Some Grapes & A Box

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I saved the box from the skip whilst working at a customers house "Plasterer" quite a while back thinking I could use it for something photographically
Course I never did use it and it as been stuck in my shed with all the other junk i've saved since playing with a camera !

Anyways I thought I would have a go at making an image with it a few weekends back.
I had a loose idea and as it turns out it looked nothing like this so I was not sure whether it was worth sharing but after coming back to it.I thought it was worth getting some crit on it.


All feedback is most welcome.


I love this theme… very juicy feel and cool layout. (y)

Tonal taming could bring more warmth and subtile colours both in
the fruits and on the wood… and that's all I did here, tonal taming.

I quite like it. If it was me, I would give a little more space on the right. I would also reduce the blacks (using the tone curve in lightroom), but this may just be because of my taste for this type of photo.
I love this theme… very juicy feel and cool layout. (y)
Hi Daniel.
I was unsure of the composition. I couldn't put my finger on it but in my amateur experience you sort of feel it when it's right. That said I did at the time, then later on the pc I had second thoughts.
Obviously that is subjective to a degree. So i'm happy that the image is not unpleasing to the eye.

I de saturated the box quite a bit as it looked far to yellow to my eye. Maybe a midges to much I admit.

I quite like it. If it was me, I would give a little more space on the right. I would also reduce the blacks (using the tone curve in lightroom), but this may just be because of my taste for this type of photo.
Hi Dominic
Thanks for the feedback. I don't use Lightroom I much prefer to use Photoshop, it's no problem to drop the curve a touch I will look at that.
Re the space. I took this in portrait orientation, there was too much space at the top so I have cropped this a touch. I think I used a 5x4 ratio rather than a free crop. So there will be a bit of space all around not much mind.
Are you suggesting this to move the composition off center ?

Saint-Julien? Nice! Did you get to drink it?
Hi Ned

Nope I didn't Ned.
If I had the plastering results would have been less than desirable :)
Is it nice ?

Nope I didn't Ned.
If I had the plastering results would have been less than desirable :)
Is it nice ?


It's a small part of Bordeaux that has very high quality vineyards, typically you'll need to spend at least £30 a bottle.

So yes :)

I love this theme… very juicy feel and cool layout. (y)

Tonal taming could bring more warmth and subtile colours both in
the fruits and on the wood… and that's all I did here, tonal taming.


I like the extra Glow that that gives.

Spot on… experience is talking. Thanks Terry! :cool:

For the other viewers…

The glow Terry refers to, is not induced by the tonal taming
tweak but revealed; as it is there but masked by the massive
presence of mid-tonal values in the recorded data.

These values are normal at recording and their presence is
recognized and expressed as part of the recorded data at the
end of the first step of development known as the read out.
This step aims only at getting the maximum of the mineral re-
corded data.

The second step is the rendition where the mineral aspect is
made to a more organic look; tonal taming — among a few
other tweaks — may be put positively to contribution. This se-
cond step, or part of, was the main input of my suggestion.

There are two more steps (artistic intent and publication) but
they are irrelevant here.

Don't look or search for these 4 steps as they are my approach
to RAW development in my workflow and are part of the working
strategies and teaching.
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@Kodiak Qc

Many thanks for your info above. I think I understand most of it. Not being a professional photographer I'll take all the info I can retain.
That said as long as the file is exposed correctly or as near as damn it, a lot of the raw conversion and processing is down to personnel taste in my opinion.

That said as long as the file is exposed correctly

The definition of "exposed correctly" implies a lot more latitude
— given the relative power of the converter and inherent DR in
digital photography — than the film ever enjoyed for itself. So I,
personally, wouldn't use this as argument in the thinking process.
a lot of the raw conversion and processing is down to personnel taste in my opinion.

Granted… but that is not the point, Gary. :cool:
Granted… but that is not the point, Gary.
Like I said I'm far from an expert in these things.
Happy to learn though and appreciate the time taken to give advice from you professionals.
as argument in the thinking process
There be no argument from me Daniel :)

Many thanks.

Adding few effects would make it look more enhancing?
Adding few effects would make it look more enhancing?
Hi Disha.

Thanks for your feedback. I'm not quite sure I understand though. Could you explain more please.

A lovely still life. Have you tried a low-key mono treatment?


I must admit, I was intrigued at the thought myself, and as the ok to edit box was ticked, after oooh - nearly 10 seconds of playing, thought that this very gentle "cyanotype" treatment worked rather well...

Hi Mark. Looks great. I guess you just gotta go with what you think at the time.So many options.
I took some of the advice above, back when I posted and gave it a few more tweaks nothing major and mananged a joint first at our externally judged camera club comp. So was pretty happy with that. Given that the guys and gals that hire models and do compostites usually rule the roost :)

Happy for anyone to edit the above.
