Show us yer film shots then!

Lady Liberty, from my trip to Paris last weekend. Fujifilm DL Super Mini and some "Kodak 400" film that may have been out of date, the whole roll had a weird colour cast to it.

by bombs and monitors, on Flickr
Really like this, the great autumn colours of the trees contrasting with the blue/grey of the Liberty, excellent
batch testing some long expired Svema 100 film on the Lomo LC-A.




A nice set, I am not at all famiar with the fim you used I am imagining it is eastern european? Really like the grain and the composition in 1 & 3
A few from Audley End house last weekend.

Leica M3, 50mm Summicron, Ilford FP4+ overdeveloped just a tad

Excellent monochrome set, love the contrast of all of theewith1 & 2 being very timeeless looking, very strong work
Really nice image Adrian, lovely colours and nice light and I like the depth to it...

Thanks for the comment Lee, much appreciated

That's gorgeous, it's real challenge to get good landscape shots in conditions like those and you've cracked it (y)

Thanks Nick, I am not sure what was more challenging the lighting conditions or the hike up the mountain with too much gear!

Oh Boy. Just love it Adrian. Thanks for posting, I've been having negative (pun intended) thoughts about 35mm. My faith is restored. Onward...

Thanks very much Trevor, 35mm can I think yield some respectable results

Excellent shot Adrian, really like that.

Cheers Andy

Those dark clouds really contribute to the feel of the image and help the eye towards the sun streaming on the mountains behind.

The lighting conditions were very changeble and I had to bide my moment. I took two shots of which this was the better I think

That is just so beautiful Adrian..

Many thanks T

That is just stunning

Thanks Alf
A nice set, I am not at all famiar with the fim you used I am imagining it is eastern european? Really like the grain and the composition in 1 & 3
Thanks, yep it's Ukrainian film from the Soviet Union. I think it's held up pretty well!
I'm a bit bored so thought I would have a look to see if there were any shots I'd missed that might be ok. There weren't really.....:LOL: But I did have a little tinker with these 2 which were ok first time round but I wasn't quite happy with. Both on the sadly deceased Yashica Mat on Kodak T-Max 100, taken during a walk alongside the Crinan Canal in Scotland.

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

by andysnapper1, on Flickr


I've redone a minor bit of tweaking, curves etc, to an oldish film shot.
Looks like we're both bored then. (y)

I like this, a very nice candid portrait.
I'm a bit bored so thought I would have a look to see if there were any shots I'd missed that might be ok. There weren't really.....:LOL: But I did have a little tinker with these 2 which were ok first time round but I wasn't quite happy with. Both on the sadly deceased Yashica Mat on Kodak T-Max 100, taken during a walk alongside the Crinan Canal in Scotland.

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

by andysnapper1, on Flickr


Andy, very nice 120 work, I particularly like the reflections in the second image

WHS (y)
Scott, that is a bit spesh in fact it gets a G'Osh from me.(y)
^^ Yep me as well. Super sets and really nice to see different places. Next time you go on a honeymoon we're all coming with you.:LOL:
I'm a big fan of your work RJ, another cracking set!

Thanks, Paul :)

^^ Yep me as well. Super sets and really nice to see different places. Next time you go on a honeymoon we're all coming with you.:LOL:

Many thanks, Andy. I'm not sure if the new wife would approve of the extra travellers though. ;)

I really like these two RJ...... you have taken some great images of your trip.

Cheers, Lee. We really enjoyed our trip and we had great weather, which provided us with some really nice light for the photos.
^^ Yep me as well. Super sets and really nice to see different places. Next time you go on a honeymoon we're all coming with you.:LOL:

:LOL::LOL: I was thinking the same earlier but didn't have time to write it..

RJ another fan of your work here!(y)
Would that be the current Mrs Shark or are you planning to have another 'new wife'? :naughty:

Shot from the summit of Snowdon last Saturday, Nikon F100, Cosina 19-35mm @ 19mm, Fuji Reala 100 and an Asda Dev and scan, taken during my mountain fix away from the flatlands

That is a rather cracking shot! Tones and composition work really well for me.

I'm a bit bored so thought I would have a look to see if there were any shots I'd missed that might be ok. There weren't really.....:LOL: But I did have a little tinker with these 2 which were ok first time round but I wasn't quite happy with. Both on the sadly deceased Yashica Mat on Kodak T-Max 100, taken during a walk alongside the Crinan Canal in Scotland.


by andysnapper1, on Flickr



Andy, that boats shot is a winner. Love the contrast and the simple composition really works imho. The reflections are also cracking and really make the shot.


Bronica ETRS
Velvia 50

Gah, Can't wait to crack out the Velvia 50! Lovely sky and the texture in the foreground is spot on. Nice work :)

A few from one of our evenings in Hong Kong:


Absolutely love the tones in all of these. Especially like the first though, feels like I'm standing there. Great set of photographs!
So, I have to admit I'm a little late in getting these posted. The disposable camera challenge these were taken for was back in November last year! I took them in the week or two that they were meant to be taken in, it just completely slipped my mind afterwards! Anyway, here are the two best shots I got for the disposable camera challenge 2012 :D

by Jonathan Woods Photography, on Flickr
by Jonathan Woods Photography, on Flickr

Both were taken on a Rollie Retro disposable, ISO100 film[/URL]
Very nice Woodsy, very dramatic. Your sherpa must have been shattered lugging that disposable up the mountain.
They both have a really nice feel to them almost like they were taken with a Petzval lens. Its a long time since I went for a tramp in the mountains...apparently the tramps don't like it.
Those disposable shots were very nice indeed, Jonathan.
This is one place i really look forward to opening with all the lovely photos guys..(y)(y) ( well that and opening ebay and extending the watch list! i am determined to get a bargain!:D)