Show us yer film shots then!

I spent much of October and November chasing "autumn landscapes" for POTY14, without much success. Still had a colour film in one of the MXs at the end of the month, and eventually got it back from processing just after Christmas. Maybe worth sharing?

1) Path through "The Common"

2) Late afternoon sun through the trees

3) Trees...

4) Kenilworth Castle in the afternoon sun

5) Finally, bit bleaker, maybe later in December

Comments welcome.
Thanks Dean. i forgot to say it was Vista 400, shot at 250.
I have several East German Prakticas and have checked them over recently and used the MTL3 for personal Birhday and New year's eve party photos and used up the last frame on my Wife's Geraniums though our glass front door -- outdated 2005 'BOOTS' ( Fuji ) 400 film rated 200 ASA which I had commercially processed and printed at Boots, Brentwood High Street and picked up the prints and negs this morning so scanned the neg, Epson 1650 flatbed + Vuescan Pro+ PhotoShop 7 to show you.

This is the camera I used --

Praktica MTL3 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

Glass Abstract by pentaxpete, on Flickr
I have several East German Prakticas and have checked them over recently and used the MTL3 for personal Birhday and New year's eve party photos and used up the last frame on my Wife's Geraniums though our glass front door -- outdated 2005 'BOOTS' ( Fuji ) 400 film rated 200 ASA which I had commercially processed and printed at Boots, Brentwood High Street and picked up the prints and negs this morning so scanned the neg, Epson 1650 flatbed + Vuescan Pro+ PhotoShop 7 to show you.

This is the camera I used --

Praktica MTL3 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

Glass Abstract by pentaxpete, on Flickr

I love that, its got a real Renoir / Monet feel to it :) well thought out!
...Is it normal to be this excited about your first roll of film arriving back?

It is perfectly acceptable to go WOOOOO!! And yes, it is usual to be this excited when a film comes back. Just wait until you develop your own then you will get really excited....


Haaa I thought I was the only overly excited weirdo :D The best bit is seeing your home developed films come out of the tank with actual photos on them, I think someone just swaps the blank film for a finished one when I'm not looking

I still swear that it's magic not science or chemistry that makes it all work :D
Thanks, was printed on Ilford mutigrade art 300, stunning paper to print on.

Test prints only as some areas need some dodging and burning, but really pleased with the prints.


I'd forgotten about these. I took them for the Spring landscape month of the POTY. Nikon F100 and Nikon 24-85mm f2.8-4 on Kodak Ektar 100, the first one was my entry but it disappeared into the ether, never to be seen again.... until now....:D

Lone-Tree1-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Lone-Tree2-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Grasmere-2-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Spring-Landscape-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Fairfield-Horseshoe1-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

All taken around Silver How / Loughrigg / Grasmere in the Lake District.

I'd forgotten about these. I took them for the Spring landscape month of the POTY. Nikon F100 and Nikon 24-85mm f2.8-4 on Kodak Ektar 100, the first one was my entry but it disappeared into the ether, never to be seen again.... until now....:D

Lone-Tree1-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Lone-Tree2-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Grasmere-2-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Spring-Landscape-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Fairfield-Horseshoe1-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

All taken around Silver How / Loughrigg / Grasmere in the Lake District.


That first one is especially beautiful IMO. This is why I was considering taking Ektar to Iceland. Beautiful colours.
Those are REALLY, REALLY nice Andy. I like them a lot.

If you didn't say, I wouldn't have guessed they were 35mm shots.

Did you develop these yourself???
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Those are REALLY, REALLY nice Andy. I like them a lot.

If you didn't say, I wouldn't have guessed they were 35mm shots.

Did you develop these yourself???

Thanks Ron and Gaz.

These were devved commercially by Peak Imaging, I do my own colour now though.
I'd forgotten about these. I took them for the Spring landscape month of the POTY. Nikon F100 and Nikon 24-85mm f2.8-4 on Kodak Ektar 100, the first one was my entry but it disappeared into the ether, never to be seen again.... until now....:D

Lone-Tree1-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Lone-Tree2-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Grasmere-2-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Spring-Landscape-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Fairfield-Horseshoe1-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

All taken around Silver How / Loughrigg / Grasmere in the Lake District.

