Show us yer film shots then!

Rob, the Provia shot has come out really nicely too.

Lovely shot Rob, the colours are excellent. I have just had a look in the fridge and I've got some rolls of 120 provia so they are off to Brugge tomorrow (with me obviously, pointless them going on their own).


Many thanks gents (y)
Exactly a year ago today when hot my first roll of colour fillm. It just so happens i'm off out today to shoot some more cheapo colour film to participate in the 1£ agfa challange....

Anyway, the results for your perusal:

Wow, if that were my first roll of colour film, I would be REALLY pleased!
I posted this in the people and portraits thread, but I'll stick it in here too as it's relevant.

I still shoot quite a lot of medium format 6x7 film for studio work. There's something about the quality that digital doesn't quite manage. It's not the resolution, as a Phaseone IQ180 back is actually higher res, but it's the tonal response.

Mamyia RB67
Mamyia-Sekor 150mm
Fuji Provia 100F
Flextight X5 scanner.

Click for full res.

I suspect that red is not quite as harsh as it would be on digital (at least with the kit I use I often have trouble with strong reds).
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Thanks guys...

I have since started to buy into a large format system. Which is a whole other world..
Well David that's a very good portrait shot and the quality also shows when you click to expand.
Simon and Matt, lovely stuff both.

David, top work, I think if anything proves film has a place in modern photography its shots like this.




Film: Fuji Acros 100 @ISO 100
Camera: Mamiya C330f with 80mm lens
Developer: Diafine (4+4 mins)

I suspect that red is not quite as harsh as it would be on digital (at least with the kit I use I often have trouble with strong reds).

Provia seems to subdue reds every so slightly, which can be a good thing with skin tones sometimes.
So I went to a local flea market last week and while there I found an old Practika and a leather bag of accessories. The camera was a write off, it's already been binned but the bag held a tele/wide converter and a set of step up/down rings. Decided to have a bit of fun with the converter on my 28mm 2.8 on the X-300 :) Here are a few of the images:

Still not wide enough to prevent me messing up and cutting off his feet!

by rednorters, on Flickr

by rednorters, on Flickr

by rednorters, on Flickr

I had a fun day :D Also got my shots for the Agfa challenge wrapped up (Oly Trip) and will post them tomorrow :)

Thanks for looking as always (y)
Hi, I have a Beautyflex TLR camera I have never quite mastered, always seems to be something wrong, usually my errors. I took it out for a bike ride yesterday and in the usual assortment of out of focus, over or double exposed pictures was this one. Fuji Acros 100 film developed in D-76 for 7.5 mins @20c. I still prefer the Yashica Mat any time.
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Hey onform. Great shots in the park. The portrait is very good indeed.
Pookyhead. the lighting, shows there's a lot of life left in film.

Naboo32... Thanks, can't get too much Shard. Great view.
First film shot on cheap agfa vista + 200 from poundland. Shot on a canon EOS 100. Just wanted to check the camera was working okay before I got some better film.





Feel free to offer any advice or critique, I would also particularly like some advice on colour film (maybe kodak ektar?) and which lab you recommend for processing/scanning.

Many thanks
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First film shot on cheap agfa vista + 200 from poundland. Shot on a canon EOS 100. Just wanted to check the camera was working okay before I got some better film.


Feel free to offer any advice or critique, I would also particularly like some advice on colour film (maybe kodak ektar?) and which lab you recommend for processing/scanning.

The EOS 100 is definitely working! And so are you, I'd say. Great selection. Numbers 2 and 3 hit the spot for me.

I use Superia 200 as my every-day film, but there are lots of opinions. I tried out Ektar and Portra and preferred the latter, but it was only one roll of each and I was trying to make my Pentax ME follow my version of the Sunny 16 rule, so I don't think it was a fair trial!

There's a sticky at the head of the forum with info on labs, including a link to a Google Docs spreadsheet with some cost comparators. I've used several, but tend to go to Photo Express for C41 process and scan as fast and cheap. Many use Peak, Dark Room or Club 35...

