Spent my entire weeked reading TP!

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Hi everyone, just wanted to say hi and introduce myself because I like this forum and I think I'd like to stick around if you'll have me. :D

I'm Sheylara. I've been blogging for 12 years (lifestyle blog) so I've taken a lot of photos, but have only ever used a point-and-shoot, meaning I have the technical knowledge of a peanut.

Early this year, I started getting very frustrated with my current point-and-shoot (Sony DSC-W80) because it doesn't give me clear pictures like my old Lumix did, but I do like the background defocus it can give, although in very limited conditions.


So I started considering learning some technical skills, maybe getting a DSLR to get better pictures, and even the possibility of becoming a professional photographer because blogging has stopped paying my bills and I do enjoy taking photographs a lot. After months of deliberation and reading and researching, I believe I'm ready to take the first steps towards pursuing photography as a career.

One of those first steps is finding a photography forum, to have people to learn from and stuff. So I found TP and started reading. I mean I spent a crazy numbers of hours reading the discussions here, some of which led me to further reading on the Internet. I probably spent upwards of 30 hours in the past few days reading. I really enjoyed discovering all the different aspects of photography I'm going to have to learn. I like the friendliness and professionalism of people here, and the activities you have, and the gorgeous amazing photos in the galleries.

So, yeah, hi, and please excuse all the newbie questions!
Hi Sheylara, And welcome aboard TP, looking forward to hearing from you and maybe seeing some of your images on the various forums. "Enjoy".
Thanks for the welcome, @G.K.Jnr. :) I hope to be good enough to share my work in the photo forums maybe in a year's time, lol.
A very warm welcome from here in Yorkshire Sheylara.(y)
Thank you, Keith. Is Rudoph your title or something? What does that mean? :p

Basil says woof to you! :)
Is Rudoph your title or something? What does that mean?

It probably means he said or did something that caused one of the forum Admin's to give him an "amusing" custom title... of course, as with any in-joke, it's generally only amusing to those who know the origins.

Welcome aboard :)
Thank you for the answer and the welcome, Mark. :)

Perhaps there ought to be a thread somewhere listing and explaining people's titles so that newbies can appreciate the in-jokes as well. I realise you have to be there and know all the background to fully appreciate an in-joke but seems to me a waste if people are awarded titles and only a handful know what they're about. :p
most of them are (ahem) of such a nature that a) the recipient wouldn't want it explained and b) some of them have been in situ for so long that they have been forgotten by the people who handed them out... Lots of them (in fact most of them) were handed out in the previous version of the forum software - I think it was easier to do them back then - I certainly seemed to get a new one pretty much every month or so - though that COULD be an indication of just how much rubbish I spout!

(I should add, it's only the ADMINS that can give them out, they don't trust mere moderators to do so... probably just as well to be honest, as I've a number of potential victims recipients in mind...)
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most of them are (ahem) of such a nature that a) the recipient wouldn't want it explained

I would respectfully suggest that recipients have no say in the matter. :p

And the newbie gets bumped off the forum by majority vote for impudence...

b) some of them have been in situ for so long that they have been forgotten by the people who handed them out... Lots of them (in fact most of them) were handed out in the previous version of the forum software

Ok, fair enough. :)

(I should add, it's only the ADMINS that can give them out, they don't trust mere moderators to do so... probably just as well to be honest, as I've a number of potential victims recipients in mind...)

I'm still getting my head around the hierarchical structure of this forum. Like, is TP an actual company with paid full-time staff, etc? But help me out and point out those whom I need to not offend and I'll be sure to be on my best behaviour when I encounter them. :p
Welcome, I'm a newbie too, and like you spent a huge amount of time lurking and reading TP and now we're here, enjoy!!
Hello and welcome to the forum :wave:
Welcome, you should stick your photo up, you'll get a lot of interest. ;)

As for incomes & blogging, I'm sure theres people who'd be very interested in your experiences.
As for blogging, very popular at the moment, lots of sponsorship/advertising around and you have lots of experience so might be easier to generate an income rather than photography? Do you find your youtube channel working?

Good luck with your photography. Plenty of helpful people on here if you do get stuck.
Thank you, Keith. Is Rudoph your title or something? What does that mean? :p

I acquired the title Rudolph many Christmases ago after I told the story of tickling my then 3/4 year old daughter, she is now 9

I would tickle her she would say stop so I would stop, she would then say "again again!" and so the pattern continued until I decided to not stop tickling when she said stop, this was my mistake and she promptly punched me on my nose making it bleed
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Welcome, I'm a newbie too, and like you spent a huge amount of time lurking and reading TP and now we're here, enjoy!!
Hey Andi :) Thank you for welcoming me even though you're a newbie yourself! And also thanks for responding to my post about courses. ;) I look forward to getting to know a fellow newbie! hehe.
Welcome, you should stick your photo up, you'll get a lot of interest. ;)

As for incomes & blogging, I'm sure theres people who'd be very interested in your experiences.
As for blogging, very popular at the moment, lots of sponsorship/advertising around and you have lots of experience so might be easier to generate an income rather than photography? Do you find your youtube channel working?

Good luck with your photography. Plenty of helpful people on here if you do get stuck.
Thank you, Byker. :) I'm quite happy to share my experience in blogging if anyone asks, except I made my living as a blogger in Singapore so I don't know how relevant it would be! The blogging industry is quite different in the UK and I'm not sure it's possible to earn enough as a full-time blogger. I live in the UK now and that's why I need a change of career. :p

As for YouTube, it's never been an income source for me. I'm a bit video shy, so it's not really an option for me, lol.
I acquired the title Rudolph many Christmases ago after I told the story of tickling my then 3/4 year old daughter, she is now 9

I would tickle her she would say stop so I would stop, she would then say "again again!" and so the pattern continued until I decided to not stop tickling when she said stop, this was my mistake and she promptly punched me on my nose making it bleed
Haha your story made me LOL at the end. Sorry does that make me kind of mean? :p
Singapore is on my list to visit, although I'd try to fit it in with the Grand Prix :D
Singapore is on my list to visit, although I'd try to fit it in with the Grand Prix :D
Heh, that would be a good choice. If you ever do go to Singapore, you'll have to tell me so I can give you a list of food places to go to. Otherwise, your trip is going to be a waste if you don't eat the right food. :p