Show us yer film shots then!

Great stuff Ghandi!

A early few from a Prague/Northern Italy/Southern France jolly the last couple of weeks, All FP4 in ID-11...






Thanks Sam! I really like those last two. I'd have straightened them, but I'm a bit anal about stuff like that. Really like the tones and feel of them. Was this a Holga type camera?

More stuff

1.4 is tricky anytime, especially with a moving child! I suspect the slight softness is due to that, rather than the shutter speed. 1.4 gives you DoF approximate to a Gnats Dinkle, especially at close range. Tiny movements are often enough to throw the focus.
They're all good Javier but the second one is nailed. Fabulous work.

And Gandhi and SamG...superb shots from you two as well. Just when you think the threads reached a peak more stunning images appear.

Just got some rolls back from Peak so going through the tedious business of scanning. Here's one from my new Bronica, shot on Neopan 400 just before the heavens opened in Southwold a couple of weeks back:

Stormy Southwold Mono by Pam & Ben, on Flickr
And one more for now, a portrait of my wife on the beach:

Pam by Pam & Ben, on Flickr

Nowt special in artistic terms, but I'm pretty chuffed as this was taken on an old Zeiss Ikonta folder with guesswork focussing and metered using the sunny 16 rule. I've cheated a little by cropping a load of dead space off the top to make it square, quite hard to frame at closish distances it would seem.
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Another from Devon trip 1969, just outside Lynton.

Canon AT-1 50mm 1.8 FD lens film unknown.

They're all good Javier but the second one is nailed. Fabulous work.


Thanks Andy.
Very shallow DOF on full frame. nearly impossible to manual focus. :)
Pentax ME Super, SMC-M50F/1.4 and Superia 200
A few more random snaps.

My dinner some time last week.

A jar full of pennies that would be worth more in weight if allowed to recycle the metal

A shell

My water jug. It goes with me where ever I go. F/8.0

My hair brush. Yes I have a sponge bob hair brush. It is the only one my kids don't take. All others disappear
Inspired by the travelling Holga I thought I'd dig mine out!


The travelling one should be with you sometime next week as well - it's a busy time for plastic cameras :LOL:

Might give some of the Holga newcomers an idea of what they could get - though I'm not sure mine's lens is that good :LOL:
Thanks Sam! I really like those last two. I'd have straightened them, but I'm a bit anal about stuff like that. Really like the tones and feel of them. Was this a Holga type camera?

Cheers! Nah, they're all shot with a Canon AV-1. Underexposed, overdeveloped and the blacks pulled back in pp. I'm often too lazy to straighten shots but I agree, they could use a tad :)

And Gandhi and SamG...superb shots from you two as well. Just when you think the threads reached a peak more stunning images appear.

Thanks a lot :)

Great shots Paleblue, I always love your stuff from the East (and it often leads to me researching traveling out there)
Great shots Paleblue, I always love your stuff from the East (and it often leads to me researching traveling out there)

Thanks man! Nice to hear. If you ever have a question about E Asia, drop me a mail (don't know much about SE Asia as I haven't explored there.. yet).
Your shots have a distinct characteristic to them, and I think some places over there would definitely suit your style.
Trying out a new, really w i d e lens.

Mamiya 7II, N 43mm f4.5 L, Yellow Filter, Kodak 400TMY, PMK Pyro, Pentax One-Degree Spotmeter

Trying out a new, really w i d e lens.

Mamiya 7II, N 43mm f4.5 L, Yellow Filter, Kodak 400TMY, PMK Pyro, Pentax One-Degree Spotmeter

Nice (y)

Some peeps would say its kinda sad, but, the thing that really jumps out at me from a technical perspective is how straight that photo is for a really w i d e lens.
43 isn't that wide in 35mm circles but still its miles better than my Mam 6 50.
So I'm gonna call perspective correction in post, severe cropping or Mam 7 43's are damn straight..:)
Nice (y)

Some peeps would say its kinda sad, but, the thing that really jumps out at me from a technical perspective is how straight that photo is for a really w i d e lens.
43 isn't that wide in 35mm circles but still its miles better than my Mam 6 50.
So I'm gonna call perspective correction in post, severe cropping or Mam 7 43's are damn straight..:)

It's cropped just a little. There was a little convergence because I had to aim up (corrected in post) but I'm on an elevated position which helps. Any wider of a lens and we'd be in fish-eye territory, I'd think.
Get you hugs for the day and don't cop a feel while doing it.

Mamiya 7II, N 65mm f4 L, Kodak 400TMY, PMK Pyro

I think I have found my favourite film.
adox CHS 25 art,

[/url] Adox by Marvin d martian100, on Flickr[/IMG]

Just a test but I'm loving it so far.

submitted for TP Day .........finally..:bonk:
Canon A-1 with FDn 35-105mm
Fuji Neopan 400CN
But Full of Memories''
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Tripods all round all the time when you shoot 5x4 Jim!

But yeah, that CHS25 is my standard film. I have had some problems with emulsion lifting for no reason and some uneven development when doing stand dev. Doesn'd do to bad on the reciprocity failure either.
Tripods all round all the time when you shoot 5x4 Jim!

But yeah, that CHS25 is my standard film. I have had some problems with emulsion lifting for no reason and some uneven development when doing stand dev. Doesn'd do to bad on the reciprocity failure either.

I mainly meant Alan's shots but I can understand tripods for 25iso film anyways at 35mm, let alone MF or LF. I have looked at MF cameras and quite frankly I don't think I could cart one of those around, let alone a 5x4 camera. And I am not exactly small either! Not that I would get the chance with a wife and 2 year old in tow. ;)
No tripod for my shots I'm afraid, I was lucky with the light! (except in the puddle one, that was max aperture, 1/60 and hope!

I'm finding it works well with colour filters but unfiltered I'm not liking the results much.

Marvin - was there a filter used on the foxgloves shot or is that it's natural colour sensitivity?
no filter on the foxgloves shot. I bought some adox CHS 25 on a whim and I'm loving it.

That explains th unique colour response then, like a permanent purple filter.

Not sure I'll be sticking with it persoanllt, I like my C41 too much
Err not purple fox gloves, more like a pinkish white!!

i reckon the last one has potential...........:D

how about a crop ..?

cut out the black LHS
the rockwall on the RHS..maybe..?
and the stuff at the top

so one looks through the tunnel..?