Show us yer film shots then!


Long exposure of stars in Hong Kong, took me 2 hours for this shot
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Rick I am loving that series of shots! They have a lovely feel to them - spot on!
This page is the best yet :D


Agreed - there's some great stuff coming in on here - I must get out and shoot something - just to keep the quality level down a bit so people aren't too intimidated to post :LOL:

Maybe if I posted something from last nights processing debacle...:thinking:
post them up, i'm interested to see how they turned out! should be a unique look

:LOL: That's a nice word for it. I noticed that i'd added the BnW fix about half way into the pour, so stopped, and tipped it back out. Where-ever it hit, the neg lost most of it's colour saturation. You could see the "tide mark" on quite a few. However, there was one that wasn't completly stuffed...

Might be cheap and cheesy but these have an interesting look.
I like them more than your usual cheap film posts, they aren't so faded and grainy, great colours.....for cheap and cheesy...:)

Thanks Jox. i just noticed that the film expired on 2002 and really do not believe even for a minute it was ever in the fridge.
:LOL: That's a nice word for it. I noticed that i'd added the BnW fix about half way into the pour, so stopped, and tipped it back out. Where-ever it hit, the neg lost most of it's colour saturation. You could see the "tide mark" on quite a few. However, there was one that wasn't completly stuffed...

Wow, I really like this. It really does look like a film HDR.
Some awesome stuff here as usual.

Here's a couple on a drab day last week from the end of a roll of Kodacolor VR200 that had been in my Praktica BX20 for so long it must surely have gone out of date [no exaggeration!]:


Nice muted colours there, instantly tells you the time of year. Nice little cameras the B range, small and compact yet pretty big on usablility.
Wow, I really like this. It really does look like a film HDR.

Thanks - I guess it's just that I've seen the rest of the roll, and can spot the high tide mark made by the wrong fix chemicals which puts me off. If you look at the end wall of the house directly above the post box, you can see the building colour fade in a hard line. Take that line across the entire shot, and everything above the line is bleached out. I think that It basically killed off the colour dyes in the film, just leaving the silver.

I like the bottom of the picture, the area above the BnW fix tidemark - so the experiment in cross processing was a partial success. Now all I need is some sunshine, a bit of blue sky, and my knee to hold out while I get a days shooting in again, run some more film and get something to enter into this months POTY competition. :LOL:
First post so go easy:cool:

I'm a big fan of the Xpan and here's a couple of shots. This is Glenshee on Velvia 50:


The Five Sisters last weekend, Velvia 50:


From the summit of Mayar, Velvia 50:

Well I'm just gonna throw my wow in the ring.
These are everything a landscape should be, there is no substitute for the correct equipment for the job.
I'm fed up of seeing siggy 10mm scapes and folk saying they are the dogs nutz.
There just is no comparison, even taking the Velvia factor out of the equation.
They are beautiful.
I'm fed up of seeing siggy 10mm scapes and folk saying they are the dogs nutz.

Don't say that, I've just bought one :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Settle for an SL35... :D

Anyway, you may or may not know that I rather like new, old photographs... I mean I like the look of old photographs and rather than just use a dslr and a PS action I have been now and then trying various cameras to see what comes out. A while back I tried the Bilora Radix and was impreesed but as it was a Rapid system and I had to load the film in the sack... I blew it a bit :D This week I had the Demi to test and rather than have to rune 72 images I cut the film into three - in the sack - loaded it into three cassettes - in the sack - then into three cameras - in the (very small suddenly) sack - and took big dog for a walk.

Upshot is that I nearly blew it again (I really must get some proper Rapid cassettes) but the Radix is pretty much just what I was looking for... being careful what you take pictures of of course since a Lotus Elise in olde-tyme images will not look right! Here's a few from the part roll then - and I am loving the degradation around the edges, the fluffiness, just all of it really - nothing spectacular subject-wise but hey, it's a camera test!




(it's my thumb I think... )



Oh yeah, the Demi was just fine too :D
Cheers for the comments on the shots I posted. It's worth having a read on the net about the Xpan and what it can do. It's basically a rangefinder which has the ability to shoot a double width frame on 35mm film. There's a switch on the back that allows it to shoot a regular frame but if I were wanting to do that, I would get a smaller camera. It is a rugged wide contraption. It has some fairly 'modern' features such as aperture priority as well as manual, and the film advance is motorised. A tiny digital display on the back for frames remaining, shutter speed etc.

This is one I took on £1 shop Kodak ColorPlus 200, effectively removing the 'Velvia factor'!!:D

been scanning up some of my older prints, and here are some. Bit of a varied selection, New York and gigs.

1st. Sunrise seen from my hotel window 2002


2. Girlschool from Newcastle Uni about 1986


3. Death angel from Bradford Queens Hall 1990

Don't say that, I've just bought one :LOL::LOL::LOL:

I shoot lol dogs with mine, its just too distorted to be taken seriously..:LOL:

I mean the 5 sister would look a million miles away all crushed to a pin head and disappearing down a plughole through a 10-20..
Time to lower the tone again, a few shots from my newly repaired Fed 3...

Local Fishing Pond

Horsing Around

No I'm NOT Stalking them...

All on Ilford HP5+, 400asa (well - 350 GOST :)) ,Home Developed in Ilfosol 3,1+14 and scanned on a Canoscan 8800F with Silverfast SE software.
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OK this is my first foray into this excellent thread, I've posted a few in other threads but they were more experimental and I was looking for advice.
Firstly a couple of b&w shot on Ilford XP2 super 400 and processed at Asda, they were scanned on a Canon Pixma MP510 and to be honest the prints are much better than the scans.

1. The courtyard at Little Moreton Hall taken from the Long Room. Great place LMH not a straight line to be seen. It was built in 1507 and almost immediately began to sink and move.

2. The Great Hall. The table is 500 years old. Not altogether happy with this as its a bit grainy.

And some colour.... Fujicolor C200

3. Side elevation of LMH

4. The main window of the Great Hall.

5. The Front of Little Moreton Hall

6. A Stream (just finishing of the film)

So, there you go, any thoughts, comments or critique very welcome and I will be doing more film stuff. At the moment I only have a Nikon f301 but the shutter noise is wonderful.


I lurve that fuji colour! Excellent piccies, looks and sounds like you're hooked!