South of England Tempest Rally

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Nice shots - love the one of the marshall with the big twig :LOL:
Was this the one at Rushmoor Arena in Aldershot? I was working Saturday - just as well as I could hear them revving from 7.30am!
nice shots, really like the second last, exposure nightmare.
The Evo was well and truly wedged. The log he's up against is was about 20ft long and 2ft round and he managed to shift it quite far.

I think there were some arena stages, not sure where they were.

The bloke fishing is my mate Colin, the cold weather makes you do some weird things!

As for the exposure nightmare, couldn't have put it better myself. Shooting motorsport with flash is a bit weird, it's not something I do (very often).

I set the camera to manual, chose a shutter speed, ISO and aperture similar to what the camera might do in Shutter Priority mode and played around with my Speedlite 430, ended up shooting on 1/4 power - seemed to work ok. The only difficult thing is knowing where to point the camera and what to focus on.
Fast lenses are the order of the day - unless it's totally black, in which case you'll want a Nikon Speedlight of some sort.
Great shots! Which stage were these at, Dave? I normally make it along to the final Arena stage, but missed it this year...
Good work Dave :clap: I like the close up of the wheel in particular.

I'll be digging my wooly hat out and heading in to the darkness at silly-o-clock a few times over the winter... got to keep the motorsport withdrawal at bay some how. Think I may give the RallyGB a miss though, I suspect it may have become a little over-sanitised since I last went (7 or 8 years ago I think :thinking: ).
