Sparrow's Photo 52 Week 15 - Wrong

Hi Joan,
I like your take on theme for empty. Nicely portrayed . The eon bill and its reflection in the shine of the tin really make it. Very well done

Hi there... Love your empty shot... what I would say if I can be so critical about nearly all of your shots is that they are all sort of samey... what I mean is a close up of an inanimate object... I'd like to see something from you with some human or reportage interest... a landscape etc... I dont know your situation however and getting out the house may be difficult for you... that just came into my mind... It was just my feeling on your last few weeks that s all! Your photography is great im not having a go at that... god I feel I've got myself in a hole now... I didn't mean it to sound super critical... oh I dont know... I just would hope at the end of the year your 52 is not all just objects! The two shots that are out the house are not your best... and landscape is def the area that needs work... I guess all im saying is you should use your 52 to get out your comfort zone of pics of objects which you do very well!

I know what I mean and I hope you do too... without taking offence that is!

Great work

Thanks everyone - I seem to be chasing time at the moment so sorry I am so late thanking you all.
Hi, Joan, I was going to say, "Well, it is an object, buuuttt, I don't get it", then I saw your comments at the bottom....:)

Don't take this the wrong way but my first reaction was "It looks like Edvard Munch's 'The Scream!", which is a painting that always appeals to me...(y)
I see an octopus and shells on a heart background, and a very well exposed shot. The framing works too.
Hiya Joan,

Indeed that is some object and a lovely hand made gift from your grand-daughter. I love it when my son makes gifts for me .... the are worth more than anything money can buy :D

When I look at the image the song 'Nellie the Elephant ....' comes to mind (now I can't get that song out of my head :bonk:)

Agree with Colin that the frame works well too.

Well done


Dawn :)
Elephant for me as well, some people just have their brains wired strange if they see anything else :p

Like the simple shot which does it justice with lighting, I did a similar thing on my 52 with an object (gift)

Empty - how very true and poignant; something about shouts a bit more pp to me to try and convey more of the empty feeling, what? No idea yet.....
Hi Joan

love the colors & texture in your Object shot & the frame suits it really put me out of my misery & tell me what it is :LOL:

Your Empty shot is also a great shot (y) Simple colors but very effective :clap:
Thanks everyone for your kind comments. The consensus of opinion seems to be in favour of 'elephant' which is what I assumed it was - I don't like to ask every time :) - you know what it's like when they present you with a drawing and your expected to know exactly what it is!!!! :LOL: She is only just four.
Original shot well executed. Pleased that I do not get many oranges like that :puke:
Hiya Joan,

Great idea for the 'wrong' theme. For me though I'm not sure about the pink .... but that is probably because it is one of the colours I'm not too keen on. However you have great focus. This is a great idea, one I may try myself ..... I might try this in blue, or take it a step further and try some rainbow colours :D


Dawn :)