Looking forward to more!
Not a great Success, Efke 820 Aura.
Well I like it!
So I've had this roll of Fuji Pro 1600 (£1 from the bargain bucket at the local developers) rattling around my drawer for months. Decided to run it through the X-300 and here is one I am happy with.

made of stone
by rednorters, on Flickr

Decided not to push my luck and shot it at 1600 :LOL:
Thanks for looking as always (y)
Some very nice work as always being posted included the grainy ones....enjoying viewing them all!

Here's a quick one from me shot on a 1979 Minolta 110 SLR using ORCA film devd in Rodinal.

I've actually just printed it A4 and like many of my film shots, it actually looks better on paper than on a computer screen.

Asha said:
Some very nice work as always being posted included the grainy ones....enjoying viewing them all!

Here's a quick one from me shot on a 1979 Minolta 110 SLR using ORCA film devd in Rodinal.

I've actually just printed it A4 and like many of my film shots, it actually looks better on paper than on a computer screen.

Nice that! btw what reels are you using to dev? I can't find any small enough!
Nice that! btw what reels are you using to dev? I can't find any small enough!

Thanks Scott,

I followed this but ommitted paragraph 3 of step 2 as I found the zig zag entry causes no real difficulty in loading the film.

Also, having only superglue to hand, I decided to join the two halves together using that.I've only devd one film so far but the glue has held ok ...the chemicals haven't had any detrimental effect on it. Should it come apart at some point then I'll simply rejoin with some other adhesive.

The whole procedure is in reality quite easy to do!
Hope this is of help.
The EOS 100 is definitely working! And so are you, I'd say. Great selection. Numbers 2 and 3 hit the spot for me.

I use Superia 200 as my every-day film, but there are lots of opinions. I tried out Ektar and Portra and preferred the latter, but it was only one roll of each and I was trying to make my Pentax ME follow my version of the Sunny 16 rule, so I don't think it was a fair trial!

There's a sticky at the head of the forum with info on labs, including a link to a Google Docs spreadsheet with some cost comparators. I've used several, but tend to go to Photo Express for C41 process and scan as fast and cheap. Many use Peak, Dark Room or Club 35...

Looking forward to more!

Thanks Chris, I just got these processed at Max spielmann as there is one close to where I work and as I said I just wanted to check the camera really.
Yes, I like the look of portra but wondered what it would be like for landscapes. Only one way to find out! :)
For my 666th post I will post this one from my 1600 speed film experiments yesterday. A spooky looking sculpture in the Cathedral:

by rednorters, on Flickr

Minolta X-300, 50mm 1.7. Fuji Pro 1600.

Thanks for looking!
Not the best of scans, something I need to work on, but here was my first shot on the Impossible Projects latest film:


and a mis-focused self portrait! :bonk:

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Probably more likely to be a light leak on the shutter curtain itself - I think TheBigYin or someone else had a Fed/Zorki that needed a curtain to be patched over. Take the lens off and have a look to see if there's any damage to the shutter curtains.

Flare doesn't often look like that, although I'd need to see other pictures and flare does come in so many different forms that it's difficult to say for sure!
First film shot on cheap agfa vista + 200 from poundland. Shot on a canon EOS 100. Just wanted to check the camera was working okay before I got some better film.

Fantastic scene, fabulous poundland photo
Probably more likely to be a light leak on the shutter curtain itself - I think TheBigYin or someone else had a Fed/Zorki that needed a curtain to be patched over. Take the lens off and have a look to see if there's any damage to the shutter curtains.

Flare doesn't often look like that, although I'd need to see other pictures and flare does come in so many different forms that it's difficult to say for sure!

Yep - it was me...

How the problem manifested itself...

Fed3 - Test reel - frame 30 by The Big Yin, on Flickr

the cause

Film Side by The Big Yin, on Flickr

basically, the rubberised fabric of the shutter had "degraded" (read the rubber had perished and fell off into the camera!) - solved the problem with matt-black latex fabric paint (£2 from fleabay!)

If this is the problem, you can check for it by opening the camera, removing the lens, and shining a powerful torch through the lens mount opening. If the curtain has gone "porous" then it's a easy fix...
From the first roll I've developed in 35 years.
Don't have any C41
