Show us yer film shots then!

At the beginning of the cd there was a blank frame in which you can see the groove quite clearly! I will post it up in a while to see what you think.
OK, after trying the B&W film for the first time a couple of weeks ago I decided to give some colour film a go. Nothing special just cheapo colour plus 200. Again manually focused but this time with the 85mm.

This film had some sort of scratch or groove all the way though it!!! You can see it in the images which im not happy about. Normally imperfections add a touch of character to film shots but this is just plain distracting. Plus this film seems to be grainier than the 400 B&W film?? I do like the disinctive colours though.. ; )

What do you think?


1st colour film -7 by onform1, on Flickr

Regardless of the scanner abnormality, this is a great photograph. You certainly caught it at just the right moment and you are right, the colours are wonderful :)

Another of mine. Minolta X-300 with 28mm prime and XP-2:

grafittied sea wall
by rednorters, on Flickr
Right thread this time...

Dipping my toe in with C41 monochrome again, this time with Ilford XP2, on an Canon A-1 with 17mm f/4.

Looking close up at the scans, it's definitely closer in feel to the Ilford films I'm used to than the Kodak BW400CN (noticeably more grain where it was practically invisible on the Kodak).

Tanner Street by cybertect, on Flickr

Bzzz! by cybertect, on Flickr

Shad Thames mono by cybertect, on Flickr
I really like the second one in your set Rob. Is it a cyclist or motorcycle? Well spotted either way :)

Ta. I've a couple more from the roll that I may post later.

@ norters: Motorcycle (or rather more a motor scooter IIRC).

I has a previous attempt with a bicycle passing (would have worked better thematically with the road graphics) but just missed the timing for where I wanted it in the frame.

That part of Weston Street is going to disappear in the rebuilding of London Bridge station in a couple of years to make way for a new entrance on Tooley Street.
I have taken pictures of my film cameras with my digital, so here is one the other way round! Me and TMAX 400 didn't get on too well, mainly because of my poor exposures and I am not sure it soups too well in Ilfosol 3 either.

TMAX 400 thru M6-1.jpg by menthel, on Flickr
Hey Nick........Would a tiny bit of flash have helped in that shot ?...if you haven't an expensive flashgun a few white handkerchiefs would do, but you would have to bracket a few shots.
Hey Nick........Would a tiny bit of flash have helped in that shot ?...if you haven't an expensive flashgun a few white handkerchiefs would do, but you would have to bracket a few shots.

I didn't have a flashgun for the mamiya back then, but now I do, I might go back and re-take it ;)
I think the problem with a flash unless you are very careful is that you'll end up with a horrible specular highlight. If you're going to use flash on it you need to diffuse it through something big and white in my opinion.
My first roll of Portra 400

And yes, I processed the correct


Portra 400-6 by onform1, on Flickr


Portra 400-5 by onform1, on Flickr


Portra 400-3 by onform1, on Flickr

A little underwhelmed to be honest, It's a bit grainier than I was expecting especially when shot at normal exposure levels #1 and 3 but with flash at +1 FEC shot #2 it seems great?. yes the colours great and very accurate BUT the film has not exactly bowled me over..

You may also notice the film scratch is also present on these too, (my last film I had developed had the same anomaly), but in a different location!! I am thinking it's my local camera stores scanner TBH..

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Embrace the grain :)

Sure it isn't scanner digital noise? High street scanning tends to be dog **** from what I've seen. And I'd ask for my money back with them marks across them, rubbish service!
High Street Scan and over-sharpening on their part (to rescue/aid shots taken with disposable point and shoot cameras) tends to exagerate the grain in any film. Time to find another processing co. I'd say :shrug:
I would in future get it developed at somewhere a little bit more reliable, in the review of Portra 400 in Amateur Photographer about last year the reviewer noted that the rolls he had deved and scanned in a pro lab were much less grainy and looked generally better then those done in a branch of Snappy Snaps. My Portra 400 images had nowhere near the amount of grain that those do except on a couple of the few I underexposed 2 stops.

