Shutter count help


POTY (Joint) 2016
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I am trying to obtain the shuttercount from 2 different Canon bodies using Freeshuttercount but the cameras do not seem to be recognized. I have downloaded the 'upgraded drivers' but get the message:

Any suggestions??
Thanks in advance

You might look at this, but I haven't tried it:
Or perhaps this:
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.......or suggest anything else to get shutter count?? Thanks
I had the same problem with my 7D MKII ... nothing would do it.

After a LOT of searching I found that a prog called Astro Photography tool does it ... it gives you the shutter amount as part of the setup. I downloaded the demo and you connect the camera via USB and it reads it. Sounds a bit complicated as I described it but quite easy.
Used apt
Canon 40d I acquired a couple of weeks ago 3957
Canon 6d I bought last week 56086
I always just used to take a RAW photo then check the EXIF in Photoshop - shutter count is in there... Go to File> File Info>Raw Data and it's a few scrolls down, just below the camera and lens serial nos...

This image shows that it's frame number 44,448

Screenshot 2021-08-18 at 16.09.32.jpg
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There are quite a few Canon bodies where the shutter count isn't recorded in the image file metadata, unfortunately. For those that do have it (as with Nikon bodies) you can just use this:

That wont work, Nikon bodies it will you can get the shutter count off the image, most Canon bodies require you to plug the camera into the computer, the only Canon two bodies you wont get any info from is the 1D III series as its not recorded at all.
That wont work, Nikon bodies it will you can get the shutter count off the image, most Canon bodies require you to plug the camera into the computer, the only Canon two bodies you wont get any info from is the 1D III series as its not recorded at all.
Yes, that's what I meant. For most Canons, I would try the packages in my first post (they are both free, so there's nothing to lose).
That's the one in the third link above - good to know it works! Current link to the download here:
only one that worked for me.... 2seconds it took to get shutter readings for my Pentax and Nikon Gear, a long time of faffing for SWMBOs 7D2.....

Other thing that surprised my was how little use the Pentax got....and it's my favourite.