Show us yer film shots then!

Not usually, but it's showing a private at that link...




Yup, OK for me now the link is there!

Another shot from the new Holga - using the 6x4.5 film mask this time...

Ilford HP5+, ISO400, Ilford Ilfosol 3 at 1-14,Scanned on Canoscan 8800 with Silverfast SE.
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Coo BY, that one I do like, could almost go up to him and hold a conversation... He looks like the bus is late :LOL:

Had the Zorki 4K out at the weekend, here's a couple that I rather like :D



Coming in from the cold - ekimeno returns ;)

A few from January - first two are Contax G2 45mm Planar on HP5 the last 3 are Minolta XG9 28mm Rokkor also on HP5





One of the few useable frames from a test reel through my Voigtlander Perkeo I...

lost a couple of frames to a sticking shutter, and a couple to mis-application of the sunny 16 rule :LOL: Gave the shutter a cleanup last night, and i'll probably give it another go in a couple of days, if my knee improves a bit.:shrug:
Good to see it working at least, looks like your first run was about as successful as my first drive of the Radix! At least we both know they both work mostly though (y)

One of the few useable frames from a test reel through my Voigtlander Perkeo I...

lost a couple of frames to a sticking shutter, and a couple to mis-application of the sunny 16 rule :LOL: Gave the shutter a cleanup last night, and i'll probably give it another go in a couple of days, if my knee improves a bit.:shrug:

Looks pretty good for me despite the camera's age
Well - in fairness it was advertised that the slower shutter speeds were a bit sluggish, but to be honest when it arrived, only 1/300" down to 1/50" would fire at all, and 1/50" was sticking pretty much every 3rd shot. Now it's running like clockwork right down to 1" exposure (mainly because it IS clockwork of course :LOL:) Main thing I was checking was that it was light-tight at the back and bellows, tbh. If they had been up the spout, it'd not really have been worth the work to get it going, but they seem to be bang on.

It's a real culture shock though - thought the Holga was bad enough in terms of basic, but actually having to remember to manually cock the shutter each time as well was giving me grief yesterday. Bearing in mind my main film camera is a EOS-3 which is pretty much as automated as my digital (and with a far better metering and AF setup) these fully manual cameras are really keeping me on my toes. :)
I dropped my FM2n, all the prism enclosure is busted open....its on frame 21 of 36 Kodachrome, been shooting it since October.......

some from when it snowed...



thanks Ven..

It still works/meters/shutters fine, I just dunno if its exposing correctly, if light gets in when the mirror is up or something...I dunno :shrug:


Crikey bob Jox that looks like it took quite a thump m8... :eek:

Shows how well built they are if the rest is working after an impact that could do that much damage... :shrug:


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... is that horse going through a red light?
cheap and cheesy 99 cents film

Might be cheap and cheesy but these have an interesting look.
I like them more than your usual cheap film posts, they aren't so faded and grainy, great colours.....for cheap and cheesy...:)
Nice - don't let Venom see the guy in the green car though! Looks like an extra from OutKast...

I must say though that you do seem to get a better class of colour in the US than we get here in the UK!
A couple more from Scotland:

1. a very dodgy weather view from Quiraing

2. a boat landed on the shore of Loch Harport on Skye

both on adox chs 100 with the deardorff
Loving the boat, hating living in Norfolk!