moment but all the b&w ones seem very un-contrasty

And a few more, this time from my Nikon FG on 13 year old out of date HP5 (thanks Suz). They have come out a bit grainy (as expected) but I quite like them.

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

I really don't know what flickr is doing to shots at the moment but all the b&w ones seem very un-contrasty


I quite like the grain and i do like that under the bridge one!

From my recent day with Paul @PMN in Leeds with my FUJI GS645 and slide film (coz i didn't read the label)

Like this alot!
I thgink I prefer this to the colour version, the water flow on this one is perfect.
Thanks, yes I agree. I think this was a 1/2 second exposure, which seems to have worked out just right. I'm not too sure about the colours on the Velvia one either - I'm going to try the same scene with Provia sometime.
I've just loaded my first shots and would really like some comments and critique.

Shot from the summit of Snowdon last Saturday, Nikon F100, Cosina 19-35mm @ 19mm, Fuji Reala 100 and an Asda Dev and scan, taken during my mountain fix away from the flatlands

This is rather nice! liking it.

Three from the Rolleiflex, on 1 year out of date Provia which sat in a drawer for about 4 months before development. Couldn't quite get the colours how I liked, but I don't know whether to attribute this to scanning technique or age of film. they suit b&w I think.

by the matt1, on Flickr

by the matt1, on Flickr

by the matt1, on Flickr
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I've just loaded my first shots and would really like some comments and critique.

Hi Eric, assuming they're film shots, we'd love to see them here. You'll usually (but not always) get a few signs of appreciation or a comment; if you want critique, best make a thread in the "Photos from Film" forum (although fewer people go there).

Anyway, welcome to TP and particularly to F&C. I think I noticed you have a Bronnie SQ-Ai... I'm green with jealousy!
I like that Brian like a decorated concrete cave

Thanks Paul.....Gangs advertizing when only other gangs can see it...what a waste of time and paint. :LOL: :wacky: I only found this place because of exploring a footpath that no one normally uses.
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View attachment 2396

Hi Eric, assuming they're film shots, we'd love to see them here. You'll usually (but not always) get a few signs of appreciation or a comment; if you want critique, best make a thread in the "Photos from Film" forum (although fewer people go there).

Anyway, welcome to TP and particularly to F&C. I think I noticed you have a Bronnie SQ-Ai... I'm green with jealousy!

These are some of my first images that I've taken and processed myself. Image 1 + 3 are 120mm shots taken with a Bronica SQAi, then printed and scanned. Image 2 is a 35mm taken with a Konica rangefinder which I developed and then scanned and processed with PSE 11

Please give comments freely I'm very new to film and I appreciate all advice.

Chris the Bronnie is a great camera although not biult for discreet photography once the grip and hammerhead flash are fitted!!
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View attachment 2397

View attachment 2398

View attachment 2396

These are some of my first images that I've taken and processed myself. Image 1 + 3 are 120mm shots taken with a Bronica SQAi, then printed and scanned. Image 2 is a 35mm taken with a Konica rangefinder which I developed and then scanned and processed with PSE 11

Please give comments freely I'm very new to film and I appreciate all advice.

Chris the Bronnie is a great camera although not biult for discreet photography once the grip and hammerhead flash are fitted!!
Great shots Eric, really like the first two (y)
View attachment 2397

View attachment 2398

View attachment 2396

These are some of my first images that I've taken and processed myself. Image 1 + 3 are 120mm shots taken with a Bronica SQAi, then printed and scanned. Image 2 is a 35mm taken with a Konica rangefinder which I developed and then scanned and processed with PSE 11

Please give comments freely I'm very new to film and I appreciate all advice.

Chris the Bronnie is a great camera although not biult for discreet photography once the grip and hammerhead flash are fitted!!

Death of a Commer (or a Commer look a like) in monochrome, love it, great work Eric
Death of a Commer (or a Commer look a like) in monochrome, love it, great work Eric

This has a BL badge but it is the old Commer
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Reactions: Jao
Well Eric I can't see anything to criticize, but if you want nit picking then the shots look a bit flat and don't hit you, but that's just my opinion.
A few more taken with my Rolleicord V

1. Sad, my ongoing obsession with Bicycles, their bells and Bokeh ;-) Tmax 400 developed in Ilford LC29 (@1-19)

2. Norwich Cobbles in the rain, again Tmax 400 developed in Ilford LC29 (@1-19)

3. K6's in the rain! And another shot on Tmax 400 developed in Ilford LC29 (@1-19)
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From my recent day with Paul @PMN in Leeds with my FUJI GS645 and slide film (coz i didn't read the label)

Paul, love the colour and composition of this, very gritty, fantastic reflections and beautifully dark and moody