Spinnaker Tower tribute to Haiti.


Loves Canon
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For a week the Spinnaker tower was the colour of the Haitian flag. So thought i'd pop along and record it. Luckily the moon was in the right place aswell. If you REALLY squint you can also see Mars.

I passed the Spinnaker when I came into Portsmouth on the ferry on Thursday. I was really surprised to see it in the colours it was. Thanks for explaining why as I was a little bemused.

Nice calm pic by the way.
I wondered why it was all lit up when I went past this morning ... Nice touch and nice shot too.
The tower always looks better when they light it up all nice colours.
Is mars the little white dot to the left or right of the moon? Im useless with Astromony :p
Thanks for the comments. I have photographed this far too many times but i was bored and wanting to try the new camera out.

Mars is to the left of the moon.
What is the new camera ?
I think one those is arriving for me next weekend ... Just need to pull my finger out and order it. Where did you go for yours if you don't mind me asking.