SilentGoddess's Photo 52 for 2011 - Week 11 Re-shoot and Knowledge (NOW added)

Hiya Rayna,

Great take on the theme, well done!

Have to agree about the symmetry of the hands, alhtough I understand your plight about having to press the button and timer, etc so I think you have don e very well considering all.

My only other crit would be about the lighting on the nail varnish bottle, it is a little harsh - what lighting did you use?

Otherwise it is a great image and you have caputered a lovely skin tone. I can't see what was mentioned about the background, it looks fine to me, but then I am viewing this on my netbook screen.

Keep up the good work.


Dawn :)
Hey Dawn,

Thanks for the comments! I will try to make new shot when I can use some help in pressing the button :D

As for the light it is just the home lamp that is on the ceiling! When I take the new shots I will try to find alternative position for the composition to avoid the shine on the bottle.

Hey Dawn,

Thanks for the comments! I will try to make new shot when I can use some help in pressing the button :D

As for the light it is just the home lamp that is on the ceiling! When I take the new shots I will try to find alternative position for the composition to avoid the shine on the bottle.


Hiya Rayna,

You are welcome, you actually have a really nice image and idea there for HARD.

I have bought myself a few extra halogen lights (about £6 each from a local DIY store), they are brill for lighting as you can put different WATT bulbs in them and position them where you want them, quite versatile for lighting, and a cheap option, plus multi-functional. If you can afford, they would add to your photographic setup/prop equipment.

I find the ceiling light is not sufficient for lighting, especially as it has a 40W bulb and then a opaque shade on it - so really rely on my alternative lighting.

I can't wait to get my little 'studio' set up .... then I can have my lounge back :LOL:

As for help pressing the button, that could be useful too. Do you have a remote or trigger release that you could juggle and then drop out of shot? I find I am all fingers and thumbs at times, and actually find I use my trigger release more often than not now.


Dawn :)
Hiya Rayna,

You are welcome, you actually have a really nice image and idea there for HARD.

I have bought myself a few extra halogen lights (about £6 each from a local DIY store), they are brill for lighting as you can put different WATT bulbs in them and position them where you want them, quite versatile for lighting, and a cheap option, plus multi-functional. If you can afford, they would add to your photographic setup/prop equipment.

I find the ceiling light is not sufficient for lighting, especially as it has a 40W bulb and then a opaque shade on it - so really rely on my alternative lighting.

I can't wait to get my little 'studio' set up .... then I can have my lounge back

As for help pressing the button, that could be useful too. Do you have a remote or trigger release that you could juggle and then drop out of shot? I find I am all fingers and thumbs at times, and actually find I use my trigger release more often than not now.



I want to buy lighting equipment but I am struggling to find something affordable. I have considered the option you have mentioned but I don't know what lamps are suitable and then what bulbs should I use! Another thing is that I haven't seen lamps for the price you said!

I am planning to buy shutter release but still haven't done it! Now I am using the self-timer to prevent shakes!

Hi Rayna
You have some great shots in your 52. I especially like the week 3 drops pic and the week 5.

Week 5 is a lovely simple idea which really works. The composition is very engaging. You've got the colours really well - the colour of your hand looks very natural which can be difficult to get right. I like the slightly textured background. Good focussing and DOF. The hands look slightly overexposed which means you've lost some detail.

Great pic(y)

BTW you can get a third party shutter release cord for under a fiver on amazon or ebay
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I want to buy lighting equipment but I am struggling to find something affordable. I have considered the option you have mentioned but I don't know what lamps are suitable and then what bulbs should I use! Another thing is that I haven't seen lamps for the price you said!

I am planning to buy shutter release but still haven't done it! Now I am using the self-timer to prevent shakes!


Hiya Rayna,

I got the lamps at Homebase, they are Goose Neck Desk Lights which have a flexible arm with weighted base. They use G4 low voltage halogen bulbs up to max of 20W (I think you can get the bulbs in 5W, 10W, 15W) and so far they work well for what I need for lighting. I am sure other larger DIY stores must stock something similar. Here is a link to the one I bought recently for £6.19

I think once you get a shutter release you will see how useful they are. I bought mine last year November to get shots of fireworks, and I don't think I would have managed without it.

Hope this helps.


