Someone needs to mention it.

I've got a load of cheer me up potions in the liquor cabinet (with a rather special bottle in the tantalus!!!) OK, I'll admit it, it's the booze cupboard rather than anything posh.

Had 2 bouts of proper bedspinny 'flu that I can remember - first one was the night after I'd seen Jaws for the first time (had a great conversation with a shark who was swimming round my bed and managed to persuade it not to eat me) and another over the millennium holiday. Get well soon.


Gets me out of a trip to Cheltenham tomorrrow which I wantedout of.

Might go to Tescos and moan about ths Xmas stuff

Dr moose says , if you can get out of bed, its not proper flu ... man up and go shopping ;)
Dr moose says , if you can get out of bed, its not proper flu ... man up and go shopping ;)

Been in bed all day. Even the trip to the loo was a thousand mile journey. If it stays like this I will be going nowhere!The xmas comment was to ease the thread drift ;-)

I do that after a Vindaloo, 12 pints of guinness; kulfi, and a brandy. Must kick the kulfi into touch....

Note to one`s self. A pie and pint with Steve in the week is as far as I go :LOL:
Note to one`s self. A pie and pint with Steve in the week is as far as I go :LOL:

A coffee and chatting up the old girls in the high street will do for me. Seemed you were happy with that last week :)

I must be ill, the community heart nurse is on her way to visit me. Am still in bed - definitrly flu. No rant in Tescos today. BAH HUMBUG
