Show us yer film shots then!


#2 is really good.(y)
Spotted whilst on holiday..

Nikon FE / Nikkor Ai-S 50mm f/2. Fresh Kodak Gold 200 in fresh Tetenal C41. Self dev self scan from negative

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Went on trip to WARE , Hertfordshire with my Great Camera Club / FLICKR mate RAY and lugged a PENTAX 6x7 Mk I outfit -- heavy ! I had it in a Rucksac on my back. I do not use it so often but it takes 220 size film so as I have packs of 1999 dated FUJI ASTIA 220 to use up I took it -- of course, as soon as we arrived the WEATHER turned all GROTTY so i struggled with 100 ASA rated Fillum but managed to get a few snaps with variuos lenses .
SMC - Takumar 75mm f4.5 'Shift' lens
WARE Herts 01 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
WARE Herts 05 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
WARE Herts 06 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
SMC-Pentax 45mm f4 lens
WARE Herts 09 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Went on trip to WARE , Hertfordshire with my Great Camera Club / FLICKR mate RAY and lugged a PENTAX 6x7 Mk I outfit -- heavy ! I had it in a Rucksac on my back. I do not use it so often but it takes 220 size film so as I have packs of 1999 dated FUJI ASTIA 220 to use up I took it -- of course, as soon as we arrived the WEATHER turned all GROTTY so i struggled with 100 ASA
Don’t often see Astia results; these work very well
Kodak gold 200, nikon FM2n, nikon 50mm1.8. Two strangers at the beach i liked the subject, wish i shot a bit more of the reflection on the sand
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Trying out the first of a batch of vintage cameras given to me by my father. This was shot with a Kodak No 3 Folding Brownie, Model D, which dates from 1905-1915, on paper negative.

Gibside Chapel - Kodak No 3 Folding Brownie, paper negative by Kevin Allan, on Flickr
Reading the text, I did not expect such a fine image. Great work Kevin, keeping all the tones from the dark wood through to detail in the glazing bars is not something I expected from a hundred year old camera and a paper negative. (y)
Reading the text, I did not expect such a fine image. Great work Kevin, keeping all the tones from the dark wood through to detail in the glazing bars is not something I expected from a hundred year old camera and a paper negative. (y)
Thanks for your comments. I scanned the negative on a multifunction printer/scanner because the Epson v700 was inaccessible. Since posting I’ve rescanned on the v700 which gives much better shadow detail and gradation between tones.
KEVIN ALLAN : m I clicked on your FLICKR account -- you have loads of GREAT 'Pictorial' photos - especially a 'Master' at FOMAPAN 100 -- wish you were a member of Brentwood and District Photographic Club you could give the Old Fogies a Run For Their Money ! Have a look at MY SNAPS on FLICKR ! I have used FOMAPAN 100
KEVIN ALLAN : m I clicked on your FLICKR account -- you have loads of GREAT 'Pictorial' photos - especially a 'Master' at FOMAPAN 100 -- wish you were a member of Brentwood and District Photographic Club you could give the Old Fogies a Run For Their Money ! Have a look at MY SNAPS on FLICKR ! I have used FOMAPAN 100
Alas, Brentwood is a bit distant for me, Peter - I'm in Newcastle upon Tyne. Thanks for your kind words.
Another old camera in use ... this time a Houghton-Butcher Ensign 2 1/4B, dating from 1923 so 100 years old this year. I shot in Carlisle Cathedral with HP5+ and semi-stand developed in HC110 1:100 for 1 hour.

Tripods aren't allowed in this location so I placed the camera on flat surfaces and used the T setting for exposures around 3 seconds.

Inside Carlisle Cathedral with a 100-year old box camera by Kevin Allan, on Flickr
Lovely glow from the vintage lens.
I agree it is nice, but actually you can get that glow using e.g. Vivitar 24mm wide open at f2...and am sure with other lenses WO. Whether there is a difference in the shot i.e. vintage ver more modern lenses (WO for glow) would be interesting.