Simple Pleasures - Whats Your's ?

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Sat in my garden this evening,watching swifts on the wing,floating and gliding - so peaceful to watch :)

Whats your simple pleasure ?

a brown trout confidently sipping down a dry fly -- which I tied !
above brown trout, lemon juice, wild rice, Chardonnay............:LOL::LOL:
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Sitting by my club lake after an all night fishing session, watching the mist on the water as the sun rises, listening to the dawn chorus and sipping a nice cup of freshly brewed tea as my floats dips under....

Sitting on a hilltop with a valley view, eating a cheese buttie!
Sitting somewhere nice and quiet, away from the world and just watching nature pass me by .............................. Heaven
- Watching nature; birds, bugs and all kinds of beasties
- Waxing my boots (I enjoy it but it's not quite wax on whacks off)
- A good cup of coffee
- My cat sleeping at the end of the bed
- Watching the mileometer tick over *000...Geek!
- Seeing a Norbert Dentressangle truck

I'll stop before I scare people. :bonk:
watching 2 bigboobed hotties jelly wrestle...
I like to home alone with the TV off and just relax to my favourte music.
Walking on a very very hot day, with my camera, through nature reserves or the local meadows. :)
Wandering through woodland with my dog and and only the sights, sounds and smells of nature to accompany me.
Getting my iPhone to stream music via bluetooth to my new car (10 mins ago) which was all too difficult for the main dealer.
- Watching nature; birds, bugs and all kinds of beasties
- Waxing my boots (I enjoy it but it's not quite wax on whacks off)
- A good cup of coffee
- My cat sleeping at the end of the bed
- Watching the mileometer tick over *000...Geek!
- Seeing a Norbert Dentressangle truck

I'll stop before I scare people. :bonk:
too late :nono:
Beach, sunset, ouzo.

Long bath (2 hours or so), followed by a hot shower to rinse off the human soup!

Long lie in with the cat to keep me company.

i Love the smell of Nitro in the morning :love::naughty:

A good lunch in a 'proper' pub in the countryside with a couple of pints of real ale, followed by a gentle stroll with the family and the dog.
Cycling between Amesbury and Salisbury. Only done it twice.
Having a pint with mates watching old aircraft do some good old fashioned barnstorming
Nice cigar after a long hard Saturday working, accompanied with a nice Hook Norton.
Hmmm... I have a few.

A 12 year old bottle of The Balvenie Doublewood (might get a 'wee dram' in a minute).

Catching the last rays of the sun as it dips below the horizon on the beach that's 150ft from my front door.

Silence... absolute, blissful silence! (I suffer from tinnitus so a truly silent moment is a gift) :)

There are many, cuddles from hubby, watching the world go by in a park, looking at architecture (there are so many beautiful buildings in town, if people would just look up a bit!) but my simple pleasure dream would be to walk around, hand in hand with hubby again like we used to. I really miss that.