So... just bought a Zenit TTL!

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I love ebay.

1x Zenit TTL w/ strap
2x Helios lenses
1x set extension tubes
1x Bag

Guess the price :D

It's going to be a massive difference from the Canon 400D with 4GB memory card :LOL: I'm certainly going to have to think a lot more about the shots I take - after a trip to Lydd Raceway recently with the 400D + 75-300mm lens, I had 540 photos to go through in Photoshop!!

Time to scavenge some film from work and have some fun! (y)
I wish you well and hope you have lots of fun with your film camera. You can't go wrong with good old mechanical cameras, and should you wish to add to it, there are plenty of cheap lenses available in M42 screw fitting.

I can't make any comparisons personally as I've always been a film user, but I can imagine it'll be a change from your Canon digital SLR.
I love ebay.

I felt like that just under a year ago, when I picked up a EOS film body that'd work with my existing lenses. It worked just long enough to get me hooked again on film. Since then I've had another EOS-3 body, 2 compact 35mm's and 5 lenses. I've also bought a full BnW developing setup, a flatbed scanner that can cope with transparencies/negatives, and i've had to dedicate a corner of my fridge to the film stock tupperware boxes.

Welcome aboard :LOL:
I love Zenits. I have 3 Zenit Es, an ET and a B. I'm looking for one with a meter in so I don't have to carry one.

Another model to look out for is the Zenit 12XP, which had through-the-lens metering. I remember selling these brand new for around £45-ish when I was retailing in the late 1980s. This even included the case, and we sold loads of them. As you say, not as refined as the Pentax Spotmatics, but a great camera nonetheless.
I wanted one of these for ages... I started life with the EM

Then, as I pestered my mum for a new camera, she said 'Is it really good enough or do you want something better???'

2.1 seconds later I had her buying me a Chinon (Pentax copy of the time) it lasted 19 years and was FAB

But I'll always remember the 'skills' (read necessity) of that Zenit for teaching me how to meter properly :)

I'd say about £22 plus postage! ;)

Then again I'm just as bad I bought a non metering OM40 kit the other day just for the lenses T32 flash and genuine OM2 winder drive! Cost me £70 delivered but just the one zoom lens is going for £80 plus delivery so I'm quids in, the standard 50mm is in way way better nick than my own old and battered version so I've now got a fantastic system of lenses flash and motor drive to go with my OM1n and OM10! I'm over the moon, I love ebay too.
I'd say about £22 plus postage! ;)

Then again I'm just as bad I bought a non metering OM40 kit the other day just for the lenses T32 flash and genuine OM2 winder drive! Cost me £70 delivered but just the one zoom lens is going for £80 plus delivery so I'm quids in, the standard 50mm is in way way better nick than my own old and battered version so I've now got a fantastic system of lenses flash and motor drive to go with my OM1n and OM10! I'm over the moon, I love ebay too.

Haha, you saw it too then :D
My boss reckons I spent too much, but when I said "a camera, 2x lenses, extension tubes and a bag" he sort of reconsidered what he'd said lol.

I'm thinking that if this little 'experiment' with film goes well, I'll save for a nice old Pentax or Olympus. We've had a couple go through the shop from time to time, they do seem to have a certain charm about them that the Canon 400D can't match :)
I agree, I'm an Olympus fan taking after my Father, as he had more Olympus in his collection than any other and they were what he tended to give me to use when I needed a borrow of a camera.

Though saying that I've got a lovely Nikon F5 sitting here which I may just have to use the lenses from when I go upto a different digital camera. Mmm D90 looks yummy!
Yeah, there's a lot of talk about which is the best camera for shooting m42 lenses.
I've been working my way through them and I gotta say the Zenit I rate pretty highly.
Well I'm settled on a couple of bodys now, the combination of convenience and newer tech has me choosing an FM2 and an A1, neither of which are m42 mount......:LOL:
But along the way I've aquired an Fujica st605n, spotmatic, Mamiya 500 tl, Ricoh 500 and a Zenit XP.
I think the Zenit is the best of the bunch...:)
Yeah, there's a lot of talk about which is the best camera for shooting m42 lenses.
I've been working my way through them and I gotta say the Zenit I rate pretty highly.
Well I'm settled on a couple of bodys now, the combination of convenience and newer tech has me choosing an FM2 and an A1, neither of which are m42 mount......:LOL:
But along the way I've aquired an Fujica st605n, spotmatic, Mamiya 500 tl, Ricoh 500 and a Zenit XP.
I think the Zenit is the best of the bunch...:)

erm you are in a time warp, try a modern film camera with a M42 adapter....picked up my Canon FD/m42 adapter for £3.50