Someone needs to mention it.

You want me to take pictures of hunting down the snake and setting fire to his ass?.... oh gladly!!:LOL::LOL:

Matt and I have been talking about that for a while... its the ultimate spin, take an improbable pink snake, douse it with lighter fluid, light and spin it round your head in exciting patterns while shooting a long exposure ;)
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Matt and I have been talking about that for a while... its the ultimate spin, take an improbable pink snake, does it with lighter fluid, light and spin it round your head in exciting patterns while shooting a long exposure ;)

Matt and I have been talking about that for a while... its the ultimate spin, take an improbable pink snake, does it with lighter fluid, light and spin it round your head in exciting patterns while shooting a long exposure ;)

You have the strangest fantasies, you and Matt. :thinking:
between the 3 of us i am sure we can plot something..:D
You have the strangest fantasies, you and Matt. :thinking:

You should have seen the dream I had the other night, I rarely dream but I'm still trying to work out why the would be ambulance in the form of a bendy bus :eek: :wacky:
my dreams generally revolve around having an infinite number of penguins in the office.. although I did once have a gun fight in the middle of marwell zoo with david Cameron and nick clegg as the bad guys - I took cover behing a pygmy hippo and shot it out with them with an uzi :thinking:
Oh really!... i suppose it was the fairies huh!:razz:
Its the bah humbug elves :p

Matt and I have been talking about that for a while... its the ultimate spin, take an improbable pink snake, douse it with lighter fluid, light and spin it round your head in exciting patterns while shooting a long exposure ;)
You have the strangest fantasies, you and Matt. :thinking:
Its OK Ruth, leave 'em alone while they are quiet,
If they want to fantasize about me who am I to stand in the way :D
I've looked out my Christmas turkey...

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The "C word".....

I'd rather be a c**t than a C***nite...(y)

:thinking: what do you mean "you already are!" :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
You have the strangest fantasies, you and Matt. :thinking:

Hmmmm.... Playing with pink snakes together? Whatever floats your boat, chaps!!!
Virtuosos of the pink snake charmer's oboe?
I only asked if we were having a SS this year, now look at the thread :shake::shake: Gone into total disarray as usual :wacky::wacky:

At least all mention of the "C" word has disppeared. :clap:
I only asked if we were having a SS this year, now look at the thread :shake::shake: Gone into total disarray as usual :wacky::wacky:

Serves you right for asking such an un-seasonal question.
Rather like kids who insist on banging on doors for trick or treat,
about mid Oct.
At least they get the month right :p
Not until at least 01.12.13 may the "C" word be uttered on Talk Photography.

Please lock this thread NOW!!

Not until at least 01.12.13 may the "C" word be uttered on Talk Photography.

Please lock this thread NOW!!

No problem

Happy Yuletide everyone , get your preparations for the festive season underway today and have a cool yule
Selection boxes are in Tesco already.

I noticed

None with Fredo in them

Damn you Cadbury's Bring bck Aztec bars or did you lose tge recipe as you did with the Lime Barrel in Milk Tray!!!! Aztek 2000 eere no replacement rant rant rant
I did hear that cadbury's are extending into the oriental market
and selling chocolate bars there...............
It may be a Chinese whisper of course :coat:
I did hear that cadbury's are extending into the oriental market
and selling chocolate bars there...............
It may be a Chinese whisper of course :coat:

There are parts of the world where the punishment for a line like that gets you 60 lashes

Which is why I don't mention George Michael bring careless with his Whisoa...... (exit stage left)

Careful Sgeve, there could be some fallout if you mention GM...
Careful Sgeve, there could be some fallout if you mention GM...

Thats not a problem.... The motorway broke his fall!

Carless Wispa...
Sod standing - recline!
Sod standing - recline!

I am reclined

Came down with sodding flu during the night.
Beyond reclined - inert

I am reclined

Came down with sodding flu during the night.
Beyond reclined - inert


Oh God! I hope its not man flu?
Shall I ring for the paramedics?
Oh God! I hope its not man flu?
Shall I ring for the paramedics?


The real McCoy

Used to be the Outward Bound Man o' the mountains type. So if I chainsawed my leg off I would sew it back on with fishing line and a sharpened tent peg..... Then capture an eagle for supper.

Still a day in bed might help. Its the "exorcist" hang on to tbe spiining mattress bit that is a nuisance.



The real McCoy

Used to be the Outward Bound Man o' the mountains type. So if I chainsawed my leg off I would sew it back on with fishing line and a sharpened tent peg..... Then capture an eagle for supper.

Still a day in bed might help. Its the "exorcist" hang on to tbe spiining mattress bit that is a nuisance.



So a slight sniffle then;):LOL:
So a slight sniffle then;):LOL:

2 sheets of kitchen roll stylie, unlike the usual female 4 boxes of multi colured gentle balm infused fancy box 4 ply soft tissue, bring the TV up to the bedroom darling, ring in to work for me my sweet and tell them I will be off sick for at least 2 weeks, then go to the chemist and get one of every cough, cold, flu and cheer me up potions..... If you get a chance nip into M&S and get me some PJs as I think I may be admitted to hospital if this has not cleared up by tomorrow (cough cough sneeze splutter)..........
Its the "exorcist" hang on to tbe spiining mattress bit that is a nuisance.

If you puke green, and your head starts to revolve,
start worrying!
If you puke green, and your head starts to revolve,
start worrying!

I do that after a Vindaloo, 12 pints of guinness; kulfi, and a brandy. Must kick the kulfi into touch....
I've got a load of cheer me up potions in the liquor cabinet (with a rather special bottle in the tantalus!!!) OK, I'll admit it, it's the booze cupboard rather than anything posh.

Had 2 bouts of proper bedspinny 'flu that I can remember - first one was the night after I'd seen Jaws for the first time (had a great conversation with a shark who was swimming round my bed and managed to persuade it not to eat me) and another over the millennium holiday. Get well soon.