Dawn :)
Here is my try for week 6.

I have to be honest that I am ashamed a bit that my image is nothing interesting, but I just couldn't come up with anything else. On top of that when I hear Clutter the only thing I can think of is our spare room. My inspiration came from the fact that we are renting our house and due to this fact we don't trow away any box (to have for future move). The result - our spare room is cluttered with boxes and stuff of any kind.

As spark of creativity I decided to play a bit with Photoshop and the result is below! C&C are welcome!

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You've nabbed my idea! Well a similar idea anyway.
My clutter will be lovingly provided by my wonderful children though - they are so helpfull :) - and I'm planning several shots in one, but not as heavy on the PP.

I like the PP in the picture on the left, it reminds me of the A-Ha song 'Take on me'!
Hiya Rayna,

A woman after my own heart :LOL: I love the style and thought process of your week 6. Just the kind of thing I like to do re the triptych style.

Great stuff and love the way you have balanced the image. Love the colours too.

Well done!


Dawn :)
Thank you all for the comments! I can see how the first image resembles a bit to that video (love it BTW).

@ Dawn: Thanks for the good words! I decided to do the three photos at the last moment. I was experimenting which version will be the best (white or black) and then I tried them all next to each other. And BINGO! I think now each image adds something to the total representation.

Thank you all for the comments! I can see how the first image resembles a bit to that video (love it BTW).

@ Dawn: Thanks for the good words! I decided to do the three photos at the last moment. I was experimenting which version will be the best (white or black) and then I tried them all next to each other. And BINGO! I think now each image adds something to the total representation.


Hiya Rayna,

Good judgement call to keep the bit of colour and indeed it adds to the total representation.

I really like this image.

Well done :clap:

Dawn :)
Unfortunately I did not have enough time to think on this week theme, because I got engaged in Barcelona. So I am using one of the photos from our trip there.

"Delicate Rainbow in the Fountain"


C&C welcome!

Thank you for the comments Madhouseof5! I know that the rainbow is a bit difficult to spot but it was very bright and sunny day and it was just between two water columns. I have tried to process the photo to show it a bit more but i couldn't make it without totally changing the picture appearance.

Here is my photo for the "Chaos" week. I was struggling what to present because all of my ideas were more fit for a mess and not chaos. BUT then I remembered some photos I took in Barcelona at Plaça de Catalunya.

The CHAOS of pigeons was caused by a lady at the other end of the plaça taking out some seeds for the birds. You DON'T wish to be in the way of this pigeon flock. :D


C&C are Welcome!
Hi, Rayna, I'd say your chaos, is chaosish...

I'd have preferred a much tighter crop. The pigeons across the middle section seem to blur into each other.

I'd have been tempted to get close to the lady throwing the food, that would have been a good one.

Hi, Rayna, I'd say your chaos, is chaosish...

I'd have preferred a much tighter crop. The pigeons across the middle section seem to blur into each other.

I'd have been tempted to get close to the lady throwing the food, that would have been a good one.


I have to agree, it seems to lack a focal point. I think a tighter crop, would've worked a bit better (y)
Hi Rayna,
Catching up on your shots I think your 'clutter' shot is spot on - really good. Also like the delicate shot - an original take on the theme and good composition.
I don't agree with Andy on your chaos needing a crop - looks good and chaotic to me as it is - nice shot:clap:
Thanks for the comments!

Andy and Steven I can agree to some extend with your comments.
- "I'd have preferred a much tighter crop. The pigeons across the middle section seem to blur into each other."
The pigeons are blurred into each other because the shot was not planed and effectively the settings led to motion blur. I like the effect that came out. This photo was taken seconds before and that is why I wasn't prepared to shoot them in freeze motion.


I left wider crop to show the number of birds and the scale of what was happening. I will post tighter crop to see what you think.

- I'd have been tempted to get close to the lady throwing the food, that would have been a good one.
Unfortunately I have no special powers to predict who will be feeding the pigeons and when. So I couldn't predict where to stay. And the hole frenzy was over in two shots, so really no other way but to take the camera and hope for good shot. I did not have time to wait for second chance so...this is what came out.

Joan thanks for the comment too. It was real chaos for few seconds and I am really happy that I wasn't on the way of those crazy birds. :D
Hiya Rayna,

Just catching up with your Photo52.

