Sparrow's Photo 52 Week 15 - Wrong

Edit My Images
Week 2 - New
Week 3 - Style
Week 4 - Open
Week 5 - Hard
Week 6 - Clutter
Week 7 - Delicate
Week 8 - Chaos
Week 9 - Finish
Week 10-Trio
Week 11- Knowledge
Week 12- Moderation
Week 13- Empty
Week 14- Object
Week 15- Wrong

Week 1 - Accommodation
We drove past this derelict property this afternoon - a little further on I persuaded my long suffering husband to turn back - Estate Agent's blurb having come to mind - 'Ideal property for holiday accommodation in need of some repair'. :eek:

Looking forward to joining in the challenge and hopefully improving my photography over the year. Also looking forward to seeing everyone's 'take' on the weekly themes.
I am belatedly adding that I am not making any particular rules for myself but intend to keep to the themes and add a photograph weekly.
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like the shot, this place looks as though it as got lots of potential for other themes.

well done

A good photograph of a favourite flower of mine.:clap: Should not be long before the actual petals appear :wave:

Sharp picture with natural colours(y)
Thanks Col also one of my favourite flowers and it is an interesting flower photograph.

Should not be long before the actual petals appear
You are right it was fully open the next morning :)
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Hi Joan, very interesting building for your week 1 shot, looks like lots of potential there for future cisits and capturing different aspects of the builds.

Week 2 I like the colours and the textures on both the bud and the petals but it does seem very cramped and tight in the frame.

Good luck for rest of your 52. (y)
Week 2 I like the colours and the textures on both the bud and the petals but it does seem very cramped and tight in the frame.

Thanks for your comments Tommy, much appreciated.

I see what you mean about looking cramped. I hadn't thought about it before you mentioned it - think I have been more concerned with the macro approach at the expense of composition perhaps. That's the good part about taking part in something like this it makes you look at your shot with fresh eyes :)
Lovely shot,caught all the detail :)
Hi Joan,

Just noticed I haven't commented on you first two weeks, although I do recall seeing the first image, but I must have got distracted before I could leave feedback and then forgot to return. Tis what happens when one has a demanding little chap living in the house :D

Week 1: I like the contrast and sharpness in your this image. It is definitely a huge project to take on restoring something like that to all it's former glory. I wonder who/what lives there now :D

Week 2: Once again a lovely sharp image, with a nice DOF. Even though it is a bit tight, I think it works in this image as the emphasis is on the bud.

Both great takes on the themes and I look forward to seeing your week 3.

I can't wait to find out what the next theme is, we should hopefully find out later today.

Good luck with the rest of your project.


Dawn :)
Thanks for the kind comments Dawn much appreciated.

I can't wait to find out what the next theme is, we should hopefully find out later today.

Yes...I am looking forward to seeing what's in store - I have just had a peek - not there yet :)
Hi Mick,
Thanks for the kind comments, much appreciated.

I like the bud, you using a macro lens or macro facility on a zoom lens?

I'm thinking of getting a macro lens in the summer as I really enjoy this type of image.

The lens I used for both Week 1 and 2 is the Canon 60mm Micro Lens. It is my favourite lens and is the one that I use the most - as you can see, not only for macro shots but also as a walk about lens.
what struck me first was the captured texture, just enough you can feel the glossy surface.

Hi Kev,
Thanks for your kind comment. I really enjoy taking macro shots.
I love that "Style" shot ,great work :clap:

Apart from the fact it's in my fave colors it's all so sharp & the reflection is spot on & the petals just add something to it (y)

Only slight thing (for me ) would be that it's poss been cropped a little too tight on the lefthandside , just cutting the edge off the item lying down .

Well done & look forward to seeing your next shots :)
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nice relections & sharpness, but I agree with Lynne above and think it looks a bit too 'cut off' on the left as I'm wondering what exactly that item is? :)
I think your framing compliments the photo perfectly (something I always struggle with!!!)
well done :)
Thanks Lynne

Only slight thing (for me ) would be that it's poss been cropped a little too tight on the lefthandside , just cutting the edge off the item lying down .
Yes - I see what you mean - I did crop that edge because I had to straighten the shot and it just took the edge of the dryer. It's the first time I have done anything like this and I can see a few things that I would try and improve on if I did it again but you know how it is .... never enough hours in the day :)
Thanks Maria,:)
but I agree with Lynne above and think it looks a bit too 'cut off' on the left as I'm wondering what exactly that item is?
It's the lead end of the dryer that has been 'cut off' the other two items are the attachments - unfortunately the left hand side got cropped when I had to straighten the shot although it wasn't a lot.

think your framing compliments the photo perfectly
Pleased you like the framing as it is the first time I have tried framing a shot :)
I like the Style shot a lot. Very crisp image and great use of reflection. I like the colours you used in the frame it compliments the image nicely.
Really nice sharp pictures, love the reflection, agree as already stated shame about the crop. If I was being ultra picky, the white background also has some creases in it which show quite badly in the reflection, would'nt be too difficult to get rid of in PS though. Like the use of the petals - all round a good effort.

Thanks Kaz and Simon for your kind comments - very much appreciated.

I see what you mean about the creases Simon,
the white background also has some creases in it which show quite badly in the reflection
I will have to get the iron out next time I use the light tent. This was the first time I had used it so everything was straight out of the packet.
What a job I had getting it all back into the case I think it took me longer to get it all folded up than it did to set up and take the shot:LOL:
3 really good shots so far, I especially like week 3, lovely reflections and nicely set up, although I have to agree with the others about cropping the dryer end off :clap:
#1 has some great potential. For me, thought, it's either too close or not close enough, if you know what I mean.

There's definitely some close up opportunities there.

I bet you could push the colours a bit more in this one as well.

Your long suffering husband is a good lad, like my long suffering wife, whos opinions/ideas I am asking all the time...:D

Hi Joan,

Well done, I really like this image and it is very stylish ;)

Love the way you have got the framing and reflection spot on. I agree about what has been said about the hairdryer wire, and think there would not much you could do about that except to show some of the wire (which I don't think would have done much for the image) or alternatively crop it a bit more to the left to cut the wire bit off.

I thing the petals are a lovely touch and soften the image making it a bit dreamy. Perhaps positioning the left petal a bit more forward would draw the attention from the dryer issue as I find the petal draws my eye to it.

Look forward to seeing what you come up with for the next theme.


Dawn :)
Thanks Sarah - it's nice to get positive feedback and very helpful when others see something I have missed - learning lots already :)
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1 has some great potential. For me, thought, it's either too close or not close enough, if you know what I mean.

Thanks Andy - I can see what you mean - had to stand on the opposite side of the road to take the shot as I was using a 60mm lens perhaps as you say I may have been better getting in closer being as I couldn't get far enough away:)

Your long suffering husband is a good lad, like my long suffering wife, whos opinions/ideas I am asking all the time...
Yep - he is a 'good lad' and gives lots of advice which I don't often take and then have to admit he was probably right :LOL:
Thanks Dawn,
I really appreciate the feedback I have been getting it is so useful to have others look at the photographs with fresh eyes.
Like what you did with it; along the same lines as what I did but I went for a bit more a dreamy style - I think yours looks better, nice composition and set up :) (see mine if you feel like it)
yes I like it too :) good work with the mirror nice reflection you have got the lighting right as well good job well done (y)
Yet another good shot:clap:

Creative idea but crop is a little tight on the left.
Well done Joan. Great start to your 52.
The shot for week 3 really jumps out at me from these 3. Fantastic colours, very elegantly arranged and the reflection works perfectly.

I too noticed the issue with the hairdryer wire and I think that Dawn's suggestion of moving that petal to draw your eye away from it is a brilliant one (y)
In fact, I'd have quite liked all of the petals to feature a little more in the foreground. They're a beautiful feminine touch that adds a lot to the image and I'd really like to see them given more prominence.

Glad to hear that you're learning lots from this already and good luck with the next 48!
Hi Joan,

Really like the concept for your style picture....agree with what the others have said with regards to the tight cropping, but apart from that, a great shot.

Look forward to seeing your work next week!!
Thanks David, Col, Sarah and Laura for your kind comments - they are all very much appreciated :)