Startrails.....(and interval avi's)

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After a few succesful(ish) attempts at star trails I thought there must be an easier way to do it....

and behold.....

It's a free piece of software so gotta be worth a try. Just waiting for a clear night now. It will average and use darkframes to reduce noise and does all the image stacking automaticaly.
It also does avi files from interval photography, so expect to see some of those soon too!

Hope this helps someone as well as me......
I have done quite a few star trail shots. I always thought they where some of the easiest shots to get.
Just pull back as wide as you can, set a nice high aperture number and low ISO, make sure noise reduction isn't turned on and expose for as long as you want.
The longest ive ever done is about 25-30 mins, but im sure it would be justas easy to do it for a few hours
Quick question: On the site it says " maximum aperture" are they meaning maximum sized aperture, or the other end of the scale maximum F number? I'm guessing from Dans post that the larger the F number the better?
Quick question: On the site it says " maximum aperture" are they meaning maximum sized aperture, or the other end of the scale maximum F number? I'm guessing from Dans post that the larger the F number the better?

A large f number, so a small aperture. You want very little light coming in or it will wash out. Especially if you are going for a few hours :)
Have a look here.... much better IMO...

and here for more detailed info..

Dave P.

One of my efforts...... 400d with 50mm lens... ohh and a polar aligned tracking platform..

if you have a good look round ukastroimaging you'll find out how to mod. you eos400 for longer exposures that may even bring out gas clouds in space - have a look for the orion nebula - i have only ever seen it via my telescope, but a good long exposure image brings out so much more detail
I couldn't find anything on modding the 400D..any chance you can remember where it was on the site..I'm still searching right now.

I couldn't find anything on modding the 400D..any chance you can remember where it was on the site..I'm still searching right now.


Sorry i've probably got my facts muddled up, as i didnt have a dSLR at the time i generally glossed over those facts, looking back now, the mod is simply to make the eos range more sensitive to IR by changing the IR filter over the sensor. there are mods available for webcams to make them longer exposure for good astrophotography - i have imaged jupiter in the past with a webcam on my telescope and clearly seen the red spot, and saturns rings look awesome.

the guy from here is a regular on ukastroimaging user coxellis if i recall, and does some mods, i am sure there are other mods including one called 'amp off' which help reduce the glow that comes into the image from one corner after a huge exposure. i think you can also add cooling which will reduce noise in the final image.