Firstly congratulations on your engagement, I bet you had a fantastic time in Barcelona. A lovely photo you have there, and I can see the rainbow, although very faint (perhaps if there was a way for you to make it stand out a bit better would make the delicate theme stand out more), but a great photo and memory of your trip.

I actually like your Chaos photo and think the blurred birds in flight add to the motion of the chaos.


Dawn :)
Lynne, michael and Dawn thanks for the comments!

I too think that the motion blur adds to the chaos and the madness! The only thing that I am not too happy about is the lighting but it was very cloudy day and this is the best result I could get.

Firstly congrats on the engagment :banana: . Drinks on you ?:beer:

Can't say I'm hugely keen on the fountain pic. If I'm being brutally honest just looks like another tourist pic to me.

But I really like the "chaos" pic. The first one with the motion blur of the moving pigeons really works for me. The movement lifts the image to be something a bit special. They almost look ethereal- like ghost birds. And great idea for "chaos" Brill! (y)

Thank you Patrick! No problem, have a drink on me :beer: or no have two :beer:

I know the fountain photo is not the best but I had no time to prepare studio project or to have more suitable photo. Anyway I hope it will be the last so unsatisfying.

I am happy you like the motion blur photo. I too like how ghostly some of the birds appear.

Hi Rayna,

Sorry I haven't visited your 52 since HARD. I really like the Chaos shot. I know there are mixed views about the crop and blur. I am with the ones that agree that the blur adds to the chaos. And, like you said, no time to plan for it, again Chaos.
Have just seen your CLUTTER for the first time. Its great. Fab idea to process and present it like that. Nice one , :clap:Good luck with rest of 52

I think your chaos shot is really good - as others have already said, the motion blur adds to the chaotic feel and I really like the viewpoint as it really concentrates your eye on the mass of pidgeons taking off. Well done :)
Hi Rayna,

Sorry I haven't visited your 52 since HARD. I really like the Chaos shot. I know there are mixed views about the crop and blur. I am with the ones that agree that the blur adds to the chaos. And, like you said, no time to plan for it, again Chaos.
Have just seen your CLUTTER for the first time. Its great. Fab idea to process and present it like that. Nice one , Good luck with rest of 52


Thank you Martin for the comments on both themes. I am quite pleased with the PP of the clutter photo. It makes my clutter a bit more interesting than it should be :D

I think your chaos shot is really good - as others have already said, the motion blur adds to the chaotic feel and I really like the viewpoint as it really concentrates your eye on the mass of pidgeons taking off. Well done

Thank you for the kind comments Maria. I am glad you like the photo and the composition (even though there was no time to plan it).

Here is my entry for "Finish".

We went out for the afternoon to try the new Nifty Fifty and there was a beautiful sunset. I thought that it is nice image to finish off the day and the week. So here it is...


C&C are welcome!

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Hi, Rayna, lovely, warm colour and really like the reflection.

Tad off the top and left may improve the composition, unless it's what you were after??

Hi Rayna

I like it; nice glow, nice reflection on the water and nice silhouette.
While it's an industrial silhouette and one I wouldn't have aimed for, it works and tells me I should think out of the box more!

Thank you Neil! In Teesside we have plenty of industrial sites. Although I too don't normally shoot them I liked the contrast (in a way) of nature and industry!

Hi, Rayna, lovely, warm colour and really like the reflection.

Tad off the top and left may improve the composition, unless it's what you were after??


Thanks Andy. You might be right that the crop might be a bit better! I will try to post another one.

Lovely shot, could you post the exif data?

Jeff here is the EXIF info. I haven't PP the photo, just cleared few birds from the sky.

A lovely image, like the colours and composition.

Thank you Michael! I too like the colours and surprisingly the combination of Industry and Nature.
Hiya Rayna,

Yep that was a fantastic sunset tonight (well last night now that is past midnight at time of posting this). I was on Pendle Hill in Lancs probably about the same time as you taking photos of the sunset.

Brilliant colours and indeed like the idea of nature and industry combo. Not to mention how all those electric pylons provide power .... as does the sun in solar power.

Agree with the suggestion of the crop tad left and top, otherwise I think it is a fab photo.

Well done


Dawn :)