So help me out here, please...D750 with just 'one' lens.

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I'm going nuts, I can run to the D750 and just 'one' lens.

Please don't say the 27-70, my £'s just won't stretch that far.

Prime or zoom, zoom or prime.

The two zooms in the frame are the 24-85 and the 24-120. Reviews for zooms can't be trusted, IMVHO, they differ from 'excellent' to 'iffy'

The reviews for prime are very consistent, the 50mm f1.4G, 50mm f1.8D and the 50mm f1.8G all receiving rave reviews, the f1.4G seems to come out on top though.

Only problem, just one prime is sooooo restricting.

Your thoughts and recommendations would be welcomed.
Can you not buy the d750 with 24-120 from Panamoz then add a used 50 1.4/1.8?
24-120 f/4, NOT the older not f/4 version! Having done the single prime some years ago, I wouldn't do it again, except as an exercise in minimalism. The high ISO capability of the D750 make super fast (and expensive) lenses all but redundant unless you want/need the shallow DoF they can give. Of course, there are good examples of the third party 24-70 f/2.8 range but they can take some luck or searching.
24-120 f/4, NOT the older not f/4 version! Having done the single prime some years ago, I wouldn't do it again, except as an exercise in minimalism. The high ISO capability of the D750 make super fast (and expensive) lenses all but redundant unless you want/need the shallow DoF they can give. Of course, there are good examples of the third party 24-70 f/2.8 range but they can take some luck or searching.

See what I mean about reviews, 2.5 stars....
I ended up buying a 28-300 for my D610 and I have to say it exceeded my expectations and was really very good and I sold my favourite ever lens (70-300VR) shortly afterwards due to lack of use. Only drawbacks are the crazy focus breathing and a fair amount of distortion at 28mm.

I used it for a trip to Vietnam and it covered pretty much everything except where I used my 50 1.4 in dim locations (night markets etc).
Oh, and alternative is the Tamron 28-70 f/2.8 which I took up Kilimanjaro and that did a fantastic job, it really is a belter of a lens irrespective of cost and it's nice and small too. I've moved over to Olympus but I still keep my D610 and the only lenses are this Tamron and the 50 1.4.
Imagine having to sift through all these kinds of threads if there wasn't owners threads for each camera....

Pointless eh?

Pointless......sure is.

I have not had sift through 'Owners threads'......I just asked the question.

And got plenty of answers.

I think I've made my point.
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Will you buy grey? If so you can get the D750 with 24-120mm f4 for £1398 from Panamoz, and then you could buy a 50mm f1.8 for £135 meaning you'd spend just over £1500 for the body, 24-120mm f4 and 50mm f1.8 prime.

Or you could buy body only for £1048 and then by the Tamron 24-70 f2.8 for £650, meaning you have a D750 with 24-70mm f2.8 for £1700.

I wouldn't hesitate to buy from Panamoz.
Insofar as the focal length, the first question you must ask yourself is what do I want to photograph ? That should then determine the focal length.

If I had to buy just one lens it would be the 35mm which in my opinion is the most versatile lens for day-to-day use. That said ,it would not be my first choice for portraits. So you see what you want to photograph should define the range.

Personally, I would opt from a prime over a zoom in this situation due to optical quality and the ability to open up In low light without having to resort to a noisy high ISO at the top end. Even though the D750 handles this well.
I wouldn't be buying the D750 if it meant I could only have one lens.

I would stick with what I had (brand), or buy a lower priced body w/ better lenses...

That makes a great deal of sense, know one has suggested that.
Will you buy grey? If so you can get the D750 with 24-120mm f4 for £1398 from Panamoz, and then you could buy a 50mm f1.8 for £135 meaning you'd spend just over £1500 for the body, 24-120mm f4 and 50mm f1.8 prime.

Or you could buy body only for £1048 and then by the Tamron 24-70 f2.8 for £650, meaning you have a D750 with 24-70mm f2.8 for £1700.

I wouldn't hesitate to buy from Panamoz.

I have bought from DigitalRev, dunno about Panamoz though.
Pointless......sure is.....:thinking:

I have not had sift through 'Owners threads'......I just asked the question.

And got plenty of answers.

I think I've made my point, :exit:

Not really. If everyone started a new thread for every question they had on a specific camera then the equipment section would be swamped with these kind of threads... At least the owner threads contain all this kind of stuff. From all of the people that have replied, 6 are active within the D750 thread, so I'm guessing you would have had an equally good response in there too. Quite ironic that you ranted about them and then made a new thread asking the kind of question that the owners threads were made for.

As for your question, you don't give a budget, what you're into shooting, what you have etc?!
Not really. If everyone started a new thread for every question they had on a specific camera then the equipment section would be swamped with these kind of threads... At least the owner threads contain all this kind of stuff. From all of the people that have replied, 6 are active within the D750 thread, so I'm guessing you would have had an equally good response in there too. Quite ironic that you ranted about them and then made a new thread asking the kind of question that the owners threads were made for.

