Show us yer film shots then!

OK, I can't help thinking that should be an illustration in a 1950s book about Picasso's collection of vernacular African art :)

It"s actually part of quite a large sculpture we have in our home......Picasso had nothing to do with it I'm afraid unless the sculpter was perhaps influenced by him.

Made of wood and sculpting clay, it resembles a butterfly.....hence it's name "Papillon" (french for butterfly).

Tbh b&w doesn't do it justice nor does the tight crop but I wanted to test the T mode on the lens using still life ....t'was the perfect subject!

Shot at F/22 1 min 24 seconds Natural light from a window approx 30ft away
Yeah, definitely get what you pay for! But for a disposable camera Asda seemed the logical place to develop it
Don't think I have shared anything I have shot on my Black Slim Devil plastic toy thing on here. Threw a roll of one Euro drugstore film I picked up while in Berlin. These are from the last week or so:

by rednorters, on Flickr

by rednorters, on Flickr

by rednorters, on Flickr

Also, took advantage of the sun being out yesterday to rush a roll of Ektar through the X-300/28mm 2.8:

by rednorters, on Flickr

by rednorters, on Flickr

by rednorters, on Flickr

Thanks for looking as always (y)
Got my first ever roll of slide film back, looks lovely on the film but I'm having a right bugger scanning it. After far too much effort managed to eke this out of it.

Ikonta051 by steveo_mcg, on Flickr

Shot on my Ikonta 524/16 with Velvia 100f

Fairly poor exposure on my part hasn't made is easy, a mobile phone light meter, the 524 relatively limited controls and me being a bit rubbish mean that they're a little underexposed and have strong magenta cast I'm having trouble removing, at least I've got the original to compare to.
Nick ,,has reflections been scanned the wrong way round ?
good set anyway , i quite like the rainbow flare in the first
I see you had more luck scanning the slides than I did, they're cracking shots.

That should read

"I see you had more luck by throwing your developed film to a much more experienced friend and asking him to scan the good ones for you so the others never see the light of day"

ps - thanks, shame I've returned it today as I was just off to France with some Velvia 50.
Hello James, welcome to the film cave. A great way to introduce yourself, lovely shots all round.

James, a great set of shots, love the vintage feel. The colours and some very nicely composed images. Also welcome!
Hi James, Five fine shots for a first post, buskers get my vote, Phil.
Nice viewpoint, interesting shot. I am doing much experimental shooting at the moment from this sort of angle. Get lots of strange looks from passers but hey, what's new!
Nice viewpoint, interesting shot. I am doing much experimental shooting at the moment from this sort of angle. Get lots of strange looks from passers but hey, what's new!

I'm sure folk round my way just think "There's that mad photographer again" :wacky:
Just been having a look at some older negs and re-scanning and found this one taken on my Bessa R3a and Nokton 40mm f1.4 on Fuji Acros, rather liked it.

And So We Are All Forgotten And Gone To Dust

Hephzibah by andysnapper1, on Flickr


Andy, very nice monochrome, excellent range of greyscale and I particularly like the framing that truncated many of the tombstones. Very solid and engaging all round!
Thanks Adrian, I do love trhis combo of camera/lens/film works very well for me.

JCoquillon said:
A few from me:

Ilford XP2, Nikon FM2, 19-35mm

Fantastic. Love the street acrobats.
It's been ages since I shot any film but I went out to Snowdonia with the Bronica at the weekend. Sadly most of my pictures were underexposed (at least for the V500) but this one seems to have come out reasonably well:

Autumn Velvia by osh80, on Flickr

Bronica SQ-Ai
Fuji Velvia 50
Epson V500
Fantastic. Love the street acrobats.

Many thanks, to begin with they were an inconvenience.

I was sat waiting to meet a friend on the bench and they started using it as a spring board. After ten mins I snapped a couple shots, but otherwise ignored them as it just wasn't feeling right until then as the light had been too harsh initially and the sun was in the wrong place.

A little light cloud and it became shootable.
It's been ages since I shot any film but I went out to Snowdonia with the Bronica at the weekend. Sadly most of my pictures were underexposed (at least for the V500) but this one seems to have come out reasonably well:

Autumn Velvia by osh80, on Flickr

Bronica SQ-Ai
Fuji Velvia 50
Epson V500
Very nice Simon, very nice indeed. The gull is perfect.

Some from a roll of Provia 100 i shot on the RB67 a couple of weeks ago in Manchester


Really liking Provia thus far, a bit less fiddly than Velvia and a little less extreme on the saturation

C&C gratefully received
Simon the gull is indeed lovely, and I also really like the sun through the renforcing rods.

Rob, the Provia shot has come out really nicely too.
Lovely shot Rob, the colours are excellent. I have just had a look in the fridge and I've got some rolls of 120 provia so they are off to Brugge tomorrow (with me obviously, pointless them going on their own).
