So WHY did you choose your name


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Just noticed a newbie called glass books and it made me think why that name :shrug: poor fella has only been here 2 minutes and already im talkin about him:LOL:. So what made you choose your name (sorry if its been done before)

Im studio 16 because i live at number 16 and............i dont have a studio :nuts: its kind of being built

so why did you choose your name
well im Bonsyde because its the name of my business.... Bonsyde House Hotel.... wee plug there, not sure if thats allowed
matches one of my websites, it's a good marketing ploy
When I signed up for TP I tried to think of a unique name and 26 Days popped into my head...
It's not how long it takes me to focus and take a picture...
It comes for the amount of time I spent in hospital after a motor-bike accident - not that I was counting :)
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I'm dellipher, because my name is Adele - I used to get Del a lot from people as a nickname.

Then at college I met my friend Lucy, who was also nicknames Lucifer, and because we spent a lot of time together we became Lucifer and Dellipher [I dont like it spelt Delifer] :LOL:
Dogfish_Magnet ------ Because whenever i go fishing i appear to attract packs of bloody dogfish - they then consume vast quantities of very expensive bait .........
Well I'm weephillie cos my stage name is Wee Phillie, plus me name's Phil and I'm not very tall :nuts:
Scottishtrunkmonkey is my real name but that was too long :LOL:
Ok well when I joined TP I was still wet behind the ears so True One Picture just came into my head as I filled in the form.

I now go by 'image & eye' for all my photography except here... would delete this profile and sign up again but I will lose my post count! :LOL:

Mine is an old nickname, my surname is Tapp.

When I signed up for Ebay, Leaky and leaky1 to leaky4 had already gone, so I am leaky5.
J4MIE_P - My name is Jamie Palmer
And I have used this username on all forums I have joined up on.
Because i'm a chillimonster. I love anything with Chillis in - the hotter the better.

I got the name when i was working in an office full of 150 women at the woolworth call-center and i used to have a bag of raw chilli's on my desk to spice up the sandwiches. Someone called me a Chillmonster and the name stuck :D
My favourite aircraft is an F-15 Eagle, and they are flown from RAF Lakenheath by the 48th Tactical Fighter Wing.

You need to know me to ask?

I've had this moniker since I started playing online games and had my a**e kicked every night by teenagers.

[edit] that's not changed either.
mine is the initial from my surname (s) my first name (chris) amd my nickname that my other calls me (monkey)

not that good but original and makes for an easy email address
Given the nickname Foggy at work as I was reading his auto biography. Foggy is a popular name so added the 4ever, bit cheesy but mind went blank.
I'm called chris, but that was taken, so I chose an easy-to-remember number. Very dull really!
Cause apparently I look like Ben Kingsley when I shave me noggin :)

I've never worn a Dhoti or championed passive resistance!

Oh, and I wasn't responsible for the downfall of the Raj either!
I was a member of a Sunderland Football Club forum years ago and we could select our user name every time we posted - so we just made stuff up.
In 2002 I came back from holiday to find they'd changed to software and we now had to register. I was hungover and couldn't tink of a user name so I just went for the first part of the postcode I was sitting in at the time AB22.

So that was my embarrassing user name for a while. I then started another account with a nickname my girlfriend gave me: Easy Tiger.

A while later there was a purge on multiple accounts so I merged my two user names, thought it looked stupid and went to change it back, only find that they'd swirtched off the facility to change names. So I was stuck with an even more stupid name AB22 Easy Tiger.

It stuck though and I tend to use that name when I register for interwebby stuff nowadays.

Have you lost the will to live yet?
well i came on here as " monkeydave" long story but always signed off as

and thats what everyone else called me . so back in the old times the nice admin changed it for me the .. .. is to symbolise my children . two boys from a previous and two with my present.. but now i have another about to arrive so:nuts:

be careful what name you go for.

Mine's in honour of the wee chaps necessary to make any of our gear perform as intended. Duh!
Dangermouse is invincible......and he was the one who needed help all the time from penfold:LOL:
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Got called a Big Fat Barsteward at work when I had to sack someone oneday, that became BfB at work and on the net. I was alreay using the name Keen in online chat rooms and the two became merged now I use it for everything online including emails etc.
Because im proud to be a Mancunian and my name is Lee - ooorah!!!!!! :woot: