Sparrow's Photo 52 Week 15 - Wrong

Hi Joan,

Beautiful colours and patterns. Is this an embroidery? It makes me think of something seen under a microscope. Fits the theme nicely.

The focus looks a little off here and there, and I think different lighting might bring out the textures/colours better.

A really good image which grabs attention and keeps it.

Thanks Dawn and Patrick.

how did you come to this masterpiece? I am intrigued
Is this an embroidery?
Patrick is correct - it is an embroidery piece I am working on at the moment - I am doing an on-line 'creative textile' course. It is just a small section which I jazzed up a bit in Elements :)
Beautiful colours in your Chaos embroidery, would go very well in my kitchen ;)
Wonderful display of colour in good focus :)

Must be dificult to decide what to do - photography or needlework :LOL:
Thanks Sarah and Colin

Must be dificult to decide what to do - photography or needlework the moment I am a bit pressed for time but hope to keep up with the 52 weeks. I found it really difficult to come up with something for chaos - combining the two was sheer desperation :LOL:
Hi Joan I really like the colours in your 'chaos' picture, it's a very nice photo.
I'm not sure that I really get your 'finish' one - has someone taken off their ring (finished their marriage) whilst finishing their glass of wine? You've done a good job of lighting it to get the wine glass standing out from the black background, but maybe the ring could be more prominent.
Hi Tim,
Thank you for taking the time to look at my shots and your kind comments.

With regards to your 'finish' question:
I'm not sure that I really get your 'finish' one - has someone taken off their ring (finished their marriage) whilst finishing their glass of wine?

I agree it is a bit obscure. I decided to include a ring at the last minute thinking the scene would go something like - girl 'finishes' with bloke (hence the ring) and walks out leaving her ring and 'unfinished' drink. Perhaps not one of my best ideas:LOL::LOL:
Hiya Joan,

Agree with Tim on this one. The lighting has worked well (how did you light the glass?). Also would be better if the ring was a bit more in focus.

Otherwise I like your thought process for this and right on theme.

Well done


Dawn :)
Hi Tim,
Thank you for taking the time to look at my shots and your kind comments.

With regards to your 'finish' question:

I agree it is a bit obscure. I decided to include a ring at the last minute thinking the scene would go something like - girl 'finishes' with bloke (hence the ring) and walks out leaving her ring and 'unfinished' drink. Perhaps not one of my best ideas:LOL::LOL:

Like the shot Joan, (y)

Difference between man & woman............the glass would be empty :LOL:

Thanks Dawn, Mick and Tina. Sorry I have taken such a long time to thank you but am late all round - just about to add my week 10 trio shot - 3 days late:eek:
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Hiya Joan,

Now .... daffodils are my favourite flower mainly because of their bright yellow colour which always brightens us my day, not to mention that they are a sign that there is warmer weather on the way.

But ..... being an arty sort of person, I actually like the way you have processed this image to transform it into something different.

I just think that the 3rd image might look better in the middle and a different border/frame.... or the current frame extended to the left and right of the sequence to complete it.

Well done


Dawn :)
Hiya Joan,

Now .... daffodils are my favourite flower mainly because of their bright yellow colour which always brightens us my day, not to mention that they are a sign that there is warmer weather on the way.

But ..... being an arty sort of person, I actually like the way you have processed this image to transform it into something different.

I just think that the 3rd image might look better in the middle and a different border/frame.... or the current frame extended to the left and right of the sequence to complete it.

Well done


Dawn :)

Dawn, will you please leave me something to say, or be slower...all I can do is :agree: :LOL:
Hi Joan

If im honest although I like the finish shot as a picture... why it is a finish shot I dont really get? It just does not shout finish to me at all!

That said its a well crafted picture and one I like... its just too far away from the theme for me!

Your trio shot is GREAT!!! Good work!
Dawn, will you please leave me something to say, or be slower...all I can do is :agree: :LOL:

:LOL: If I had to slow down I wouldn't be able to keep up :D, but go on then, I will let you comment on the next few and I'll do the :agree:'ing :p


Dawn ;)
Thanks Dawn, Tina and Mark. Must admit I wasn't too sure about blue daffs :eek: but got carried away trying my had at changing the colours. The border didn't quite turn out as I would have wanted but it was nearly midnight when I finished and I though enough was enough.

Now I have got to put my mind to this weeks - not sure if I should revisit or try and find something for 'knowledge' decisions, decisions :LOL:
Hiya Joan,

Wow I really like your 'knowledge' shot and indeed fits the theme.

I like how you have processed the photo (y)


Dawn :)
Hi Joan
I like that knowledge shot:)
little bit outside the box, and slightly different:)

not too sure about the processing (sorry, dawn:()
I like the cropping along the leaves on the label, but not entirely sure about continuing the crop along the bottle?

I love the way you've removed the background, and am slightly curious about what the bottle is? olive oil??
Hiya Joan,

Wow I really like your 'knowledge' shot and indeed fits the theme.

I like how you have processed the photo (y)


Dawn :)

Nice take on the theme Joan,

I like the pp as it makes you concentrate on the information.


:agree: Within the context of this project, not sure about it as an image outside of this :thinking:
Hi ya Joan

brilliant , love the daff's :clap:
& ditto for the Knowledge shot (y) Love the way you've cropped the leaves & the continued along the bottle
Another original take on a theme (y)

Personally I like the cropped bottle, quite artistic which is something I can never aspire to :clap:
Hi Joan , another original shot which makes for a striking image. I like the cropping at the top - it creates drama and interest. I'd be tempted to something at the bottom as well... not sure what.

Just spotted your "trio" pic - love it! Great colours
Thanks everyone for your kind comments they are very much appreciated.
Hi, Joan, I do like the processing in your trio; great idea to take something that is always seen in yellow and changing the colour.

Knowledge, what really draws me in is how you have cropped out the top of the bottle.

Moderation, not your best; quite an unusual interpretation. I think it's the composition that needs a bit of work, maybe if you'd pulled back and left/right to get more of the background in??

Hiya Joan,

Indeed a different take on the theme, but actually I think you have done alright here, only nit pick is that the pole is leaning a bit to the left.


Dawn :)
Hi Joan, I seem to have missed your latest weeks somehow. Anyway, I love your trio, I like the processing you have done on that one, add a bit better border/frame and it would be even better.(y) Knowledge is great as well, like everything about it. Your empty photo, what a great idea, like your addition of your eon bill, makes it I think, (y)
Your empty pic- great take on the theme and well composed shot with nice lighting. My only crit, the light blemishes on the very lefthand edge are a little distracting.
Hiya Joan,

Great take on the theme for Empty. Like the way you have included the e-on bill and the button (is that by any chance the 'panic button' when funds are low? :LOL:)

Like the composition and the reflection of the bill on the box (great colour too).

There are quite a few noticeable white spots on the background, but only minor as they don't detract too much from the subject (just me being picky again :D)

Well done


Dawn :)