These are very good Andy, the first one is fantastic. I can't believe your images kept getting lost in the ether, I think you would have given Steve a good run for his money if all your shots had made it to the judges table.
I'd forgotten about these. I took them for the Spring landscape month of the POTY. Nikon F100 and Nikon 24-85mm f2.8-4 on Kodak Ektar 100, the first one was my entry but it disappeared into the ether, never to be seen again.... until now....:D

Lone-Tree1-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Lone-Tree2-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Grasmere-2-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Spring-Landscape-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Fairfield-Horseshoe1-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

All taken around Silver How / Loughrigg / Grasmere in the Lake District.

These are very good Andy, the first one is fantastic. I can't believe your images kept getting lost in the ether, I think you would have given Steve a good run for his money if all your shots had made it to the judges table.
I'd forgotten about these. I took them for the Spring landscape month of the POTY. Nikon F100 and Nikon 24-85mm f2.8-4 on Kodak Ektar 100, the first one was my entry but it disappeared into the ether, never to be seen again.... until now....:D

Lone-Tree1-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Lone-Tree2-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Grasmere-2-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Spring-Landscape-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Fairfield-Horseshoe1-POTY by andysnapper1, on Flickr

All taken around Silver How / Loughrigg / Grasmere in the Lake District.



love the first 2, and as someone that does not particularly get on with or like 35mm or colour, they are great.

Haaa I thought I was the only overly excited weirdo :D The best bit is seeing your home developed films come out of the tank with actual photos on them, I think someone just swaps the blank film for a finished one when I'm not looking

I still swear that it's magic not science or chemistry that makes it all work :D

Yes... I'm looking forward to that - first attempt scheduled for the end of the month. I think we also get to play in the dark room with paper too :)

Next two films en route back from the developers yesterday/today... they'll have my Christmas shots on (assuming any come out!) - it was a bit of a photographic disaster as I forgot my DSLR battery which meant everything had to be taken on film... but critically, I was intending to use my DSLR as the light meter! So quite a bit of guesswork with both indoor flash and outdoors (easier). Not holding out too much hope... :(
Yes... I'm looking forward to that - first attempt scheduled for the end of the month. I think we also get to play in the dark room with paper too :)

Next two films en route back from the developers yesterday/today... they'll have my Christmas shots on (assuming any come out!) - it was a bit of a photographic disaster as I forgot my DSLR battery which meant everything had to be taken on film... but critically, I was intending to use my DSLR as the light meter! So quite a bit of guesswork with both indoor flash and outdoors (easier). Not holding out too much hope... :(

I'm sure it'll be fine, film latitude to the rescue!
I'm sure it'll be fine, film latitude to the rescue!

That was / is my hope! At the very least it will be an interesting experiment into the matter... I also have since acquired a couple of new lenses so I no longer need to shoot everything "wide angle" now :) oh, and a proper standalone light meter: lessons learned and all that!
Lovely shots Andy. I suspect that's the same tree I had a go at above Grasmere in February last year. Yours looks much better and you've taken the time to get the right positions. Very nice indeed.
Thanks Chris, it did take a bit of sliding about to get in the right spot.

I haven't posted a picture anywhere since here in I think June.??

Its been running from -9*F to -14*F the last few mornings with a high yesterday of 8*F. Not bad today, its up to 13*F and snowing. So I looked through some of last years spring shots for some thing that wasn't full of snow.

If I remember how to post these, they were shot on Mount Desert Island at Acadia Nat Park. This whole island is made out of pink granite. One of my favorite places to shoot. These were in March. No leaves on the trees yet.

Eos 1V HS 70 - 200 L IS Kodak Gold 100 expired in 2009.

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Still confused about where to post film shots. There's this thread - and there's a forum section for film shots.

Anyway - here's a shot I took over Xmas on the Mamiya RB67 - with TMax 400. Home developed in Ilfosol3.

Still confused about where to post film shots. There's this thread - and there's a forum section for film shots.

Anyway - here's a shot I took over Xmas on the Mamiya RB67 - with TMax 400. Home developed in Ilfosol3.


Nice! Looks soooo sharp and detailed.

I tend to post in this thread of its just one or two photos, but I have more then I make a thread for them. Seems to be what other people do as well :)
Nice! Looks soooo sharp and detailed.

I tend to post in this thread of its just one or two photos, but I have more then I make a thread for them. Seems to be what other people do as well :)

Kinda makes sense ta :)