Spotted a togger : Part 2

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Another from today at the BTCC made me laugh, I didn't exactly "spot" the togger but :D


Yeh the chap does this at every meeting. Im yet to actually see the shots he produces from it though...
Heres one from RWS Silverstone


RAF Leeming open day a couple of weeks ago with the Y.A.Ambulance which seemed to be one of the most popular attractions.

Plenty of equipment on show during the Ryder Cup, with a whole host of weather proofing solutions...and a few very muddy lenses!

I didn't get the impression she minded at the time. I had noticed her previously and thought she looked totally miserable though!

Maybe she was jealous that my NIKON was bigger than hers :D
What happened to Summer?

What happened to this thread?



Ah! Memories..... :naughty:

They've all moved to Saudi, and are now posing for my Glamour & Nude shoots here :razz:

Aaah, the pleasures of being in UK, how much I miss that :wave:
Back to reality!!!!

'Tog' at Tintern Abbey

Spotted this chap today in Liverpool at the HMS Illustrious airshow...


Funny how when you're carrying your camera you notice other toggers.

I thought I'd have a look through here just to see if I'd been spotted earlier. I wonder if this was me - I'll never know!!

Spotted at the EDL demo at Leicester last Saturday. Two for the price of one.
They've all moved to Saudi, and are now posing for my Glamour & Nude shoots here :razz:

Aaah, the pleasures of being in UK, how much I miss that :wave:

You would miss Saudi too much. It is far too cold and wet over there after a lovely summer here :LOL:
Blimey Ingrid
that must have been one hell of a labour :eek:

Oh I see what you mean :D

Gonna tell Kate you said that, she's a member here so will let her answer you :p
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Just been having a look through some photos from last year and just noticed these two none too happy looking chappies... thought of this thread straightaway!

Didn't realise at the time they were looking directly at me. Do you think they look perplexed/peeved I'm attempting to nick a job off 'em?? :LOL: Hardly, I was on a relaxing weekend and not putting any effort in!

One of em looks as though he's on a tag! :LOL:

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Just been having a look through some photos from last year and just noticed these two none too happy looking chappies... thought of this thread straightaway!

Didn't realise at the time they were looking directly at me. Do you think they look perplexed/peeved I'm attempting to nick a job off 'em?? :LOL: Hardly, I was on a relaxing weekend and not putting any effort in!

One of em looks as though he's on a tag! :LOL:


There's an awful lot of sandal activity going on there! Church parade perchance?
Just a few from me from the last few weeks
World Championship gravy wrestling, not sure but he was firing the flash, I know some light will go forward but can't me much use in the middle of a bowling green

Thats "One Shot" Cav.. Staff tog for M.E.N. top blokey :)
They've all moved to Saudi, and are now posing for my Glamour & Nude shoots here :razz:

Aaah, the pleasures of being in UK, how much I miss that :wave:

I'll swap you a bottle of rain for some sun shine :D
I'll swap you a bottle of rain for some sun shine :D


I could send you a bucket of sand, couple that with your lights and a good sauna and you're pretty close to what we've got :p

Last time we had rain here, November last year. It rained for the one day, over 100 people died :shake:; we're just not used to that kind of luxury.
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