As for your question, you don't give a budget, what you're into shooting, what you have etc?!

People often do and when they have their answer(s), the threads generally drop down into obscurity. Personally, I find that the model owners threads often get filled with snaps that should IMO be in the photo sharing sections rather than the equipment ones.
24-85vr cheap, cheerful, sharp, small and light. From most reviews, its as sharp as the 120.
24-85vr cheap, cheerful, sharp, small and light. From most reviews, its as sharp as the 120.
Yep it's sharp enough, but there's more to an image than sharpness. Unfortunately it then all starts getting subjective as it comes down to the look it gives.

The 24-120 has other advantages such as weather, and also the ability to get more subject isolation due to the faster aperture and longer focal length.
I have the D750 and purchased mine with the 24-120 F4 I'm no expert and don't know about the fine merits of this and that, but the one thing I can tell you is I really like it.

I have the Nikon 70-300 VR, I have the Nikon 50mm F1.4G, Sigma 150 APO Macro, the Tamron 90 macro and its the 24-120 F4 lens that spends the most time in use. I think its a cracking lens so it gets my vote bud
I think it rather depends on what you want - on mine I've used the 24-120 f4 - great for landscape\general shots and that range is really handy, to my mind much handier than the 24-105 I had with Canon, then the 85 1.8 for "pop" portraits then the Sigma 70-300 which I've also used for landscape and for birds in flight\semi-macro shots and a steal at £87 from Amazon.

So in short it depends on what you need - if I had to choose just one it would be the 85mm as for me thats the one that produces the nicest images and the reason I moved back to DSLRs form mirrorless.
Yep it's sharp enough, but there's more to an image than sharpness. Unfortunately it then all starts getting subjective as it comes down to the look it gives.

The 24-120 has other advantages such as weather, and also the ability to get more subject isolation due to the faster aperture and longer focal length.

True, but then you could argue that the 85 is faster at the wide end which can be an advantage for some.

But I think it really comes down to what you want to shoot and other lenses you have.
Thanks all for the very varied advice, much appreciated.
Not really. If everyone started a new thread for every question they had on a specific camera then the equipment section would be swamped with these kind of threads... At least the owner threads contain all this kind of stuff. From all of the people that have replied, 6 are active within the D750 thread, so I'm guessing you would have had an equally good response in there too. Quite ironic that you ranted about them and then made a new thread asking the kind of question that the owners threads were made for.

As for your question, you don't give a budget, what you're into shooting, what you have etc?!

I think 'ranted' is a little strong, there are 'IMVHO's all over my post.
The 50 1.8g is a great lens and is very lightweight. You need to move your legs a bit though!! The Sigma Art 50 1.4 can capture amazing detail but is 4x heavier (near 24-70 zoom weight). Sorry I can't comment on zooms as I own none for my Nikon!
True, but then you could argue that the 85 is faster at the wide end which can be an advantage for some.

But I think it really comes down to what you want to shoot and other lenses you have.
Well yes, but 1/3 stop at 24mm isn't going to make much of a difference in DOF, whereas at 85mm 1 stop will b more noticeable, plus you can go all the way to 120mm at f4 :p
I wouldn't be buying the D750 if it meant I could only have one lens.

I would stick with what I had (brand), or buy a lower priced body w/ better lenses...
Well yes, but 1/3 stop at 24mm isn't going to make much of a difference in DOF, whereas at 85mm 1 stop will b more noticeable, plus you can go all the way to 120mm at f4 :p

Yeah fair enough.

I sort of find myself in the same situation right now as the op. I have the 50mm f1.8g but looking for a nice all round lens that can be used for most things whilst I save up for others.

I did have an 24-85vr on order but that was delayed so have cancelled that.

The 24-120vr is very tempting, also the Tamron 24-70 f2.8 seems within budget (grey/2nd hand).
Yeah fair enough.

I sort of find myself in the same situation right now as the op. I have the 50mm f1.8g but looking for a nice all round lens that can be used for most things whilst I save up for others.

I did have an 24-85vr on order but that was delayed so have cancelled that.

The 24-120vr is very tempting, also the Tamron 24-70 f2.8 seems within budget (grey/2nd hand).
I'd personally go for the Tamron out of these choices, but we all have our different needs.
If I could only have one lens, for me it'd be the 24-120 as would cover most of my needs as a predominantly landscape shooter, and I'd prefer length over 2.8 aperture.
If I could only have one lens, for me it'd be the 24-120 as would cover most of my needs as a predominantly landscape shooter, and I'd prefer length over 2.8 aperture.
As a landscaper I'd probably still choose the Tammy. Tbh though 24mm isn't really wide enough for me, although adequate if just wanting an all in one.
As a landscaper I'd probably still choose the Tammy. Tbh though 24mm isn't really wide enough for me, although adequate if just wanting an all in one.
Yes, I agree it's not always wide enough, but I suppose if I was forced to have one lens it would get more shots over a year than a 16-35 (even though I love my 16-35!).