Try Club 35 in London, they are not too expensive for develop and scan in comparison to most pro labs and their very quick by post, usually you'll get the film back in 4 days if its sent on Monday to Wednesday. Their developing is very high quality, I've never had any problems with them.
Yeah, I won't be going there again. They are way over priced anyway! I have a roll of Tmax100 I shot today also which I think I will send off.
Nice to see you again Javier, its not been quite the same without your fantastic street shots of L.A.
Back working with 5x4 film, here Gat the cat

[/url] gat the cat by Marvin d martian100, on Flickr[/IMG]

Delta 100, MPP 5x4, 210mm 5.6
Liking the high contrast black and white but this shot just does nothing for me, it's not level, you need to get closer for street shots like this, it's not very well composed and the background is distracting! That said, it's just my opinion, feel free to ignore :)

No worries. Can you please share a link with me where I might be able to check out your street work? I would love to see what you consider to be great. I will be waiting for it. By the way, did you take a look at my flickr stream?

I would appreciate your thoughts on some of those as well. :cool:
No worries. Can you please share a link with me where I might be able to check out your street work? I would love to see what you consider to be great. I will be waiting for it. By the way, did you take a look at my flickr stream?

I would appreciate your thoughts on some of those as well. :cool:

Here you go dude, you should be able to see this album :)

It's only on facebook but it's more than is on my flickr! I'll add you as a contact on there too!
Everyone has a different take on street, depending on their style and sometimes inevitably the tools they use (SLR photos tend to be taken at eye-level, TLR often at waist level, rangefinders often hyperfocused and shot anywhere between). That's what makes it fun, the variation.
Everyone has a different take on street, depending on their style and sometimes inevitably the tools they use (SLR photos tend to be taken at eye-level, TLR often at waist level, rangefinders often hyperfocused and shot anywhere between). That's what makes it fun, the variation.

Well I back Javier on this as although close ups of people can be interesting, the whole scene in a country can be informative as well in showing people around the world where they live or include conditions at the time e.g. people in disasters and so on
I prefer Javiers.
It shows the whole 'street' in real life, which living far away is more interesting to me, than tight in 'portrait' type shots that could be shot anywhere in the world !

I like the busy background and like to spend time looking at the shops and signs in the windows, graffiti, even the litter is interesting. It's not the 'comercial' view of LA we are sold on TV !

Retro G has some nice shots, but for me they are no different to any other candid type portrait, and I soon loose interest.
I agree wholeheartedly Tricky69 - I think pretty much everyone knows i'm not really a people photographer - but Javier's little "slice of life" on the less frequently seen on TV/Film areas of LA are fascinating to me. While Nick's shots are ok, to be honest, If I want to see the numpties in Leeds or Huddersfield, I can get on a train and be there in half a hour, I can't do that with East LA.
Not that I prefer a particular person's work or anything, that comment seems a tad harsh because this just happens to be a UK orientated forum. Someone on APUG (insert name of US orientated film forum) could be saying "I can see LA just by walking outside, but I can't see what people in the North of England are like if it wasn't for this set of photos". Very very harsh in fact.
Liking the high contrast black and white but this shot just does nothing for me, it's not level, you need to get closer for street shots like this, it's not very well composed and the background is distracting! That said, it's just my opinion, feel free to ignore :)

Disagree I'm afraid. I don't think you worded your critique particularly well
I really like Javier's work for the context we get with each and every shot. Everybody has their own idea about what 'street' is there is no definitive definition. I define 'street' as pictures taken on the street, of anything :)
Apologies if it was badly worded crit, I just don't like the shot. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that you are a bad photographer or anything Javier, I just think you have much stronger images on your flickr and in the other threads, I just couldn't see why you posted that one, each to their own I guess :)